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Thursday, October 31, 2013

ARLD044 DX news

DX Bulletin 44 ARLD044
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT October 31, 2013
To all radio amateurs

ARLD044 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
N7QT, NC1L, QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX,
DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and
WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.

EASTER ISLAND, CE0Y. A group of operators are QRV as XR0YY from
Hanga Roa, IOTA SA-001, until November 7. Activity is on 160 to 6
meters using all modes. QSL direct via EB7DX.

CAPE VERDE, D4. John, G4IRN will be QRV as D44TWQ from Boa Vista
Island, IOTA AF-086, from November 5 to 12. Activity is holiday
style on the newer bands using CW. QSL to home call.

NIUE, E6. Look for JA1KJW, JA1JQY and JA8VE to be QRV as E6AK, E6AY
and E6AA, respectively, from November 3 to 9. Activity will be on
80 to 10 meters using all modes. QSL to home calls.

SCOTLAND, GM. Special event station GM100RSGB will be QRV from
November 6 to December 2 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the
RSGB. QSL via bureau.

SAN ANDRES AND PROVIDENCIA, HK0. A group of operators are QRV as
5J0R from San Andres Island, IOTA NA-033, until November 10.
Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL direct
via EA5RM.
ANTARCTICA. Max, IA0MZ is QRV from Mario Zucchelli Station until
February 2014. QSL via IW0EFA.

ITALY, I. Special event call sign II8IDXC is QRV until May 2015
during the International DX Convention 2015 in Paestrum. Activity
is on the HF bands and 6 meters using all modes. QSL via IZ8EDJ.
SABA, ST. EUSTATIUS, PJ5. Rob, N7QT and Hugh, W4VAB will be QRV as
PJ6/N7QT and PJ6/W4VAB, respectively, from Saba from November 7 to
17. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK
and JT65. QSL to home calls.

ANTARCTICA. Operators Oleg, UA1PBA, Alex, UA1PAW and Slava, UA1PAI
are QRV as RI1ANR from Novo Runway until March 2014. Activity is on
the HF bands with a focus on the low bands. QSL via RK1PWA.

POLAND, SP. Special event station SN640OKA is QRV until December 31
to celebrate the 640th anniversary of Ostroleka, a town in Mazovia.
QSL via Bureau.

BANABA, T33. A group of operators will be QRV as T33A from Banaba
Island, IOTA OC-018, from November 5 to 18. Activity will be on 160
to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY with six stations active. QSL
via W2IJ.

TURKEY, TA. Members of the TC Special Wireless Activity Team are
QRV as TC301B until November 17 to celebrate 30 years of the Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is recognized only by Turkey.
QSL via the bureau.
VIET NAM, XV. Toshi, JA3NHL and Take, JA6CNH will be QRV as XV2NHL
and XV2CNH, respectively, from Ho Chi Minh City from November 2 to
8. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.
QSL to home calls.

VANUATU, YJ. Operators Nob, JA2AAU, Iwao, JA2LSS, Iku, JA2ATE and
Tug, JA2ZS are QRV as YJ0AU, YJ0CJ, YJ0TE and YJ0ZS, respectively,
from Iririki Island, IOTA OC-035, until November 11. Activity is on
the HF bands and 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL YJ0AU and
YJ0CJ direct via JA2ATE, YJ0ZS via JA2ZS and YJ0TE via JA2ATE.
OPERATION APPROVED FOR DXCC CREDIT. The following operation is
approved for DXCC Credit: Afghanistan, T6MH, 2012 and 2013
operations. If you had this contact rejected in a recent
submission, send an email to to be placed on
the list for an update to your record.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. ARRL CW Sweepstakes Contest, North
American Collegiate ARC CW Championship, NCCC Sprint, IPARC Contest,
Ukrainian DX Contest, Himalayan Contest, IPARC Contest, High Speed
Club CW Contest and the DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest are all on tap
for this upcoming weekend. The ARS Spartan CW Sprint is scheduled
for November 5. The QRP CW Fox Hunt is scheduled for November 6.
Please see November QST, page 87, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest
web sites for details.

MINIMA - a compact, general coverage transceiver 0-30MHz | Southgate Amateur Radio News

MINIMA - a compact, general coverage transceiver 0-30MHz | Southgate Amateur Radio News

IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club | Southgate Amateur Radio News

IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club | Southgate Amateur Radio News

American Legion on-the-air to salute veterans | Southgate Amateur Radio News

American Legion on-the-air to salute veterans | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

DXNL 1856 - October 30, 2013
DX Newsletter

a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting"

Editor: Johannes Amchewicz, DK8JB

translation by: Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK

3D2, Fiji:
Jay, AA4FL and Ann, WA1S will visit Fiji before taking part in
the T33A DXpedition and show up on the bands as 3D2FL and 3D2AC
respectively, until October 30th. QSLs via home calls.

5H, Tanzania:
Jacques, HB9EYP, will be on Sansibar (AF-032, WLOTA 1080) from
November 2nd to 9th in SSB and digital modes on 20m - 6m.
He's using a KX3 and simple antennas. Special thanks goes to
5H3HO who assisted him in getting a license in Tanzania. His
call will be 5H3JJ. QSL via home call, LoTW.

CE0Y, Easter Island:
Jose, CE0HYO, Gustavo, CX2AM, Humberto, CX3AN, Gustavo, CX3CE,
Mario, CX4CR, Gen, EA5HPX, Francisco, EA7FTR, and Carlos, LU2NI,
will sign XR0YY from Hanga Roa (SA-001, DICE ICE-001, WLOTA 0319,
WWFF CEFF-027, WW Loc. DG52gu) between November 1st and 7th on
HF + 6m in all modes. They plan to operate three stations in
parallel. QSL via EB7DX, direct only.

CN, Morocco:
After his participation in the CQWW SSB as CN2R, Jim will stay in
Morocco for the while month of November. QSL via W7EJ.

E6, Niue:
Sasi, JA1KJW (E6AK), Mat, JA1JQY (E6AY) and Kuni, JA8VE (E6AA),
will activate Niue (OC-040) on 80m - 10m in all modes from
November 3rd to 9th. Preferred frequencies: SSB: 3798, 7080/7155,
14170, 18130, 21270, 24940 und 28470 kHz. QSLs via Homecall.

FO/a, Austral Islands:
Don, VE7DS, and Dave, K3EL are planning a small DXpedition to
Raivavae island (OC-114, DIFO FO-122, WLOTA 2581). Two stations
will be on the air as TX5RV from 80m - 10m.
Preferred frequencies: CW: 3531, 7031, 10119, 14031, 18081,
21031, 24914 und 28031 kHz; SSB: 7065/7165, 14220, 18115, 21315,
24970 und 28475 kHz; RTTY: 7037, 10144, 14082, 18102, 21090, 24927
and 28090 kHz QSL via M0URX (OQRS).

G, England:
The "Royal Air Force" station (G3ELV) near Henlow in Bedfordshire
and the "RAF Signals Museum" will, starting November 1st, be on
the air from 1000z to 1600z each first Saturday of the month using
the special callsign GB4SMH. QSL via bureau.

GM, Scotland:
The 100-year-anniversary of the RSGB will be celebrated from
Scotland as GM100RSGB from November 6th to December 2nd, (EU-005,
WLOTA 1234). QSL via bureau.

I, Italy:
The "International DX Convention 2015" will take place during April
in Paestum. Starting this November and until May 2015, the special
callsign II8IDXC will be on the air to honor this event on HF/6m
in all modes. QSL via IZ8EDJ.

J7, Dominica:
Walter, HB9MFM, will sign J79WTA until December 21st, along with
J79KZ and J79DP on all HF bands in SSB and digital modes.
QSLs via Homecall.

KH9, Wake Island:
K9W will be QRV starting November 3rd. See DXNL 1852.

LZ, Bulgaria:
In November the "Radio Club Blagovestnik" (LZ1KCP) will remember
the martyrs Yakov, Yakov and Dionisii. QSL via LZ1KCP.

OD, Lebanon:
Adrian, EA1CYK has applied for a license for his stay in Lebanon
from November to May 2014 and plans to operate as OD5/EA1CYK on
HF in SSB. QSL via via EA7LS.

PA, Netherlands:
The Kingdom of the Netherlands celebrates 200 years in 2013. To
celebrate this, Fred, PA0FAW will activate the special event
callsign PG200NL in November, mostly in CW with a little digital
modes. As a ISWL member, he'll be very happy to receive SWL
reports. QSL via homecall, eQSL.

SP, Poland:
The special event station SN640OKA will be in the air in November
and December to celebrate the 640th anniversary of Ostroleka, a
town in Mazovia. QSL via Buero, LoTW, eQSL.

The school station (Szkolny Klub Krotkofalowcow) SP3PGR will
remember the Poznan uprising of 1956 with the special callsign
SN1956PW until November 10th. QSL via SP3PGR.

