DXNL 1921 - January 28, 2015
DX Newsletter
*** 65 years DARC *** 1950 - 2015 ***
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting"
Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG
(e-mail: dxnl@dxhf.darc.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
5B, Cyprus:
Leif, LA9BM, currently operates as 5B/LA9BM until February 6.
mainly on 20 and 17m on CW, SSB, RTTY, and PSK63. QSL via LoTW,
DL, Germany:
The DARC club in Uslar-Solling (H34) celebrates its 50th
anniversary with the special event call DF50USLAR and the
DOK 50H34 until the year's end. QSL via bureau.
DL65DARC and DK65DARC will be activated by members of the DARC
Committee DX and HF-Contesting for Joker-points in the award
programme between Jan. 26 and Feb. 1. After that, between Feb. 2
and 8 DL65 will be run by district Oberbayern (C) and DK65 by
district Hamburg (E).
DQ40AIX (special DOK TUEBAIX) celebrates the town twinning of
Tuebingen and Aix-en-Provence. QRV until the end of the year,
via bureau, DJ9KR (d).
Members of the DARC club TH Merseburg (W21) celebrate 50 years
amateur radio in their city and the 25th anniversary of their
with the call DL50MER (special DOK 25W21) all year long. QSL via
DQ1200HI (special DOK HI1200) celebrates the 1200th anniversary
the city Hildesheim until Dec. 31. QSL via bureau.
And finally, the club station DK0ZAB looks back at 60 years of
history with the call DK60ZAB. QSL via bureau.
EA8, Canary Islands:
Rolf, EA8/DL6RO, is currently active holiday-style until Feb. 20
from Costa Teguise, Lanzarote Island (AF-004). QSL via h/c
F, France:
TM60TAAF calls attention to the 60th anniversary of the French
Southern Antarctic Territory on the following days: Feb. 1, 6-8,
13-17, 19-22, and 27-28. The call will be used mostly by
F8DVD, from Macon. The call will also take part in the Antarctic
Activity Week (WAP-nr: 255). QSL via F8DVD (d/B), LoTW,
Members of the radio club F5KSE plan to operate the special
call TM320NEO during 2015 in the context of the first flight of
Airbus A320NEO in 2014. QSL via F1EOY (d/B), LoTW.
H4, Solomon Islands:
Bernhard, DL2GAC, returns once more to Honiara Island (OC-047,
WLOTA 0086, WW Loc. RI00AJ). QRV holiday-style from Feb. 1 until
April 30 as H44MS on 80-6m on SSB. QSL via DL2GAC (d/B).
HA, Hungary:
HG90IARU joins the IARU jubilee celebrations on the air
the year. QRV on HF and 6m from the club station HG5C. The team
also works on the rules of a dedicated award. QSL via HA5MA (d),
LZ, Bulgaria:
The Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP) honours the
of the saint Isaak Sirin during February with the call LZ550SI.
via bureau, LZ1KCP (d).
OZ, Denmark:
OZ90IARU also celebrate's IARU's anniversary throughout the
Jakob, OZ7AEI, celebrates his 25 years as a ham with the call
OU25AEI during 2015. He plans to use the call mainly /p during
OZFF, IOTA, DIA, and ARLHS activations. QSL via OZ7AEI
PA, Netherlands:
The PI9SRS team plans to use the call PF35SRS between Jan. 24
Feb. 20 during various contests, such as BARTG Sprint and PACC
Contest. QSL via PA3DHR (d/B), eQSL.
Members of VERON in Amersfoort (PI4AMF) are going to operate
PA90IARU during the year. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and
ClubLog. QSL via bureau.
PY, Brazil:
PQ70FEB commemorates the end of World War II. QRV during
on 40, 20, 17, 15, and 10m on SSB and CW. QSL via PS7AB (d/B),
RA, European Russia:
The following calls celebrate the victory of Stalingrad 72 years
ago: R47TBS (Jan. 19 - Feb. 23, via UA4ATL), R35ASK (Jan. 15 -
via R4AAS), and R1943S (Jan. 24 - Feb. 2, via RN4ABD).
