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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 5, 2016 Image: Tony Dixon G4CJC Tony Dixon G4CJC Not a great week but better than last week, though Friday was poor. I did manage to work 9A709A (Croatia) on SSB 59+ both ways and SP9DRT on psk31. Best DX was probably EP2A (Iran), PU5SSR (Brazil), KH8/KC0W (Samoa), 8Q7CA (Maldives), A91HI (Bahrain) and FM5DN (Martinique) with a cracking set of antennas. Most popular DX (three or more contacts, any mode) Monday DX: EP2A, CX6DZ, CX8DS, S01WS, AX8NSB, PX36C, ET7L, ZP6DYA, RT55YG, ED4YAK/B, CX8TC, UR4LQ, F4IVV, PU5DUD, IZ8UFO, FR1GZ, CE1OEB. Spotters: UR4LQ, IZ5ILK, HA9AL, F1BBI, YO7MPD, OE3KLU, IZ8NVV, F5TMJ, PU4JKB, KG5FII, YL2GN, VK6KRC, US0LW, UA7G, PY7ZZ, PU6BVL, PU1VFC, OH1LWZ, DK5KMA . Tuesday DX: EP2A, 5H3EE, N4EMP, HP1IBF, CE0Y/LU4DXU, CE0Y, UT5FC, LU3YAD. Spotters: PU2KNM, KF4TJN, IZ5ILK, W3LPL, PU2UEO, N6QQ, HA9AL . Wednesday DX: KH8/KC0W, VP8LP, ET7L, LU5FC, DL1REM, 8Q7CA, PX36C, PU4ABA, CE1OEB, LU2ICA, PY2HU, PY2DY, 5B4VL, EC1AJL, XE1XR, VK7CW, PU5SSR, PU2OXZ, KP4TF, CE7KF, ZP6ARO, PY4HL, PU5CIT, LW7HT, IZ4REF, GB3XMB, EA1FW, DL0IGI, CX8DS, 9A708DX. Spotters: HA9AL, F1BBI, EA3GJO, F4HOM, EA7FDW, YO7MPD, G0JEI, G0HDB, DC3MF, WA6SCW, W5TN, W3LPL, PU2WCN, IW1GGR, YO8SJM, YO2LEA, YO2BBT, US0LW, UR8ES, RC5A, PU2UEO, PU2OXZ, PD2WS, OH1LWZ, EA3GWK, DO4YA, 5B4AHL . Thursday DX: PU5SSR, ET7L, EO90WE, 9K2NO, MJ0KUC, I5KAP, GS0NWM, YY4MRG, YR55GC, LW7HT, A93JA, 7Z1HL, V31DL, SP5MXZ, PY2CX, KH8/KC0W, RQ7K, EW2ABC, EN5R, DL1REM, A61HA, YL2CB, W1WOW, T77C, PY3OR, PX36C, PU4JKB, PU2KKE, OZ7IGY, LY2PX, IU4FLO, HZ1SK, HP1IBF, F/G6AIG, EI4GNB, E51DLD, DB5ZP. Spotters: KK4XO, OZ9QV, F4CXO, GM4ZMK, PU5SSR, PU2KNM, YO7MPD, PD7JVW, DO5FG, PU2LEW, LZ1LZS, KF7E, IQ5SK, F1BBI, EW2ABC, W3LPL, W1WOW, VK4CQ, US0LW, TF3ML, PY2XIZ, OE3KLU, KG5FII, J66SJ, F4GXX, EW8AX, EO90WE, DG4FDQ . Friday DX: 8Q7CA, A91HI, CE1OEB, ET7L, A61SM, 5T0JL, HZ1SK, DL1516BIER, DD5XX, CA3LMO, 5R8SV, ZL4YL, PY5OD, PT9AL, CN2TR. Spotters: PU2KNM, KK4XO, HA6VH, US0LW, RC5A, IZ6CST, F4CXO, YO7MPD, YO2BBT, SV1QFF, RK7C, PY2CX . Saturday DX: A91HI, CE1OEB, PY2HP, KH8/KC0W, J69DS, A92GE, 4V1TL, EA8/HB9OAU, 9K2OD, 4Z5LA, HZ1SK, CA7CAQ, 4Z4DX, S01WS, ZL2IO, HT7AAA, 4X4FR, PY2XC, PX36C, CX2DA, CT3GV, A71AE, A45XR, 4X6HU, ZL3PAH, TI2SSO, PR8ZX, 4X1TI, PU5DUD, A61SM, PP5NY, EA8JK, EA8CVZ, DL65TRS, A92HI, V51WW, SV2CNE, S5100WW, PY3XX, PY3OR, PY2PAL, FG4NN, 7X2JV, YV4JP, YO4RIU, XE2B, XE1XR, VK4CQ, UA6LQ, N8FGB, LW5DPG, LU1JHD, KP4TF, F5OUX, EA6AM, CX8DS, CX5ABM, CT3G, CN2TR, CE5EAU, CE3SBQ, 9M8RC. Spotters: IW1CHX, PY2PAL, KK4XO, PU2RDB, PU2LEW, WB2TQE, F4CXO, VE3XIN, PY3XX, EA5GSS, W5TN, VK4CQ, MW6WFF, KD2JQK, HA1BL, EA3GJO, CT1EUB, PU2NGW, K5LJ, G0JEI, F5PCV, UX1BZ, TA4AKS, SV2CNE, RA6LO, R6JY, PY1RBM, PU2PSP, PU2KNM, M3DDY, KD4BVG, IZ8NVV, IZ5AQX, IT9CZJ, IS0ANY, F4GDO, EW8AX, EA8DER, EA7TS, EA7JVP, YV5TNT, YO7MPD, WW0WWW, WB8VLC, TA3AEF, SY2BLL, RX3XC, PY3OR, PY2XC, PY2CAT, PU2UEO, PU2NJO, PU1KGG, PD0RUD, PA5WK, N5LB, N1EEQ, LA1EOA, KD8YVD, IZ1ZJS, IW1RIU, IW0GPW, HC5K, EA5DNO, DK9J. Sunday