T33, Banaba:
An international team of Jay, AA4FL, Alan, AD6E, Gerhard, DJ5IW,
Franz, DK1II, Dominik, DL5EBE, Axel, DL6KVA, Laszlo, HA0NAR, Al,
K3VN, Cliff, KD6XH, David, N1EMC, Arnold, N6HC, David, N6HD, Mike,
N9NS, Jay, W2IJ, Charlies, W6KK, Ann, WA1S, Robert, WA1F, Ron,
WA6FGV, and Chris, VK3FY, will activate Banaba Island (OC-018) as
T33A from November 5th to 18th. Six stations will be on the air
from two locations. QSL via W2IJ, ClubLog, LoTW after 6 months.

TA, Turkey:
The "TC Special Wireless Activity Team" will bring the special
callsign TC301B on the air between November 1st and 17th to
celebrate 30 years of the the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,
which is recognised only by Turkey. Automatic QSL via the bureau.

VE, Canada:
On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the (partially
reconstructed) French fortress Louisbourg, Ron, VA3RVK, will be
on the bands as CJ3T until November 24th, including the CQWW CW.

XV, Vietnam:
Take, JA6CNH, will be QRV from Ho Chi Minh City (Grid Loc. OK30)
as XV2CNH from November 1st to 9th on HF/6m in all modes.
QSL via homecall.

Also Toshitaka, JA3NHL, will be on the air from Vietname, between
November 2nd and 8th, as XV2NHL. QSL via Homecall JA3NHL.

Oleg, ZS1ANF (UA1PBA), Alex, UA1PAW and Slava, UA1PAI (RD3MX), will
stay on Novo Runway (WAP MNB-06) from November to March 2014 and
be on the bands as RI1ANR with a focus on the lowbands.
QSL via RK1PWA (B), (L).

WRTC 2014:
The teams for the "World Radio Team Championship" 2014 have been

Encyclopedia of Ham Radio:
Stan, SM7WT's "Encyclopedia of Ham Radio", a 2688 page ebook
(PDF format) is available from the author for a small fee of

T6JR was accepted for DXCC credit.

Silent Key:
Former ARRL Western Washington Section Manager Harry Lewis, W7JWJ
passed away on October 19th, aged 90. Besides his work for the
ARRL, he was an accomplished operator, who could copy Morse code
at 75 wpm.

Guenter, HP1XVH, the heart and soul of the Pacific Island Net,
died on October 22nd.

Our thoughts are with their families and friends. We are
sorry for their loss.

ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
DICE Diploma Islas de Chile
DIFO Diplome des Iles Francaises d'Outre Mer
WAP Worldwide Antarctic Program
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award

Upcoming Contests
02.11. IPA Radio Club Contest
02./03.11. Ukrainian DX Contest
02./03.11. IARU-Region-1 Marconi Memorial Contest VHF
03.11. IPA Radio Club Contest
03.11. HSC CW-Contest
03.11. DARC 10m Digital Contest Corona

IOTA Compiled by Klaus, DL7UXG (E-Mail:

AF-016; FR; Reunion Island: Stephane/F5UOW will once again visit
Reunion Island (DIFO FR-001, WLOTA 1812, WWFF FFF-011) from
October 31st to November 21st. As FR/F5UOW he will mostly work
CW on 40m - 10m. From November 3rd to 17th, he will use the
special callsign TO2R. QSL via F5UOW (d/B).

AF-016; FR; Reunion Island: The second stop of Armin/DK9PY's trip
will be Reunion Island (DIFO FR-001, WLOTA 1812, WWFF FFF-011),
where he will sign FR/DK9PY from November 11th to 22nd.
QSL via DK9PY (d/B).

AF-027; FH; Mayotte Island: Armin/DK9PY will activate two African
IOTA groups in November. His first destination is Mayotte Island
(DIFO FH-001, WLOTA 0376) from which he plans to get on the air
as FH/DK9PY from November 4th to 11th. Activities are planned in
CW only, if conditions permit also on the low bands. QSL via

AF-086; D4; Windward Islands: John/G4IRN will sign D44TWQ from November
5th to 12th from Boa Vista Island (WLOTA 0972, WW Loc. HK86me).
In "holiday style" you can expect him in CW on the WARC bands.
QSL via G4IRN (d/B).

AF-086; D4; Windward Islands: Also Yuris/YL2GM is QRV from D4, from
Sao Vicente Island as D44TYL. Main activities are on 20m and 15m
in SSB. QSL via YL2GM (d/B).

AS-031; JD; Chichijima/ Mukojima/ Hahajima Islands: Take/JA1UII
will activate JD1BON from November 1st to 4th from Chichijima
(WLOTA 2269). QSL via JA1UII (d/B).

EU-125; OZ; Jylland West group: From November 2nd to 9th, Dirk/DF3XX
will sign OZ/KH6DXX from Romo (OZFF-004) in holiday style from 80m
- 10m, on the common IOTA and WWFF frequencies, including a
participation in the IPA contest on November 3rd.
QSL via DF3XX (d/B).

NA-020; YV0; Aves Island: The 4M5DX-Group will organize a DXpedition
to Aves Island (WLOTA 0216; ARLHS AVE-001). Between November and
February 2014, a group of 11 OPs from YV, LU, OH and EA will be
QRV as YW0A. Exact dates to be announced.
QSL via LoTW und EB7DX.

NA-033; HK0; San Andres Island: A multi national team consisting of
Alberto/EA1SA, Roberto/EA2RY, Toni/EA5RM, Manolo/EA7AJR, Jose
Ramon/EA7KW, Alain/F6ENO, Tony/F8ATS, Bernard/F9IE, Roberto/HK3CW,
Faber/HK6F, Fabrizio/IN3ZNR and Valery/RG8K, will activate San
Andres Island (WLOTA 2990, WWFF HKFF-035) as 5J0R from November
1st to 10th. Four stations will be working the pileups on the HF
bands in CW, SSB and RTTY in parallel. QSL via EA5RM.

OC-032; FK; New Caledonia Islands: From November 1st to March 1st, 2014
Freddy/F5IRO will be FK/F5IRO from New Caledoinia. With 100W and
simple antennas he will work CW and a little PSK31. Together with
Mic, FK8IK, he will sign TX5W during the CQWW CW. QSLs for both
calls via F5IRO (d/B). In March the logs will be uploaded to LoTW

OC-035; YJ; New Hebrides: Nob/JA2AAU, Iwao/JA2LSS, Iku/JA2ATE and
Tug/JA2ZS will sign YJ0AU, YJ0CJ, YJ0TE and YJ0ZS respectively from
November 1st to 11th from Iririki Island (WW Loc. RH42dg). They will
be QRV on HF/6m in CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL for YJ0AU and YJ0CJ via
JA2ATE (d), for YJ0ZS via JA2ZS (d/B) and YJ0TE via JA2ATE.

OC-046; FO; Windward Islands: Until November 6th, Heinz/DF1YP is still
QRV from Moorea (WW Loc. BH52bm) in holiday style as FO/DF1YP,
mostly around 14252 kHz. QSL via DF1YP (d/B).

WCA Activities
Naturpark Bergstrasse-Odenwald - DLFF-045:
Hans/DL9FCR is resident in Alsbach-Haehnlein which is part of
Naturpark Bergstrasse-Odenwald (DLFF-045). On November 3/4 he plans
to activate the area on 20/40m on the well known WWFF frequencies.

Naturpark Schlei - DLFF-107:
Wolf/DL1JGO will stay in Naturpark Schlei (DLFF-107) from October
30 to November 3 and plans to be QRV on HF as DL1JGO/p. QSL via