SM, Sweden:
Raf/ON5RZ, Dirk/ON7DS, and Fons/ON4AWT will be active as SI9AM
between Jan. 28 and Feb. 1 (also in the UBA DX Contest). QRV on
V5, Namibia:
Mario, DL4MFM, plans to activate several WWFF, WCA, and GMA
references as V5/DL4MFM between the 30th of January and the 4th
February. Depending on wx conditions, possible locations may
include the dune "Big Daddy", Naukluft Mountains Zebra Park
(V5FF-0008), or Francois Fort (WCA V5-00005). QSL via DL4MFM
VE, Canada:
CG350F calls attention to the first use of the Maple Leaf Flag
years afo. QRV between Feb. 1 and March 1 on HF on all modes.
VP8, South Georgia Island:
Denis, ZL4DB, hopes to get on the air from January 27 on either
Vp8DOZ or VP8DOZ/G. QRV with a TS-480 on 20 and 17m on SSB. His
activity windows depend on wx conditions. Denis' stay will last
until the end of March or beginning of April. QSL via ZL4PW
YO, Romania:
YO90IARU, YP90IARU, YQ90IARU, and YR90IARU all celebrate IARU's
jubilee. There is also an award "IARU-90" available.
ZS, South Africa:
Right after his stay in Namibia Mario, DL4MFM, moves on to South
Africa and gets on the air as ZS6/DL4MFM on Feb. 7 and 8. He
to activate Highest Point (SOTA ZT/GP-001) on the 7th and
Magaliesberg (SOTA ZS/GP-008) on the 8th together with ZS8BNE,
ZS6VL, ZU6BV, and ZU6M. QSL via DL4MFM (d/B).
Pacific Tour by YT1AD:
Hrane, YT1AD, tours the Central and South Pacific according to
following schedule:
* Feb 03 - 08: Fiji as 3D2AD
* Feb 08 - 11: Upolu Island, Samoa as 5W7A
* Feb 11 - 12: American Samoa as KH8/N9YU
* Feb 13 - 14: Hawaii as KH6/N9YU.
QRV on 160-6m on CW and SSB. QSL via YT1AD.
Gerd, DJ5IW, has now received cards from the printer and begins
sending them out.
DXCC Rules:
The ARRL has revised some of its DXCC rules regarding remote
operating and its bearing on DXCC credit.
South Sandwich & South Georgia Project 2016:
The Intrepid-DX Group, lead by Paul/N6PSE and David/K3LP,
they have received landing permission for both islands. The
plans a 10-day stay on each island, with 8 days on-air time. At
moment their budget plans tally at $425000, with more donations
DIA Danish Island Award
FSAT French Southern Antarctic Territory
GMA German Mountain Award
IARU International Amateur Radio Union
IOTA Islands on the Air
LoTW Logbook of the World
OQRS Online QSL Request System
SOTA Summits on the Air
VERON Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek in Nederland
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WWFF World Wide Flora & Fauna
Upcoming Contests
31.01./01.02. UBA DX Contest
01.02. Februar QSO Party
IOTA Compiled by Friedrich, DL4BBH (iota@dxhf.darc.de)
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
NA-024; J3, Grenada: Gregory/W2BEE is going to operate as J38GA
from Grenada (WLOTA 0718) between Jan. 31 and Feb. 28. QRV on HF
CW and digital modes. QSL via homecall (d), LoTW, ClubLog.
NA-062; W4, Florida State (Florida Keys) group: Howie, K1VSJ, plans
a holiday-style activity as K1VSJ/4 between the 29th and Feb. 9
from Key Colony Beach. QSL via h/c.
NA-143; W5, Texas State East (Matagorda to Jefferson County) group:
Joe/K5KUA will get on the air again as K5KUA/5 from Galveston
Island (USi TX001s) between Jan. 30 and Feb. 1. QRV pn 40-10m
solely on CW. QSL via h/c (d/B).
SA-099; PJ2, Curacao Island: Sascha/DH6TJ will be active as
PJ2/DH6TJ from Curacao (WLOTA 0942) between Feb. 2 and March 31.