DX: FM5DN, 6Y5CN, HZ1PS, HT7AAA, CP6XE, 9M8RC, 5T0JL, XQ6OA, LU1JHD, KH8/KC0W, CX8DS, CX5UA, JD1BLY, HI3K, E71A, F5OUX, PP5CG, KP4EIT, IS0DDL, HQ1LEO, SV6DBG/B, PY3XX, PY2SBY, OY6BEC/B, OY6BEC, K4N, JD1BOI, IZ4REF, F6GOX, F4GDO, E51DLD, CE3YG, ZS6DN/B, ZL3TEN/B, ZL2OK, XE2B, XE1SDK, VU2NXM, LW5DPG, KP3FT/B, EA8CVZ, EA8/HB9OAU, EA5IFP, CE1OEB, A61HA. Spotters: IW1CHX, PU2VCP, PY3XX, YO7MPD, UR4LQ, KF7E, F4CXO, PU1VFC, OZ9QV, CT5GOJ, SM1IUX, PY2XC, PY1FOG, PU6BVL, LA9NKA, KK4XO, KE8M, KC0BRA, KB4QQJ, IZ0OVW, F4GDO, DG1RUG, 9Z4BM, ZL2OK, W2VQ, SV1KYC, PY2CX, PU2UEO, PU2NGW, PU2KNM, KD2HDZ, KC3GRF, K1TO, IW7DHC, G0JEI, 9A7JCY, 9A3CX . Contests: Information from WA7BMN + CWops Mini-CWT Test 1300Z-1400Z, May 4 and 1900Z-2000Z, May 4 and 0300Z-0400Z, May 5 + MIE 33 Contest 2300Z, May 4 to 0300Z, May 5 + NRAU 10m Activity Contest 1700Z-1800Z, May 5 (CW) and 1800Z-1900Z, May 5 (SSB) and 1900Z-2000Z, May 5 (FM) and 2000Z-2100Z, May 5 (Dig) + 10-10 Int. Spring Contest, CW 0001Z, May 7 to 2359Z, May 8 + ARI International DX Contest 1200Z, May 7 to 1159Z, May 8 + SKCC Weekend Sprintathon 1200Z, May 7 to 2400Z, May 8 + F9AA Cup, PSK 1200Z, May 7 to 1200Z, May 8 + 7th Call Area QSO Party 1300Z, May 7 to 0700Z, May 8 + Indiana QSO Party 1500Z, May 7 to 0300Z, May 8 + Delaware QSO Party 1700Z, May 7 to 2359Z, May 8 + FISTS Spring Slow Speed Sprint 1700Z-2100Z, May 7 + New England QSO Party 2000Z, May 7 to 0500Z, May 8 and 1300Z-2400Z, May 8 Upcoming activity (though not guaranteed to be on 10m). Information from NG3K, and 425DXnews March 2016 Mar15 2016 May15 Minami Torishima JD1 [spots] JA8CJY DXW.Net 20160205 By JG8NQJ as JG8NQJ/JD1; HF; CW; spare time operation April 2016 Apr20 2016 May20 Belize V3V [spots] V31BZ DXNews 20160415 By DL1AS DM4IM DK4BX; 160-6m; all modes 2016 Apr24 2016 May10 South Cook Is E51DLD [spots] W6HB DXNews 20160316 By W6HB am Rarotonga I (OC-013); 80-10m; SSB 2016 Apr25 2016 May15 Burkina Faso XT2AW [spots] M0OXO DXNews 20160425 By DF2WO; HF; CW SSB RTTY PSK31 JT65 2016 Apr26 2016 May06 Ogasawara JD1BOI [spots] JI1LET OPDX 20160307 By JI1LET fm Komagari, Chichijima I (AS-031); 80-6m; CW SSB RTTY; QSL OK via Buro or direct 2016 Apr27 2016 May06 Ogasawara JD1BMH [spots] JG7PSJ Direct DXW.Net 20160317 By JG7PSJ fm Chichijima I (AS-031); 40-10m; CW SSB RTTY 2016 Apr30 2016 May06 Ogasawara JD1BLY [spots] JI5RPT JI5RPT 20160425 By JI5RPT fm Chichijima I (AS-031); 40-6m; CW SSB + digital 2016 Apr30 2016 May10 Cape Verde Is D44TS [spots] DL3GCS DXNews 20160503 By DL3GCS fm Mosteiros, Fogo I (AF-005, KH75ua); HF + 6m May 2016 May01 2016 May05 Palau T88RF [spots] LotW JJ2RCJ 20160129 By JJ2RCJ; mainly RTTY; call sign requested 2016 May01 2016 May08 Sint Maarten PJ7BH [spots] FM5BH Diret FM5BH 20160210 By FM5BH; 40-10m; mainly CW; also fm St Martin using FS/FM5BH; QSL aslo OK via Club Log 2016 May01 2016 May22 Dem Rep Congo 9Q0HQ [spots] IK3GES DXNews 20160413 By IV3FSG; 