start - end DX DXNL
- 04.11.13 3D2AC 1856*
30.10.13 - 04.11.13 3D2FL 1856*
- 14 3W3B 1815
17.10.13 - 02.11.13 3W2DK.. 1854
- 31.12.13 4A1SG 1842
- 31.12.13 4A1TD 1826
- 31.12.13 4A2I 1820
- 31.12.13 4J20RO.. 1830
permanent 4U0WFP 1855
17.10.13 - 04.11.13 5B4ALB 1854
02.11.13 - 09.11.13 5H3JJ 1856*
01.11.13 - 10.11.13 5J0R 1856*
24.09.13 - 16.11.13 5X1NH 1850
- 13.07.14 5Z4/EA4ATI 1840
- 14 5Z4/LA4GHA 1810/1827
- 31.12.13 5Z4EE 1803/1807
- 14 6O0LA 1810/1827
22.10.13 - 27.11.13 6V7S 1854
- 31.12.13 7P8CC 1807/1820
- 05.14 8J110SIT 1838
24.08.13 - 31.12.13 8J120TAM 1846
10.13 - 03.14 8J130MUT 1851
06.13 - 03.14 8J170ICK 1836
- 31.03.14 8J1IC 1827
28.07.13 - 31.03.14 8N1FUJI 1842
24.08.13 - 30.10.13 8J1FARC 1846
01.06.13 - 31.03.14 8J1MTD 1834
- 03.14 8J270TK 1848
- 30.11.13 8J2I 1831
- 31.10.13 8J2KSG7X 1831
06.08.13 - 04.11.13 8J4HAM 1844
31.07.13 - 08.15 8J4J 1848
05.10.13 - 04.11.13 8J6BAL 1853
- 28.02.14 8J6KKC 1825
- 31.03.14 8J7JUMP 1827
- 10.13 8J9ECZEN 1851
- 10.13 8N0C 1847
08.13 - 10.13 8N0CKM 1843
- 31.03.14 8N2MDR 1813
01.07.13 - 31.10.13 8N5CLEAN 1838
01.06.13 - 30.11.13 8N6MMTTY 1836
10.13 - 03.14 8J7JE4OO 1851
13.10.13 - 01.11.13 8R1A 1853
- 12.13 9A28EU.. 1839
- 11.14 9G5AC 1843
25.10.13 - 10.11.13 9L1BTB 1855
- 10.13 9V1RM 1751
- 03.14 9X0ZM 1824
unknown A35JP/H 1851
- 12.13 A71/G0MGX 1834
- 12.13 A92IO 1838/47
28.09.13 - 31.12.13 BV55D 1852
28.09.13 - 31.12.13 BV60V 1852
27.06.13 - 15.12.13 C91GBA 1838
- 31.12.13 C91IW 1787
- 01.14 CE0ZOL 1845
26.10.13 - 24.11.13 CJ3T 1856*
- 30.11.13 CN2R 1856*
- 31.12.13 CS250CLE 1826
14.10.13 - 30.10.13 CZxxx.. 1853
- 15.11.13 D2CT 1853
- 31.12.13 D44TWQ 1854/56*
19.10.13 - 07.11.13 D44TXT 1854
unknown D44TYL 1856*
- 12.14 DA0EIM 1815
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 DB100AWPB 1814
- 31.12.13 DK75FOC 1846
- 31.12.13 DL100OUI 1821/54
30.10.13 - 03.11.13 DL1JGO/p 1856*
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 DL50FRANCE 1813
- 08.14 DL600WW 1846
- 31.12.13 DL60BADEN 1823
- 28.02.14 DL75KUE 1827
03.11.13 - 04.11.13 DL9FCR 1856*
01.08.13 - 31.10.13 DM1813LEI 1844
- 31.12.13 DM750PZL 1825
- 31.12.13 DP50IPAHB 1826
01.05.13 - 31.03.14 DR0PALAEON 1830
- 31.12.13 DR10EDBG 1823
- 31.12.13 DR13IGS 1825
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 DR175EDS 1816
- 31.12.13 DR20CFT 1820
- 31.12.13 DR90VOX 1813
- 12.13 DS4DRE/5 1832
01.06.13 - 31.12.13 DT60US 1835
Resident DU1KA 1852
14.10.13 - 09.11.13 E51NOU 1853
- 31.12.13 E720SRRS 1832
03.11.13 - 09.11.13 E6AK.. 1856*
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 EI13CLAN 1813
20.10.13 - 30.10.13 EI8GQB.. 1854
- 01.12.13 EM150KV 1849
- 31.12.13 EM7UT 1821
- 31.10.13 EN50N 1853
- 31.10.13 EN60UKC 1854
- 31.12.13 EO0UD 1821
04.11.13 - 11.11.13 FH/DK9PY 1856*
11.13 - 03.14 FK/F5IRO 1856*
18.10.13 - 06.11.13 FO/DL1YP 1855/56*
- 08.11.13 FO/F5LCI 1847
28.09.13 - 02.11.13 FR/DJ7RJ 1851
11.11.13 - 22.11.13 FR/DK9PY 1856*
31.10.13 - 21.11.13 FR/F5UOW 1856*
24.10.13 - 31.10.13 FS/N1SNB.. 1855
- 10.15 FW5JJ 1852
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 G100C.. 1817/1821
2013 G100RSGB.. 1811/12
06.10.13 - 31.10.13 GB1LCT 1852
- 31.01.14 GB1OOL 1844
- 31.12.13 GB2RAF.. 1826
- 31.12.13 GB4RS 1840
unknown GB4SMH 1856*
- 31.10.13 GB6SPD 1853
2013 (WE) GM100C 1820
05.11.13 - 02.12.13 GM100RSGB 1856*
- 31.10.13 GX4BJC/A .. 1852
03.10.13 - 26.11.13 H44MS.. 1852
- late 13 H44RK 1793
- 31.12.13 HA1973BA 1831
- 31.12.13 HA110RAEM 1817
- 31.12.13 HA150GG 1839
22.08.13 - 31.12.13 HA21WFF 1847
- 31.12.13 HA30S 1819
unknown HA75KBF 1846
- 31.12.13 HB10BE 1831
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 HB30OK 1811/1825
- 01.14 HC/IZ1DPS 1840
- 12.13 HF450NS 1841
- 12.13 HF715BRO 1851
- 11.13 HF790NYSA 1849
- 31.03.14 HG50NOHAB 1828
21.09.13 - 23.11.13 HK3JCL 1850
06.09.13 - 03.11.13 HL05GDB 1850
- 17 HL2/F4AAR 1837
- 01.14 HR2/NP3J.. 1820
10.10.13 - 30.11.13 IA0MZ 1853
17.10.13 - 30.10.13 IG9Y 1854
26.06.13 - 31.12.13 II0GMC 1838
- 05.15 II8IDXC 1856*
- 08.14 J28NC 1796
- 21.12.13 J79WTA.. 1856*
25.10.13 - 03.11.13 JD1BOI 1855
01.11.13 - 04.11.13 JD1BON 1856*
16.06.13 - 15.12.13 JW9JKA 1836
20.08.13 - 31.12.13 JY9FC 1847
- 31.12.13 KG4AJ 1756
resident KH2/N2NL 1855
- 31.10.13 LY75RMD 1853
- 31.12.13 LZ125VZ 1832
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 LZ1771SDG.. 1819
- 10.13 LZ1795WZM 1851
- 11.13 LZ1520YYD 1856*
- 31.12.13 LZ2013IPA 1854
- 31.12.13 LZ20TRC 1828
- 05.14 OD5/EA1CYK 1856*
- 03.04.17 OG3077F 1789
- 31.08.13 OM150MS 1845
01.05.13 - 31.12.13 OM20TUSR 1830
01.05.13 - 31.05.13 OM60DAT 1830
16.10.13 - 15.11.13 OQ4CLM 1854
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 OU1RAEM 1813/24/32/51
- 15 OX5M 1843
- 15 OX5T 1843
02.11.13 - 09.11.13 OZ/KH6DXX 1856*
- 14 P29NO 1814
- 31.10.13 P40F.. 1855
4.9.-1.10.,30.10-26.11. PA60IPA 1849
01.05.13 - 31.10.13 PA800GTB 1830
08.13 - 11.13 PA90CII 1825
02.11.13 - 29.11.13 PG200NL 1856*
- 31.12.13 PH600AMF 1825
- 31.12.13 PH600NYK 1825
26.10.13 - 27.10.13 PJ4X 1855
26.10.13 - 27.10.13 PJ7PL 1854
25.10.13 - 30.10.13 PR5C 1855
15.10.13 - 15.12.13 R100MFF 1853
15.08.13 - 15.11.13 R100RQA 1846
18.08.13 - 18.11.13 R290ECH 1846
10.13 - 12.13 R350FV 1851
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 R400DR 1814
- 10.13 R60SKV 1814
- 11.13 R863LC.. 1843/44
01.02.13 - 31.12.13 RI1ANP 1817
- 11.13 RU0ZM/0 1837
- 10.13 RV3EFH/0 1821/1824
01.01.13 - 23.12.13 S5300TP 1813
- 10.13 SN0HOKA 1849
- 10.11.13 SN1956PW 1856*
11.13 - 12.13 SN640OKA 1856*
23.10.13 - 31.10.13 SW5CC 1855
05.11.13 - 18.11.13 T33A 1856*
- 31.12.13 T6JR 1853
- 01.01.14 T6MC 1850
- 10.13 T6MH 1806
01.11.13 - 17.11.13 TC301B 1856*
14.10.13 - 31.10.13 TC90TC 1853
- 29.12.13 TM16C 1844
Samstags TM6CCA 1852
03.11.13 - 17.11.13 TO2R 1856*
30.10.13 - 06.11.13 TX5RV 1856*
23.11.13 - 24.11.13 TX5W 1856*
11.10.13 - 30.10.13 V31RL 1854
10.10.13 - 10.11.13 V47HAM 1853
10.10.13 - 10.11.13 V47JA 1853
- 10.13 VC2O 1851
10.13 - 12.13 VI6WA100 1851
20.10.13 - 19.11.13 VP8DNY 1854
21.10.13 - 03.11.13 VP9/AG2AA 1854
06.10.13 - 05.11.13 VX31763 1852
01.11.13 - 07.11.13 XR0YY 1856*
01.11.13 - 09.11.13 XV2CNH 1856*
02.11.13 - 08.11.13 XV2NHL 1856*
14.09.13 - 14.11.13 YD1NAA/5 1850
01.11.13 - 11.11.13 YJ0AU 1856*
01.11.13 - 11.11.13 YJ0CJ 1856*
01.11.13 - 11.11.13 YJ0TE 1856*
01.11.13 - 11.11.13 YJ0ZS 1856*
unknown YO900AIR.. 1853
- 31.12.13 YP20ARER 1826
25.05.13 - 26.05.13 YS1/NP3J 1834/1851
- 31.12.13 YU15OTC 1815
01.02.13 - 31.12.13 YU88BPQ 1840
11.13 - 02.14 YW0A 1856*
14.10.13 - Z21DXI 1854
01.01.13 - 31.12.13 Z320RSM.. 1813
- 08.14+ ZA/IZ4JMA 1821
resident ZD7DC 1849
- 10.13 ZD9KX 1795
- 10.14 ZM90DX 1851
- 04.14 ZS8C 1831
- 04.14 ZS8Z 1831