QRV on 20, 15, and 10m on SSB, QSL route tba.
Caribbean Cruise by W7AUM:
Chuck/W7AUM tours the Caribbean with the cruise ship Ryndam and
plans to get on the air as PA/W7AUM/mm while on board. He also
plans QRP activities during shore excursions according to the
following schedule:
* Jan. 30: NA-106; KP2, Virgin Islands: St. Thomas Island as
* Jan. 31: NA-100; V2, Antigua and Barbuda: St. Johna Antiqua as
* Feb. 02: SA-099; PJ2, Curacao Island: Curacao (WLOTA 0942) as
* Feb. 06: NA-016; ZF, Cayman Islands: Grand Cayman (WLOTA 1042) as
QSL via W7AUM (d/B).
Lac de Tergnier - FFF-1451:
Eric, F4BYB, plans to activate this reference on Feb. 2. QRV on
20, and 15m on SSB. QSL via F4BYB (d/B), eQSL.
Foret domaniale de Fontainebleau - FFF-293:
Watch also out for Sebastien, F4HFD, on Feb. 2 from this
QSL only via direct.
9AFF Annual 2014 Award:
Check out the following website for the 2014 annual award
9ANP Award:
Starting 2015 the radio club Croatian Flora Fauna offers a new
Croatian National Parks Award, for rules see:
Francois Fort - WCA V5-00005:
Mario/DL4MFM intends to activate the fort on Feb. 2 & 3 as
V5/DL4MFM. QSL via h/c (d/B).
start - end DX DXNL
03.02. - 08.02. 3D2AD 1921*
01.01. - 30.04. 3Z85PZK 1917
01.01. - 30.04. 3Z90IARU 1917
24.11. - 23.11. 4A5XX 1911
02.11. - 10.04. 4S7KKG 1909
- 07.2015 4U20B 1895
25.01. - 06.02. 5B/LA9BM 1921*
- 08.2017 5R8SV 1897
08.02. - 11.02. 5W7A 1921*
10.01. - 06.02. 6W7SK 1918
26.01. - 06.02. 7Q7VW 1920
18.07. - 02.2015 8J1ATUGI 1883
- 03.2015 8J1FC 1878
- 03.2015 8J1TGN 1878
20.04. - 31.01. 8J1ZC 1880
- 03.2015 8J2VE 1884
- 03.2015 8J3ZUKA 1866
31.07. - 08.2015 8J4J 1848
07.05. - 03.2015 8J4HKR 1885
- 03.2015 8J7INORI 1892
- 03.2015 8J9ONO 1878
- 31.03. 8J125SSI 1911
01.10. - 31.05. 8J160KSW 1904
11.01. - 11.02. 8N8SSF 1918
01.09. - 31.03. 8N150KC 1915
01.01. - 31.12. 9A88AA 1919
01.01. - 04.02. 9M2MRS 1918
01.12. - 31.01. AU1SV 1914
01.12. - 31.01. AU5SV 1914
- 04.2015 C6ATS 1913
- 10.02. CE3/DL5DSM 1920
- 03.2015 CE9OJZ.. 1886
01.02. - 01.03. CG350F 1921*
10.10. - 20.03. CN2JF 1914
08.12. - 08.12.15 D3AM 1919
- 01.2015 D8A 1871
01.01. - 31.12. DA300CFG 1919
01.01. - 31.12. DA300KA 1920
01.01. - 31.12. DF50USLAR 1921*
01.01. - 31.12. DG150ZRS 1917
01.01. - 31.12. DJ90IARU 1917
01.01. - 31.12. DK60ZAB 1921*
01.01. - 31.12. DK65DARC 1917