80-10m; SSB RTTY PSK31 2016 May01 2016 May27 Vanuatu YJ0CS [spots] HB9LCA DXW.Net 20160306 By HB9LCA fm various islands; mainly CW, some SSB; dipole, vertical, loop; holiday style operation 2016 May05 2016 May10 Niue E6AC LotW OPDX 20160502 By JA0JHQ fm OC-040; 160-6m; mainly CW, some SSB RTTY; 200w (100w on 6m); vertical, delta loop; QSL also OK via JA0JHQ, JARL Buro or direct; call sign requested 2016 May06 2016 May11 Martinique FM Club Log DXW.Net 20160310 By DL7VOG as FM/DL7VOG; CW RTTY, SSB on request 2016 May08 2016 May15 Palestine E44QX LotW DXW.Net 20160119 By DL7JAN DL5YWM DF8DX fm Jericho (KM71ru); 80-10m; mainly CW, some SSB RTTY; 100w; Spiderbeam + verticals; 2 stations, one 24/24; QSL also OK via DF8DX, DARC Buro or direct 2016 May10 2016 May20 Crete SV9 LotW DJ9XB 20160421 By DJ9XB as SV9/DJ9XB; 40-6m, focus on 6m; only RTTY and JT65; holiday style operation; QSL also OK via DJ9XB, Buro or direct 2016 May11 2016 May22 St Lucia J68GU DL7VOG DXW.Net 20160413 By DL7VOG; 80-10m; CW RTTY PSK 2016 May12 2016 May18 Crete SV9 OH1VR Direct OH1VR 20160429 By OH1VR as SV9/OH1VR; 80-10m; mainly CW Sun: Not one of the 4 sunspots has the type of unstable magnetic field that poses a threat for strong flares. Solar activity is low. Credit: SDO/HMI and Stoke City were winning 1 – 0 against Sunderland when we gave away a penalty in the last minute of extra time. Doh! Crystal Palace away this Saturday, I have a ticket. Follow us Now you can help Tony to compile his ten-metre report. Tell him about any stations you've heard on the 10-metre band in your part of the world, or tell him if you've also found the band to be dead. Use the form in the pop-up window to record the details of any stations that you have heard during this week. • Click here to send Tony your report Advertisement Advertisement Latest news stories.. UK Air Cadets 5MHz Radio Exercise FCC put RM-11708 decision 'on-circulation' EUDOTA 2016 - Europe Day On The Air UK wins 70cm radar satellite contract IRTS 40 Metres Counties Contest Pirate alert! Sixpedition to the Seychelles Ham College 16 Headlines by FeedBurner QRZ Callsign Search Get the News Headlines delivered in one daily email Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner • News Front Page • Submit your news story Advertisement
Southgate Amateur Radio News logo This page is brought to you in association with QRZ Callsign Search Page last updated on: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 EUDOTA 2016 - Europe Day On The Air This year, 9 May is on Monday, but we will be also active the whole weekend 7 and 8 with the special callsigns: AO1EU, AO2EU, AO3EU, AO4EU, AO5EU, AO6EU, AO7EU, AO8EU and AO9EU, to commemorate the creation of the EU in 1950. This activity is sponsored by our Spanish member association Federación Digital EA, and, as usual, special QSL and Award will be available. Contact also valid for the Radio Clubs of the World Award, EANET. Follow the event through the hashtag: #eudota. Share this page Follow us Advert