* = new or updated
.. = and other calls

QSL Information
3D2AC via WA1S, (L)
3D2FL via AA4FL
5B/LY4A via LY4A
5H3JJ via HB9EYP (B), (L)
5J0R via EA5RM (B)
6Y3M via VE3NE (B)
9A13P (B)
9L1DT via N4WDT (d), (L)
A61KM via NI5DX (B), (L), eQSL
D44TWQ via G4IRN (B)
D44TYL via YL2GM (B)
D2CT via CT2HPM (B)
E6AA via JA8VE (B)
E6AK via JA1KJW (B)
E6AY via JA1JQY (B)
EA8/R2DX/p via R2DX (B), eQSL
EH7SC via EA7URC (B)
FH/DK9PY via DK9PY (B)
FK/F5IRO via F5IRO (B), ClubLog, (L)
FO/DF1YP via DF1YP (B)
FR/DK9PY via DK9PY (B)
FR/F5UOW via F5UOW (B)
GB4S (B)
HK/LU9ESD via LU9ESD (d), (L)
IG9/RT4RO no paper cards
IG9/VE8DX via VE3FDX (d)
II3VR/IV3 via IQ3VO (B)
II8LH via HB9FHZ (B), IK8YFU (d)
II8LH/9 via HB9FHZ (B), IK8YFU (d)
IQ7IA (d)
J79DP via HB9TPQ (B)
J79KZ via HB9BZG
J79WTA via HB9MFM (B)
K9Z via K9HD
LZ1520YYD (B)
OA6Q via OE3NHW (B), (L), eQSL
OD5/EA1CY via EA7LS (B)
OG1M via OH1VR (d)
PG200NL via PA0FAW (B), eQSL
PJ2/N4RV via N4RV (d)
PJ2/YV1DIG via EA7JX (B), (L), eQSL
SN1956PW via SP3PGR (B)
SN640OKA (B), (L), eQSL
SV0IG/2 via IK0EFR (B), (L)
SV5/SM8C via SM0CMH (B), (L)
T33A via W2IJ (B), ClubLog, (L)
TC301B auto QSL
T6T via RW6HS (d)
TM20KTU via F5KTU (B), eQSL
TO2A via KU9C (B)
TO2R via F5UOW (B)
V55JOTA via V51Q
XR0YY via EB7DX (d)
YJ0AU via JA2ATE (d)
YJ0CJ via JA2ATE (d)
YJ0ZS via JA2ZS (B)
YW0A via EB7DX (d), (L)

QSL information for the CQWW SSB contest last

3B8/UU5WW via K2PF (d)
3G1B via HA1AG (d), (L)
3G3W via XQ4CW (d)
3V7A via LX1NO (B), (L)
3Z6O via SP6NVK (B), (L)
3Z2X via SP2YWL, (L)
4J5A (d, 2 IRC)
4L8A via K1BV (B), (L)
4O7CC via UA4CC (B), (L)
7O2A via UA3DX (B), (L)
7Z1CQ (L)
8P2K via KU9C (d), (L)
9A1P via 9A2RD (d)
9A8DV via IK6VXO (B)
9M2SM via 9M2GET (d)
AH2R via JH7QXJ (d), (L)
B3C via BA4EG (B), (L)
BV55D (B)
BY6DX via BA4EG (B)
C4A via 5B4KH (B)
C6ASP via W6KW
CJ3T via VA3RVK (d), (L)
CN2AA via UA2FM (B), (L)
CN2R via W7EJ
CN3A via IV3ZXQ (B), (L)
CQ3L via DJ6QT (B)
CO6LE via EA5GL (d)
CR3A via EA5GL (d), (L)
CR6K via CT1ILT (d), (L)
CR6P (L)
CS2P (B)
CW5W (d), (L)
CX9AU via EA5GL (d), (L)
DF5A via DL9GMN (B)
DX1J via JA1HGY (B), (L)
E21EIC via E20PFE (B)
E2E via HS0ZFZ (B)
EA6/G4MKP via M0URX (B, OQRS), (L)
EA6/S53R via S53R (d)
EA6BF via S53R (d), (L)
ED1R via EC1KR (B, OQRS), (L), eQSL
ED1WW via EA1FCR (B), (L)
ED5T via EA5ELT (d), (L)
ED6A via DJ2MX (B)
ED9Z via EA5KB (B), (L)
EE1W via EA1AZ (d), (L)
EE5T via EA5URT (B), (L)
EF7K via EA7URA (B), (L)
EF8U (L)
EI7M via EI6HB (d), (L)
ES9C (L)
GM0B via MM0BHX (d), (L)
GM7A via GM7AAJ (d), (L)
GU4CHY (d)
H44MS via DL2GAC (B)
HF9Q via SP9QMP, (L), eQSL
HR2WW via KD4POJ (B), (L)
HS4AK via E20YLM (B)
HS5AC via HS1NIV (B)
IG9P via I2ADN (d), (L)
IG9W via IZ1GAR (B)
II9K via IT9HBT (B), (L)
IO1T (L)
IO4C via IZ4DPV (B)
IO5O (L)
IQ9UI via IT9CHU (d), (L)
IR5A via IK5AFJ (d)
J47X via SV7BVM (B)
KH2RU/KP4 via NP3O (d)
KH7CW via K2WR (B), (L)
KP4BD via NP3O (d), (L)
LA7H (B)
LP1H (L)
LR0B via LU4AA (B)
LR3M via LU3MAM (d)
LU8YE via IK2DUW (d)
LY7A (L)
NP4G via NP3O (d), (L)
OH0Z via W0MM (B)
OH5Z (L)
OL7M via OK1YM, (L)
OL8M via OK1DRQ (B)
OM0M (B)
OM4C via OM6CI (B)
P3N via RW3RN (d)
P49Y via AE6Y (B), (L)
PT2CM via PP2JP (d)
PT5J via PP5VB (d)
PX2T via PY2DN (d), (L)
PX2W (L)
RA2FDX via RN3RQ (B)
SI9AM via SM3CVM (B)
SJ2W via SM2LIY (d), (L)
SP8R via SP8YB (d)
ST2M (d, 2 IRC)
SW44M via DK2PZ (B), eQSL
SX2I via SV2JAO (B)
TI5W via N3YIM (B), (L)
TM1K via F6KFA (B)
TM2T via F8DHE (B), eQSL
TM4L via F8ARK (B)
TM5J via F6ITD (B), (L)
TM6M via F4DXW (d), ClubLog, eQSL
TM7F via F6KRC
TO5A via F5VHJ (B), (L)
UI2K via UA2FZ
UP0L via DL8KAC (B)
UU7J (L)
V26B via KA2AEV (d), (L)
VE2IM via VE3DZ (B), (L)
VY2LI (d), (L), eQSL
VY2TT (B), (L)
XQ7UP/7 via XQ7UP (B), (L)
XR6T via CE3FED (B)
YE2R via EA7FTR (d)
YJ0RK via NR6M (B)
YT8A via YU1EA (B), (L)
ZD8JR via OH3JR (B)
ZD8O via OH0XX (B)
ZL1DK via ZL6LH (B)
ZL3X via ZL3PAH (B), (L)
ZM4T via ZL2AL (d), (L)
ZP8T via K2DER (d)
ZP9MCE via EA5ZD (d)
ZW5B via K3IRV (B)

(d) = direct only (B) = bureau only
(*) = new Manager (L) = LoTW

* QSL received via the bureau:

Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to:
Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, DX World, ICPO Bulletin,
OPDX-Bulletin, DF3XX, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ5IW, DJ9ZB,
DL1BAH, DL1JGO, DL1SBF, DL7MAE, EA7LS, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX,

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Easter Island DXpedition | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Easter Island DXpedition | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Wake Atoll Commemorative DXpedition | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Wake Atoll Commemorative DXpedition | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.1134.1
Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin No. 1134.1

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Special Bulletin No. 1134.1
BID: $OPDX.1134.1
October 29, 2013
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network CX3AN and W8GEX for the following DX information.