14.10. - 13.10. DL0WRTC 1907
01.01. - 31.12. DL50MER 1921*
01.01. - 31.12. DL60BUND 1919
01.01. - 31.12. DL65DARC 1917
- 04.2015 DM100CTK 1884
01.05 - 30.04. DM20KIDS 1884
01.01. - 31.12. DM700LSW 1918
01.01. - 31.12. DM750FOR 1919
- 02.2015 DP0GVN 1864
01.01. - 31.12. DP7BVBG 1917
01.01. - 31.12. DQ40AIX 1921*
- 05.2015 DQ60WAE 1887
01.01. - 31.12. DQ70ELBE 1918
01.01. - 31.12. DQ1200HI 1921*
01.07. - 30.06. DR125HLK 1893
01.01. - 31.12. E50A 1915
01.01. - 31.12. E50B 1915
01.01. - 31.12. E50D 1915
01.01. - 31.12. E50J 1915
01.01. - 31.12. E50K 1915
01.01. - 31.12. E50V 1915
01.01. - 31.12. E50W 1915
11.01. - 20.02. EA8/DL6RO 1921*
16.01. - 31.01. EP6T 1919
02.02. F4BYB 1921*
02.02. F4HFD 1921*
28.01. - 28.03. FG/F6ITD 1920
13.02. - 14.02. FM/K2RPF 1920
13.02. - 14.02. FM/SP3CFM 1920
13.02. - 14.02. FM/SP3IPB 1920
13.02. - 14.02. FM/SP7TF 1920
13.02. - 14.02. FM/SP7VC 1920
13.02. - 14.02. FM/SQ7OYL 1920
- 10.2015 FW5JJ 1852
01.01. - 31.12. G50FRS 1917
13.09. - 15.03. GB0SFE 1909
24.01. - 30.01. GB4TLB 1920
31.01. - 01.02. GB5SLB 1920
01.02. - 30.04. H44MS 1921*
01.01. - 31.12. HE200GE 1919
01.01. - 30.04. HF85PZK 1917
01.01. - 30.04. HF90IARU 1917
01.01. - 31.12. HG90IARU 1921*
12.01. - 03.02. HH5/KC0W 1918
- 06.2015 HI7/DJ0ML 1910
- 2017 HL2/F4AAR 1837
- 04.02. IA/IZ2QEJ 1913
- 05.2015 II8IDXC.. 1856/1861
06.02. - 08.02. J3/K2RPF 1920
06.02. - 08.02. J3/SP3CFM 1920
06.02. - 08.02. J3/SP3IPB 1920
06.02. - 08.02. J3/SP7TF 1920
06.02. - 08.02. J3/SP7VC 1920
06.02. - 08.02. J3/SQ7OYL 1920
31.01. - 18.02. J38GA 1921*
27.01. - 03.02. J6/K2RPF 1920
27.01. - 03.02. J6/SP3CFM 1920
27.01. - 03.02. J6/SP3IPB 1920
27.01. - 03.02. J6/SP7TF 1920
27.01. - 03.02. J6/SP7VC 1920
27.01. - 03.02. J6/SQ7OYL 1920
- 05.2015 J79MM 1919
06.11. - 05.03. J79XBI 1909
04.02. - 09.02. J8/K2RPF 1920
04.02. - 09.02. J8/SP3CFM 1920
04.02. - 09.02. J8/SP3IPB 1920
04.02. - 09.02. J8/SP7TF 1920
04.02. - 09.02. J8/SP7VC 1920
04.02. - 09.02. J8/SQ7OYL 1920
30.10. - 02.2015 JW/UA3IPL 1908
06.12. - 30.05. JW9JKA 1913
29.01. - 09.02. K1VSJ/4 1921*
- 01.05. K2ZR/4 1920
30.01. - 01.02. K5KUA/5 1921*
- 02.2015 KB1SF 1920
13.02. - 14.02. KH6/N9YU 1921*
17.01. - 21.03. KH6/VE7AHA 1919
11.02. - 12.02. KH8/N9YU 1921*
- 2016/17 KH9/KJ6GHN 1885
30.01. KP2/W7AUM 1921*
- 03.2015 LU1ZD 1888