KH9, WAKE ISLAND (Update/Scheduled - Press Release #6): "The Wake Atoll
Commemorative DXpedition team has been approved for entry onto Wake Atoll.
Our equipment is already on Wake and in safe storage awaiting our arrival.
The 12-Operator team includes: Joe -AA4NN, John-K6MM, Craig-K9CT, Mike-
K9NW, Ralph-K9ZO, Lou-N2TU, Jim-N9TK, Mark-NA6M, Dick-W3OA, Joe-W8GEX,
Hal-W8HC, and Jerry-WB9Z.
The plan is for the team to assemble in Hawaii on 30-October, depart
01-November, arrive on 02-November and immediately erect antennas and
set-up the stations. There will be two CW and two SSB stations on the
air. The CW site will be located across from the Arrivals terminal and
the SSB site will be housed in a "beach house" near downtown Wake.
We are planning on being QRV 03-November through 15-November (Wake time).
If there are any changes, they will be posted on our website.
Logs will be uploaded to ClubLog as time and internet access allows.
This is a commemorative DXpedition. Our prime objective is to honor
the lives and contributions of the Forgotten 98 civilian contractors who
lost their lives on Wake during WWII. Some of these men have yet to be
identified. If you know any of the Forgotten 98 or their relatives,
modern DNA testing may identify their remains and provide for a proper
burial. Please take a moment to look through their names.
Wake Atoll is an active military base and access is extremely limited.
The Team is most grateful to the United States Air Force for allowing
this Commemoration to take place.
Also, Team wants to thank the DX community, including generous worldwide
Foundations, Clubs, Individuals, Equipment manufacturers and outlets for
their outstanding support of the Wake commemorative efforts. These DX-
peditions are extremely expensive and could not be accomplished without the
support of the entire DX community Visit the website to view our sponsors
and make your personal donation.
Please note! A few other DXpeditions will be on the air during the Wake
operation. To avoid the dreaded "not in the log", please be sure which
DXpedition you are working! Our operators will announce the K9W callsign
often to help identify your contact.
Please check our website frequently for updates. http:/
And don't forget to sign our guestbook!
73, K9W Wake Atoll Management Team"

XR0Y, EASTER ISLAND (Reminder). Operators Jose/CE0HYO, Gustavo/CX2AM,
Humberto/CX3AN, Gustavo/CX3CE, Mario/CX4CR, Gen/EA5HPX, Francisco/EA7FTR
and Carlos/LU2NI will be active as XR0YY from Hanga Roa, Easter Island,
between November 1-7th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB
and the Digital modes. They will have 3 stations operating simultaneously.
QSL via EB7DX. They have a Web site available at:

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send
mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW

Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send
via InterNet Mail to: - OR -
Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)


Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - E-mail addresses:
<> <> <>
Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX - DXer's Tool of Excellence)
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

DX mailing list

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Turkish special event station | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Turkish special event station | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Aves Island DXpedition | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Aves Island DXpedition | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Operation from a rare IOTA | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Operation from a rare IOTA | Southgate Amateur Radio News

DXpedition to South Sudan | Southgate Amateur Radio News

DXpedition to South Sudan | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Weekly DX Report 28.10.2013 - 03.11.2013

24.10.201329.10.20133W Mike, N0ODK.
01.11.201309.11.20133W Take, JA6CNH.
02.11.201308.11.20133W Toshitaka, JA3NHL.
17.10.201304.11.20135B Pachyammos (AS-004, MIA MCI-002, WLOTA 0051) by Tony, RT9T.
24.09.201316.11.20135X Nick, G3RWF.
22.10.201327.11.20136W Vladimir "Vlad", RK4FF.
13.10.201301.11.20138R Alex, W1CDC.
25.10.201310.11.20139L Zbig, SP5BTB.
28.10.201329.10.2013A9 On the occasion of the Arab Cycling Championship that will be held in Bahrain between 23 - 31 October 2013, a Special Event Amateur Radio Station will be active on all HF bands. QSL via IZ8CLM.
20.10.201328.10.2013BY Dale, BA4TB, and a team of others will be active from Zone 23.
22.10.201329.10.2013C6 Grand Bahama Island (NA-080) by Rich, N0HJZ.
06.10.201315.11.2013D2 João, CT2HPM.
19.10.201307.11.2013D4 Santiago Island (AF-005) by Babs/DL7AFS and Lot/DJ7ZG. QSL via DL7AFS.
28.10.201324.11.2013DU Masbate Island (OC-244, WLOTA 0900) by James, KJ6YAP.
14.10.201309.11.2013E5/SC Rarotonga Island (OC-013) by Bill, N7OU.
20.10.201306.11.2013FO Moorea Island (OC-046) by Heinz, DF1YP.
30.10.201306.11.2013FO/A Raivavae Island (OC-114) by Dave/K3EL and Don/VE7DS. QSL via M0URX.
28.09.201302.11.2013FR Reunion Island (AF-016) by Willi, DJ7RJ.
03.10.201321.11.2013FR Reunion Island (AF-016) by Stephane, F5UOW.
24.10.201331.10.2013FS St. Martin (NA-105, WLOTA 0383) by Randy/N0TG, Ron/AA4VK and Jeff/N1SNB. QSL for all callsigns via AA4VK.
03.10.201326.11.2013H4 Honiara (OC-047) by Bernard, DL2GAC.
24.10.201329.10.2013HB0 Laci, HA7JTR.
21.09.201323.11.2013HK Lothar, DK8LRF.
01.11.201310.11.2013HK0 San Andres Island (NA-033) by Alberto/EA1SA, Toni/EA5RM, Roberto/EA2RY, Manolo/EA7AJR, Jose/EA7KW, Fabrizio/IN3ZNR, Alain/F6ENO, Tony/F8ATS, Faber/HK6F, Bernard/F9IE, Roberto/HK3CW and Valery/RG8K. QSL via EA5RM.
17.10.201330.10.2013I Lampedusa Island (AF-019) by Khalid/A61BK, Gianni/IT9BUN, Don/JH5GHM, Dale/N3BNA, Frederic/ON4LG, Frank/ON9CC, Aurelio/PC5A, Romeo/S52RU, Peter/S54W and Drago/S59A. QSL via ON4LG.
23.10.201328.10.2013J3 Grenada (NA-024, WLOTA 0718) by Mark, N2MD.
28.04.201305.05.2103JD/O Chichijima Island (AS-031). QSL JD1BLC via JP1IOF, JD1YBT via JP1IOF.
25.10.201303.11.2013JD/O Chichijima Island (AS-031) by Koji, JI1LET.
01.11.201304.11.2013JD/O Chichijima Island (AS-031) by Take, JA1UII.
01.11.201304.11.2013JD/O Chichijima Island (AS-031) by Take, JA1UII.
22.10.201329.10.2013KH0 Saipan (OC-086) by OH6RX and OH7WV. QSL via OH6GDX.
16.10.201315.11.2013ON Special station will be aired where CLM stands for Canadian Liberation Mars, a 33km mars that the Canadian troops did coming fom the town Hoofdplaat in Holland to liberate our town Knokke in 1944. For this 32nd Edition we are granted to use the special prefix OQ instead of ON.
02.11.201329.11.2013PA Fred/PA0FAW will be on air to celebrate 200 years of The Netherlands.
23.10.201329.10.2013PJ5 Saba Island (NA-145, WFF PAFF-027, WLOTA 2043) by Jeff/KB1ZOJ, Bob/K4UEE, John/K5AC, George/N4GRN and Gregg/W6IZT.
25.10.201330.10.2013PY Mel Island (SA-047, DIB-PR-01) by Joe/PY5XH, Evan/PU5SVE, Jose/PY5JAP, Art/PY5VC, Martins/PU5UAI, Fabio/PY5FAB, Cesar/PY5RCB, Jose/PU5IKE, Alex/PP5ALE and Evans/PY5PS. QSL via PU5VE.
18.10.201328.10.2013PY0F Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) by Miguel, PY3MM. QSL via PP5VB.
17.10.201329.10.2013SV Zakynthos Island (EU-052, GIOTA INS-015, MIA MG-138, WLOTA 0209) by Hansi/DL1AOB, Dieter/DL1AWD, Ralf/DL3JJ, Dan/DL5SE, Felix/DL6JF, Lu/DL8ALU, Eddy/DM5JBN and Rich/DK8YY.
23.10.201331.10.2013SV5 Island of Rhodes (EU-001) by Rich, M5RIC.
25.10.201328.10.2013T8 Palau Island (OC-009) by Satomi "Tom", JN2AMD.
22.10.201328.10.2013TK Corsica Island (EU-014) by Mek, SP7VC.
13.10.201330.10.2013V3 Dick, AD7AF.
10.10.201310.11.2013V4 St. Kitts (NA-104) by John, W5JON.
22.10.201329.10.2013VP5 Frank/WA2VYA and Tony/K4QE.
20.10.201319.11.2013VP8 Peter, M1AYI.
21.10.201303.11.2013VP9 Bermuda (NA-005) by Steve, AG2AA.
20.10.201331.10.2013VP9 Bermuda (NA-005) by Markus, DJ4EL.
25.10.201329.10.2013XW Champ, E21EIC.
23.10.201328.10.2013YB Sebatik Island (OC-295) by Budi/YF1AR and Fan/YB0AI. QSL YF1AR/7 via N2OO and YB0AI/7 via home callsign.
01.11.201311.11.2013YJ Iririki Island by Tug, JA2ZS and a team of four JA operators. QSL via JA2ZS.
01.11.201311.11.2013YJ Kanno/JA2AAU, Iwao/JA2LSS, Iku/JA2ATE and Tug/JA2ZS. QSL for YJ0AU and YJ0CJ via JA2ATE direct only; YJ0TE via JA2ATE and YJ0ZS via JA2ZS.
03.11.201309.11.2013ZK2 Niue Islands (OC-040)by Sasi/JA1KJW (E6AK), Mat/JA1JQY (E6AY) and Kuni/JA8VE (E6AA).
Print overview