01.02. - 28.02. LZ550SI 1921*
01.01. - 31.01. LZ290MB 1918
01.01. - 31.01. OL750CB 1918
01.01. - 31.12.16 OU0POLIO 1919
- 08.2015 OX5M 1843
- 08.2015 OX5T 1843
01.01. - 31.12. OU25AEI 1921*
01.01. - 31.12. OZ90IARU 1921*
15.01. - 15.06. P29NK 1915/1919
01.01. - 31.12. PA90IARU 1921*
24.01. - 20.02. PF35SRS 1921*
- 02.2015 PG200KMAR 1875
02.02. - 31.03. PJ2/DH6TJ 1921*
02.02. PJ2/W7AUM 1921*
14.01. - 29.01. PJ4B 1919
01.01. - 31.01. PP70FEB 1917
01.02. - 28.02. PQ70FEB 1921*
01.01. - 31.01. PQ60ICN 1917
15.01. - 23.02. R35ASK 1921*
19.01. - 23.02. R47TBS 1919/1921*
01.01. - 27.02. R120AM 1919
24.01. - 02.02. R1943S 1921*
15.01. - 31.01. RA77VV 1920
11.14 - 03.2015 RI1ANR 1908
- 01.02. RI1ANT 1860/1862
15.01. - 31.01. RT77VV 1920
17.01. - 10.02. S79AC 1919
28.01. - 01.02. SI9AM 1921*
01.01. - 30.06. SN40KRF 1919
01.01. - 30.04. SN85PZK 1917
01.01. - 30.04. SN90IARU 1917
01.01. - 30.04. SO85PZK 1917
01.01. - 30.04. SO90IARU 1917
01.01. - 30.04. SP85PZK 1917
01.01. - 30.04. SP90IARU 1917
01.01. - 30.04. SQ85PZK 1917
01.01. - 30.04. SQ90IARU 1917
22.01. - 09.02. T32RL 1920
- 04.2015 TA4/OG55W 1920
- 04.2015 TA4/OH2HOD 1920
01.01. - 30.04. TC100GLB 1918
01.01. - 31.01. TC150ITU 1919
01.05. - 30.05. TC150ITU 1919
22.01. - 17.02. TG9/VE7BV 1920
- 2017 TJ3SN 1896
- 07.2015 TJ3TS 1877
03.10. - 17.03. TK/G4BKI 1904
01.02. - 28.02. TM60TAAF 1921*
01.01. - 31.12. TM320NEO 1921*
04.02. - 28.03. TO6D 1920
18.09. - TR8CA 1902
- 2018 TY2CD 1914
15.01. - 31.01. UE77VV 1920
15.01. - 31.01. UE77WW 1920
31.01. V25RC 1921*
- 05.03. V31GW 1920
- 05.03. V31YN 1920
20.01. - 01.03. V47HAM 1919
20.01. - 01.03. V47JA 1919
30.01. - 04.02. V5/DL4MFM 1921*
01.01. - 31.01. VC7SJAM 1917
01.01. - 31.01. VG3SJAM 1917
24.01. VK3VTH/p 1920
01.01. - 31.01. VK16AC 1917
27.01. - 03.2015 VP8DOZ/G 1921*
- 12.2015 VR2UU 1898
23.01. - 29.01. W3PV/VP9 1920
26.01. - 28.01. WI7N/4 1920
13.01. - 12.02. XW4FB 1919
23.01. - 30.01. XW4ZW 1920
01.02. - 31.12. YO90IARU 1921*
- 20.09. YO555BU 1907
01.02. - 31.12. YP90IARU 1921*
- 20.09. YP555BU 1907
01.02. - 31.12. YQ90IARU 1921*
- 20.09. YQ555BU 1907
01.02. - 31.12. YR90IARU 1921*
- 20.09. YR555BU 1907
01.01. - 31.12. YT90NS 1919
30.01. - 01.02. ZL7/JA0JHQ 1920
- 03.2016 ZF2DX 1878
06.02. ZF2UM 1921*
07.02. - 08.02. ZS6/DL4MFM 1921*
01.01. - 19.04. ZS90SARL 1917
* = new or updated
.. = and other calls
QSL information
3A/F4FRL via F4FRL (B), (e)
3A/F5RBB via F5RBB (B), (e)
3D2AD via YT1AD
4A5XX via XE1EE (d/B), (L), (e)
4S7AVR (d)
4S7KKG via DC0KK (d/B), (O)
5B/LA9BM (L), (e)
5H3EE via DL4ME (d/B)
5Q0PI via OZ6PI (B)
5R8SV via G3SWH, (L)
5W7A via YT1AD
6W7SK via F6BLP (B), (L), (C)
7Q7VW via DK2WV (d/B)
7X5ST via 7X2LS (d)
8J125SSI (B)
8N8SSF (B)
8N150KC (B), (e)
8P0P via W3HNK (d), W0SA (B)
8P6FX (d)
8P9EH via (d), EA4GLI (B), (L), (e)
9A88AA via 9A2AA (d/B)
9M2MRS via PA0RRS, (O), (L), (e)
AF1Y/KH0 via DU1CKF (d/B), (L), (e)
AU1SV via VU2SMS (d)
AU5SV via VU2SMN (d)
AX3CWB via VK3CWB (d)
AX7CW via VK7CW (d), (L)
BH3PXD via BA4EG (B)
C5X via M0OXO (O)
C6ATS via NI5DX (d), (L), (O)
CA7CAQ (d/B)
CE3/DL5DSM via DL5DSM (d/B)
CG350F via (B), VE3RHE (d), (L)
CN2JF via F6CTF (d), (e)
CP4BT via DJ2BW (B), (L)
D3AM via UA1QV (d)
DA300CFG (B)
DA300KA (B), DH2ES (d)
DG150ZRS (B)
DH0GAK/p via DH0GAK (d/B)
DJ90IARU via (B), DL2VFR (d)
DK65DARC via (B), DF1QR (d)
DL0WRTC via DF1QR (B), (L), (e)
DL4DBM via PA3CLP (B), (*)
DL60BUND (B), (e)
DL65DARC (B), DF1QR (d)
DM20KIDS (B), (O)
DM100CTK via (B), DF1XC (d), (L)
DM700LSW (B)
DM750FOR (B)
DP0GVN via DL5EBE (d/B)
DP7BVBG via DF7AA (d/B)
DQ40AIX via (B), DJ9KR (d)
DQ60WAE via DF1QR (d/B)
DQ70ELBE (B), DJ9ZZZ (d), (e)
DQ1200HI (B)
E50J via E51JD (d)
E50V via E51CG (d)
EA8/DL6RO via DL6RO (d/B)
EK2AN (d)
EP6T via M0URX
FG/F5HRY via F5HRY (d/B)
FG/F6ARC via FE11DX (B)
FG/F6ITD via F6ITD, (L), (C)
FG5LA (d), (L)
FJ/N9SW via N9SW (d), (L)
G50FRS via (B), G0YYY (d), (e)
GB4TLB (B), (e)
GB5SLB via M0SHK (d/B)
GI4BBE (d)
H44MS via DL2GAC (d/B)
HE200GE via HB9AOF
HG7SNOW via HA7PL (d/B)
HG90IARU via HA5MA (d), (L), (e), (O)
HH5/KC0W via KC0W (d)
HI7/DJ0ML via DJ0ML (d)
HK4LIS (d/B), (e)
HV0A via IK0FVC (d), (L)
IA/IZ2QEJ via IZ2QEJ (d)
IC8FEM (d/B), (L)
J38GA via W2BEE (d), (L), (C)
J79MM via EI4JY (d)
J79SB via NI5DX
J79XBI via SM5DJZ (d/B), (L), (C)
JA4GXS/5 via JA4GXS (d/B)
JE6FPP/6 via JE6FPP (d/B)
JW/UA3IPL via RW6HS (d)
JW9JKA via LA9JKA (d)
JY9FC via E73Y
K1VSJ/4 via K1VSJ
K2ZR/4 via K2ZR (d/B)
K3Y via K9JP (L), (e)
K5KUA/5 via K5KUA (d/B)
KH6/N9YU via YT1AD
KH6/VE7AHA via VE7AHA (d), (L)
KH8/N9YU via YT1AD
KP2/W7AUM via W7AUM (d/B)
KP2AD (d)
LZ550SI via (B), LZ1KCP (d)
LZ290MB via (B), LZ1KCP (d)