Portuguese AM Day in tribute to the shortwave broadcasting plants, in Portugal | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Portuguese AM Day in tribute to the shortwave broadcasting plants, in Portugal | Southgate Amateur Radio News

IOTA news from OPDX | Southgate Amateur Radio News

IOTA news from OPDX | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Amsterdam Island DXpedition | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Amsterdam Island DXpedition | Southgate Amateur Radio News

Friday, October 25, 2013

ARLP043 Propagation de K7RA

Propagation Forecast Bulletin 43 ARLP043
From Tad Cook, K7RA
Seattle, WA October 25, 2013
To all radio amateurs

ARLP043 Propagation de K7RA

Solar activity is increasing, suggesting that perhaps now in Fall
2013 we are in the midst of a second peak in Cycle 24. We hope it

Sunspot numbers this week ran up all the way to 228, a level not
seen in the past decade since October 27 through November 1, 2003
when the daily sunspot numbers were 238, 230, 330, 293, 266 and 277.
Prior to that, on January 11, 2003 the daily sunspot number was 238.

Average daily sunspot numbers increased over 35 points to 162 (when
compared to the previous seven day period, October 10-16).

Average daily solar flux increased over 13 points to 139.6.

Geomagnetic indices indicate a quiet geomagnetic field.

Predicted solar flux this week is 165 on October 25-27, then 160,
155, 145, 135, 130, and 115 on October 28 through November 2, 120 on
November 3-5, 125 on November 6-10, 130 on November 11, 135 on
November 12-13, then 130, 120, 115 and 120 on November 14-17, and
115 on November 18-20. Based on recurrence due to solar rotation, in
45 days flux values are predicted at 130.

Predicted planetary A index is 16, 12, 8 and 20 on October 25-28, 8
on October 29-30, 5 on October 31 through November 9, then 12, 15,
10 and 8 on November 10-13, 5 on November 14-16, then 10 and 8 on
November 17-18. After November 18 everything looks very quiet (A
index of 5) until 44-45 days out, when the prediction shows A index
values of 12 and 15 on December 7-8.

Those predictions come from the United States Air Force Space
Weather Squadron, and are made available to the public via NOAA.

This set of PDF slides gives a hint at some of the tools they use:

As usual, OK1HH gives us his own predictions for geomagnetic
activity. He sees quiet to active geomagnetic conditions on October
25, quiet to unsettled October 26, mostly quiet October 27, quiet to
active October 28-29, mostly quiet October 30, quiet October 31
through November 3, mostly quiet November 4, quiet to active
November 5, quiet to unsettled November 6, mostly quiet November 7,
quiet to active November 8-12, quiet to unsettled November 13, quiet
on November 14-19, and mostly quiet November 20. He does not expect
any days with active to disturbed conditions.

Pete Markavage, WA2CWA of Sayreville, New Jersey reports great
conditions on 10 meters this week, but using AM and FM instead of CW
or SSB. Pete wrote, "Ten meters has been hot all week. During the
late morning hours of October 22 I worked about 25 stations, all on
AM, in a number of Eastern and Western European countries. AM power
was about 90 watts into a 4 element tri-bander. In the late
afternoon I worked a Japanese station on 10 FM direct with a 40 watt
rig. On October 24 around 6:45 PM EDT, finally worked my first
Japanese station on 10 AM. 6 meters has been dismal for openings
here in the East, but 10 meter activity is making up for it."

A week ago we got this from Jeff Hartley, N8II in West Virginia, but
not in time for last week's bulletin: "10 meter and 12 meter
propagation has been up and down with the degree of disturbed
conditions, but almost every day the Middle East and Southern EU are
booming in on 10 meters here.

"I listened Wednesday October 16 until 1430Z and 10 never opened
well to Europe, but that evening about 75 minutes past sunset I was
able to work a weak JA on 10 meter CW, heard one more and worked
another on 12 meter CW around 2400Z when the band seemed to be
closing rapidly. Jimmy BX5AA (Taiwan) was S7 on 15 phone about 0010Z
and easily logged, so it seemed the K index lowered as the day
progressed. A day or two before 10 was wide open to Scandinavia
around 1300-1400Z as well as several southern UA3 area stations
worked on CW. Paths to Africa have been open very late into the day
with TN2NS (Congo) loud at 2130Z on 10 phone and even later on 12

Chip Margelli, K7JA wrote (also last week): "From what I was able to
hear in a brief tune around 10 meters this morning (October 18), it
is widely open to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Nice signals
were observed from OD5ZZ and OD5NJ, several 4X/4Z stations, SU8JOTA
(Boy Scout Jamboree On The Air in Egypt!), and generally signals
from all of Europe were excellent. F6KHM (0.5 W) and MM3FYA (5 Watts
to an attic dipole) were nice copy this morning (October 18) around
1600 UTC.

"Last night, 18 October at 0158 UTC, I worked FK8CP on 50.110.6 MHz.
Remi peaked about 579 and was in for at least a half hour. QSB was
very heavy, almost like meteor scatter at times, but he also became
steady, solid copy at times, too.

"It's nice to have some prop!

"I run 200 Watts to a 7-element LFA Yagi on 6 meters, and the same
200 Watts to a 7-element OP-DES Yagi on 10 meters."

Ganesh, VU2TS sends us this message from Karnataka: "Hello and
Greetings from South India! I am the editor of Amateur Radio News of
the Amateur Radio Societies of India - ARSI (
and I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your
propagation bulletin which we are receiving regularly.

"With the sunspot activity quite low, the band conditions these days
are poor - even though we are supposed to be experiencing the Solar
Max, Hi!

"However, I wish to share with you my pet theory about amateurs
ionizing the ionosphere. This weekend is the CQ WW DX SSB contest,
and with something like 30 to 40,000 stations on the air at the same
time, and some 30% of them using a kW or more, all the bands open up
for long haul DX! (Remember HAARP?)

"Just listen to the bands this weekend - and you will be surprised
at the unusual band openings! Feedback welcome. 73, Ganesh VU2TS."

That's right Ganesh, in order to feed the ionosphere we have to
call, not just listen. It is part of the magic of radio.

Further evidence of the magic of radio is the fact that I am writing
Friday's bulletin while using an airline Wi-Fi connection during a
flight from Seattle to Washington D.C. Like all other basic
in-flight amenities, such as snacks, it is quite expensive. Of
course, back when snacks were free, I couldn't get an internet
connection in the air.

If you would like to make a comment or have a tip for our readers,
email the author at,

For more information concerning radio propagation, see the ARRL
Technical Information Service web page at, For an explanation of the
numbers used in this bulletin, see
propagation bulletins is at
information and tutorials on propagation are at

Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve
overseas locations are at

Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of ARRL
bulletins are at

Sunspot numbers for October 17 through 23 were 166, 154, 149, 117,
179, 228, and 141, with a mean of 162. 10.7 cm flux was 136.1,
139.9, 132.7, 133.4, 135.8, 146.3, and 152.7, with a mean of 139.6.
Estimated planetary A indices were 9, 3, 3, 3, 2, 5, and 4, with a
mean of 4.1. Estimated mid-latitude A indices were 10, 3, 3, 3, 2,
3, and 3, with a mean of 3.9.