OL750CB (B)
OU25AEI via OZ7AEI (d/B)
OX5T via OZ0J (d/B)
OZ/DK1AX via DK1AX (d/B), (L), (e)
OZ90IARU via (O), (L), (e)
P29NK via DH1NK (d/B)
PA90IARU (B), (L), (C)
PF35SRS via PA3DHR (d/B), (e)
PH44ZU via PC4DX (B), (e)
PJ2/K8ND via K8ND (d), (L)
PJ2/W7AUM via W7AUM (d/B)
PJ4B via PA8A (d)
PP70FEB via PS7AB (d/B), (L), (e)
PQ60ICN via PS7GL (d/B), (L)
PQ70FEB via PS7AB (d/B), (L), (e)
PU2OXZ (d), (e)
R1ASP via RA1AD (d)
R47TBS via UA4ATL (d/B), (e)
R35ASK via R4AAS (d/B)
R120AM via RU3AWH
R1943S via RN4ABD (d/B)
RA0FF (d), (L)
RA77VV via RW0UM
RT77VV via RZ9UF
S79AC via OE4AAC (d/B), (O)
SI9AM via SM3TIR (d/B)
SN40KRF via (B), SP1KRF (d)
SN90IARU via SP1PMY (B), (L), (e)
SQ90IARU via SP7PTM (B), (L), (e)
SY2BEU (d), (L), (e)
T32RL via AD7AF (d), (L), (C)
TA4/OG55W (L), (Q)
TA4/OH2HOD (L), (Q)
TC100GLB via TA1CM (d/B)
TC150ITU via TCSWAT, (L)
TG9/VE7BV via VE7BV (d/B), (L)
TJ3SN via IZ1BZV (d), (L)
TK/G4BKI via VP9KF (d)
TM5CW via F5SJB (d)
TM60TAAF via F8DVD (d/B), (L), (C)
TM320NEO via F1EOY (d/B), (L)
TO6D via F6ITD, (L), (C)
TY2CD via ZS6ARF (d), (L)
UE77VV via R4AAT (d/B)
UE77WW via R7TW
UN3M via EA7FTR (d), (e)
V25RC via W7AUM (d/B)
V47HAM via W5JON (d), (L)
V47JA via W5JON (d), (L)
V5/DL4MFM via DL4MFM (d/B)
VK3VTH/p via VK3VTH (d/B), (L), (e)
VK16AC via M0OXO
VP8DOZ/G via ZL4PW (d/B)
VU3RAZ (d)
W3PV/VP9 via W3PV (d/B), (L), (e)
WI7N/4 via WI7N, (L)
XW4FB via KB4FB, (L)
XW4XR via EI2EIC, (L)
XW4ZW via K1SE (d/B), (L), (C)
YB8RW/p via YB8RW (d)
YB8RXA/p via W2FB (d)
YC8ROP/p via YC8ROP (d), (L), W2FB
YJ8CW (d/B)
YL45GBC via YL3GBC, (L), (e)
YT90NS via YU7BPQ (d)
ZF2UM via W7AUM (d/B)
ZL3TEN (d)
ZL7/JA0JHQ via JA0JHQ (d/B)
ZP/5P8X via OZ8X (B), (L)
ZS4AZ via EA5ZD (d), (e)
ZS6/DL4MFM via DL4MFM (d/B)
ZV5WSC via PU2KKE (d)
ZY7NAT via PS7GL, (L), (e)
ZZ461SP via PY2AA (d/B), (L), (e)
(d) = direct (B) = bureau ok (L) = LoTW (O) = OQRS
(C) = ClubLog (e) = eQSL (*) = new manager (Q) = QRZ.COM
* QSLs received direct:
5R8M, CO6LC (via IZ1GDB), J6/DL7VOG, VK9LM, XR2T (SA-086), YN5Z
* QSLs received via bureau:
3A/ON5UR, 4Z5IU, 7T5OI, 7T50ARA, 9M8SYA, A45XR, EA9CD, EF7HQ,
* QSL via LoTW: 4Z5TK, EP6T, J400EG
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KB8NW & OPDX-Bulletin, DxCoffee, DX World, 9A6AA, DF6EX
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