I.C.P.O. Bulletin (25 October - 01 November 2013)
"Islands, Castles & Portable Operations"
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year)
25/10/2013: Zbig, SP5BTB, will be active from Freetown, Sierra Leone, as 9L1BTB
between 25th October and 10th November, 2013. QRV as a one man no sponsors DX
expedition on 20m and 15m, using slopers for 20m and DL special collinear delta
loop (ON6WG /F5VIF model) for 15 metres. QSL via home call, direct with SASE/SAE
with +3USD, (NO IRC PLEASE) to: Zbigniew Blechacz, ul.Klwatecka 45F, 26-600
Radom, Poland. [DX World]

25/10/2013: The Calabria DX Team will be active on 25th October as II8LH from
the lighthouse Punta Coscio (WAIL CL-016, ARLHS ITA-310). QRV on the HF bands
starting around 0900 UTC. A second activation will take place at the same time
using the callsign II8LH/9 from the lighthouse Punta San Raineri (WAIL SI-002,
ARLHS ITA-143), Messina, located on the island of Sicily (EU-025, IIA SC-001,
MIA MI-107, WLOTA 1362, WAIS FS54). QSL both calls direct to IK8YFU, or via the
bureau to HB9FHZ. [IK8YFU]

25/10/2013: Koji, JI1LET, will be active as JD1BOI from Chichi-jima (AS-031,
WLOTA 2269), Ogasawara, from 25 October to 3 November, 2013. He will operate
SSB, CW and RTTY on 160-6 metres. QSL via home call, direct only. [425 DX News]

25/10/2013: Tom, JN2AMD, will be active as T88AZ from Palau (OC-009) on 25-28th
October 2013, including participation in the CQ W DX SSB Contest (CQ zone 27).
He will operate 80-10 metre SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via JN2AMD, direct or bureau.
[425 DX News]

26/10/2013: Susanne ON2SL, Roger ON4AHQ, Andre ON4DTO and Erwin ON5BWE will be
active on the 26th of October 2013 from Ordingen Castle (WCA ON-01134, BCA
LB-103). They plan to work as ON5BWE/p from 06:00 in local time on 80, 40 metre
SSB. QSL via ON5BWE, bureau or direct. [RN1CW]

26/10/2013: Operators Joe PY5XH, Evan PU5SVE, Jose PY5JAP, Arthur PY5VC,
Martins PU5UAI, Fabio PY5FAB, Anadre PY5EW, Junior PY5ZW and Alex PP5ALE will be
active on all bands and modes as PR5C between 26-30th October 2013 from Ilha do
Mel (SA-047, DIB PR-01, WLOTA 1435), Parana State, Brazil. The team will also be
active in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (26-27 October) from CQ zone 11. QSL via
PU5SVE, direct or LoTW and eQSL. Further details on their website at: []

27/10/2013: Augusto I2JJR/6, Fiorello IZ6YLM/p and Silvino IW6NZY/p will try a
second attempt to activate the Castle of Beffi (DCI AQ-001, WCA I-00573) and
maybe the Castle of Roccapreturo (DCI AQ-002, WCA I-00574) on Sunday 27th
October 2013 from about 07:30 UTC to 11:30 UTC. Note that this activity is
weather dependent. They plan to be on the air with two stations, on 40m and 20m
at the same time, if possible. Both castles are located in Parco Regionale
Sirente Velino (WWFF IFF-175). QSL via home calls. [I2JJR/HB9TZA]

28/10/2013: James, KJ6YAP, will be active as DV1/KJ6YAP from the island of
Masbate (OC-244, WLOTA 0900), Phillippines, between 28th October and 24th
November, 2013. QRV holiday style on the HF bands, mainly SSB and CW. QSL via
home call, bureau or direct. []

30/10/2013: Dave, K3EL and Don, VE7DS have plans to be active as TX5RV from
Raivavae Island (OC-114, DIFO FO-122, WLOTA 2581), Austral Islands, between 30
October and 6 November, 2013. QRV on 80-10m; mostly CW, maybe some SSB and RTTY.
QSL via M0URX (OQRS preferred). Further information and updates can be found at: [NG3K]

31/10/2013: Stephane, F5UOW, will once again be active from Reunion island
(AF-016, DIFO FR-001, WLOTA 1812, WWFF FFF-011). He will use FR/F5UOW from
October 31st to November 21st but between November 3 to 17 he will be TO2R.
Mostly in CW from 40 to 10m. QSL via F5UOW direct or bureau. [F6AJA]

01/11/2013: A multi-national team from DX Friends (Alberto EA1SA, Roberto
EA2RY, Toni EA5RM, Manolo EA7AJR, Jose Ramon EA7KW, Alain F6ENO, Tony F8ATS,
Bernard F9IE, Roberto HK3CW, Faber HK6F, Fabrizio IN3ZNR and Valery RG8K) will
be active as 5J0R from San Andres Island (NA-033, WLOTA 2990, WWFF HKFF-035)
between 1-10 November, 2013. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres
with at least four stations at the same time on different bands and modes. QSL
via EA5RM. Further information and updates, including logsearch and OQRS at:

01/11/2013: Freddy, F5IRO, will be QRV from Plum village, in the commune of Le
Mont-Dore on the southwest coast of New Caledonia, between November 2013 and
February 2014 as FK/F5IRO. He'll operate from 10 to 80m (WARC included) with K3
bare foot, home made dipoles and long wire antennas. Modes mainly CW and some
PSK. Freddy will team up with Michel, FK8IK, in Noumea using the special
callsign TX5W for the CQWW DX CW Contest (23-24 November). QSL via F5IRO French
bureau (REF) or direct. Infos on his page ( The
log will be uploaded on Clublog and Lotw in March 2014. Further infos and photos
on his personal blog ( [DX World]

01/11/2013: Take, JA1UII will be active from Chichi-jima (AS-031, WLOTA 2269),
Ogasawara, as JD1BON between 1-4 November, 2013. QRV on the HF bands, all modes.
QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [DX World]

01/11/2013: A team consisting Mario CX4CR, Bert CX3AN, Gus CX2AM, Gus CX3CE,
Rainer CX8FB, Oscar CX2FR, Luis CX4AAJ, Jose CE0YHO, Francisco EA7FTR, Eugene
EA5HPX and Carlos LU2NI will be operating as XR0YY from Hanga Roa, Easter Island
(SA-001, DICE ICE-001, WLOTA 0319, WWFF CEFF-027, WW Loc. DG52GU) between 1-7th
November, 2013. They will run 3 stations simultaneously - 160-6 metre CW, SSB
and Digital modes. QSL Manager is EB7DX. Full information and updates will be
availabe on their website at: [DX World]

01/11/2013: Take, JA6CNH, will be active from Ho Chi Minh City (Grid Loc.
OK30), Vietnam, as XV2CNH between 1-9 November, 2013. QRV on 160-6m CW, SSB and
Digi-modes. QSL via JA6CNH and LoTW. [DX World]

01/11/2013: Nob JA2AAU, Iwao JA2LSS, Iku JA2ATE and Tug JA2ZS, will be active
from the Iririki Island Resort, located in Mele Bay, Port Villa, Vanuatu
(OC-035, WW Loc. RH42DG), as YJ0AU, YJ0CJ, YJ0TE and YJ0ZS, respectively,
between November 1-11, 2013. QRV on 160-6m; CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL YJ0AU and
YJ0CJ via JA2ATE direct only. QSL YJ0TE and YJ0ZS via home calls, direct or
bureau. Website: [DX World]

01/11/2013: The 4M5DX Group is organizing a DXpedition to take place from Aves
Island (NA-020, DIV-001, WLOTA 0216) sometime between 1 November 2013 and 28
February 2014. Eleven operators from Venezuela, Argentina, Finland and Spain
will be active as YW0A on 160-6 metres all modes. QSL via EB7DX (OQRS for direct
and bureau cards on Club Log) and LoTW. Bookmark for
further information and updates. [425 DX News]


02/11/2013: Jacques, HB9EYP, will be active holiday style from Zanzibar Island
(AF-032, WLOTA 1080, WW Loc. KI93SU) as 5H3JJ between 2-9th November, 2013. He
plans to be QRV on 20-6m, SSB and Digi-modes, using KX3 - 10W with a Buddipole
and Windom antenna from the beach. QSL via home call, bureau only. Please - no
direct QSLs. [DX World]

09/11/2013: Gil, F4FET and others will be active as homecall/p from the island
of Sainte Marguerite (EU-058, DIFM ME-020, MIA MF-028) on 9th November 2013 from
06:00-14:00 UTC. Plans are for 3 stations using batteries, 100w and groundplanes
antennas. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. F4FET/p will also have OQRS
available. Website: []

10/11/2013: Look for Gil, F4FET/p on 10th November 2013 (08:00-15:00 UTC) to be
active from the island of Saint Honorat (EU-058, DIFM ME-014, MIA MF-027). QRV
on the 40-10 metre SSB using battery power, 100w and verticals. QSL via home
call, direct or bureau. OQRS will also be available. Website: []

10/11/2013: An 8-man team led by Joppy, YB8XM plan activity from Banda Besar
(IOTA OC-157), Maluku Tengah, Indonesia, between 10-15th November 2013. Plans
are to be QRV on 40-10 metres. Team members and callsigns: Joppy YB8XM (team
leader), Marthin YB8VM/p, Danny YC8VDT/p, Richard YD8VSR/p, Agustinus YD8VRA/p,
G. Saiya YD8VRS/p, Fransicus YC8VFB/p and Andy YC0MVP/8. A rare IOTA - further
info can be found at: [DX World]

11/11/2013: On 11th and 12th November 2013 Gil, F4FET, plans activity from
Monaco as 3A/F4FET. He plans to be QRV on 40-10 metre SSB using battery power,
FT857D 100w and verticals. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. OQRS will also
be available. Website: []

23/11/2013: Vaho, 4L8A, will be QRV for the CQWW DX CW Contest (23-24 November)
as a Single-Op/Single-Band (15m) entry from Tbilisi, Georgia (CQ zone 21). QSL
via LoTW preferred, or direct to K1BV. [NG3K]

29/11/2013: Robert, DL7VOA plans activity from Toubab Dialaw, Senegal, as 6V7D
between 29th November and 7th December 2013. QRV mainly on CW, with some SSB,
40-10m. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Note: 6V7D was previously active by
a Russian team in March 2011. [DX World]

01/12/2013: Alex, RD1AV - Chief of the base and radio operator in 2014, will be
active again as RI1ANC between 1 December 2013 and 1 February 2015 from Vostok
Base (AA U-10, WAP RUS-13, IOTA AN-016, WWFF RFF-168), Wilkes Land, Antarctica.
QRV on all bands using CW, SSB and Digi-modes. QSL via RN1ON, bureau or direct -
Online Log at: [DX World]

15/12/2013: Mike, RW1AI will be active as RI1ANT from Progress Base(AA U-03,
WAP RUS-11, IOTA AN-016, WWFF RFF-165), Prydz Bay, Larsemann Hills, Princess
Elizabeth Land, Antarctica, between 15 December 2013 and 15 March 2015. Mike
will be QRV on all HF bands using dipoles + amp. QSL via RW1AI - Online Log at:

22/12/2013: Wolfgang, DH3WO, will be back in Lesotho from December 22nd to
December 24th, 2013 operating holiday style as 7P8WO, from Roma Lodge, as time
allows. All QSL via bureau or direct to DH3WO home address (NOT via DL7JAN).
Please remember sufficient postage --- 2 US Dollars or 1 IRC., otherwise the
QSLs will be sent via the bureau. [DX World]


26/10/2013: Ron, VA3RVK, of Etobicoke, Ontario, will activate the special event
callsign CJ3T on all bands and modes between 26th October and 24th November 2013
to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Louisbourg (1713-2013). Activity will also
include entries in the CQWW DX SSB and CQWW DX CW Contests. QSL CJ3T via VA3RVK.

01/11/2013: The Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP) is going to remember Saint
Martyrs Yakov, Yakov and Dionisii during the entire month of November with the
special callsign LZ1520YYD. This callsign is valid for the All Bulgarian Saints
Award 2013 ( and is also worth 10 points towards
the St. Teodosii Tyrnovski Award. QSL via LZ1KCP, direct or bureau. [LZ1KCP]

01/11/2013: The Royal Air Force station at Henlow (WW Loc. IO92UA), in
Bedfordshire, UK - G3ELV and the RAF Signals Museum, will be open for business
under the Permanent Special event callsign GB4SMH with effect from 1 November
2013. Normal operating times will be 10:00 ukt to 16:00 ukt on each Tuesday and
on the first Saturday of each month. QSL via the RSGB Bureau. The RAF Signals
Museum website can be found at:

01/11/2013: I.S.W.L. CLUB CALLSIGNS
The ISWL Club Callsigns in use throughout the month of November 2013 are:
GS4BJC /A - Operated from Newton Stewart, in Dumfries & Galloway, Wigtownshire,
by Ian - GM8AVM (/A WAB Square = NX45 - Scotland, IOTA = EU-005 & WLOTA =
MX1SWL /A - Operated from Hartford, in Cambridgeshire, by Tom - G3RPV. (/A WAB
Square = TL27 - England, IOTA = EU-005 and WLOTA = LH-1841).
ALL QSL's will be handled by Herbie G6XOU and NOT the individual Operator.
The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club.
All QSL Info is on or or via NO LOTW.
I.S.W.L. Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see for
full details. cards ARE welcomed for our awards.
Very best wishes to all,
Pete Rayer, ISWL Life Vice President, Bournemouth, UK. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]

01/11/2013: II8IDXC "International DX Convention" from November 2013 until May
2015 - Special callsign to publicize the 10th Anniversary of International DX
Convention that will be in Paestum (SA), Italy, next April 2015. QRV on HF bands
+ 6m, CW, SSB and Digi-modes. QSL via IZ8EDJ. Further information at:

01/11/2013: The TC Special Wireless Activity Team will be active as TC301B from
1-17 November 2013 to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau.
Website: [TCSWAT]

U.S.A. Special Events can be found at:


25/10 II8LH: Punta Coscio WAIL:CL-016 WLOL:ITA-310 QSL HB9FHZ (B)
25/10 II8LH/9: Punta San Raineri WAIL:SI-002 WLOL:ITA-143
25/10-03/11 JD1BOI: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL JI1LET (d)
26/10-27/10 8P2K: Barbados Island WLOTA:0999 QSL KU9C (d)
26/10-27/10 9Y4D: Trinidad Island WLOTA:0563 QSL
26/10-27/10 AH0K: Saipan Island WLOTA:1333 QSL TBA
26/10-27/10 C6AZZ: Grand Bahama Island WLOTA:0527 QSL KQ8Z (d)
26/10-27/10 CR2X: Ilha de Sao Miguel WLOTA:2016 QSL OH2BH (d/B)
26/10-27/10 D4C: Ilha de Sao Vicente WLOTA:1976 QSL IZ4DPV (d/B)
26/10-27/10 EA6/G4MKP: Isla de Mallorca WLOTA:1902 QSL M0URX (OQRS)
26/10-27/10 ED8P: Isla de Tenerife WLOTA:1276 QSL NP3O (d)
26/10-27/10 EF8U: Isla de Gran Canaria WLOTA:0969 QSL LoTW
26/10-27/10 EI1A: Ireland (Eire) WLOTA:2484 QSL PA3249 (d/B)
26/10-27/10 GJ2A: Jersey Island (main) WLOTA:0818 QSL LoTW
26/10-27/10 HI3/NP3J: Dominican Republic Island WLOTA:2974 QSL EA5GL (d)
26/10-27/10 IF9A: Isola di Favignana WLOTA:1545 QSL IT9ATF (d)
26/10-27/10 IH9B: Isola di Pantelleria WLOTA:0041 QSL IV3NVN (d)
26/10-27/10 IQ9UI: Sicilia Island WLOTA:1362 QSL IT9CHU (d)
26/10-27/10 J3 TBA: Grenada Island WLOTA:0718 QSL LoTW
26/10-27/10 NH2DX: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL
26/10-27/10 NH2T: Guam Island WLOTA:0064 QSL W2YC (d)
26/10-27/10 NH7A: Hawaii Island WLOTA:0065 QSL F5VHJ (d)
26/10-27/10 NP2P: St. Croix Island WLOTA:2477 QSL LoTW/N2TTA (d)
26/10-27/10 P40F: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL UA3DX (d)
26/10-27/10 PJ4X: Bonaire Island WLOTA:1279 QSL W1MD (d)
26/10-27/10 PJ6A: Saba Island WLOTA:2043 QSL N4NX (d)
26/10-27/10 PR0F: Fernando de Noronha WLOTA:1208 QSL PP5VB (d)
26/10-30/10 PR5C: Ilha do Mel WLOTA:1435 QSL PU5SVE (d)
26/10-27/10 T48K: Cuba Island WLOTA:0032 QSL DK1WI (d)
26/10-27/10 TO5A: Martinique Island WLOTA:1041 QSL F5VHJ (d/B)
26/10-27/10 VP5T: Providenciales Island WLOTA:2003 QSL WA3RHW (d/B)
26/10-27/10 YE2C: Java WLOTA:1660 QSL LoTW
28/10-24/11 DV1/KJ6YAP: Masbate Island WLOTA:0900 QSL H/c (d/B)
30/10-06/11 TX5RV: Raivavae Island WLOTA:2581 QSL M0URX (OQRS)
31/10-02/11 FR/F5UOW: La Reunion Island WLOTA:1812 QSL F5UOW (d/B)
01/11-10/11 5J0R: Isla San Andres WLOTA:2990 QSL EA5RM (d)
01/11-1/3/14 FK/F5IRO: New Caledonia WLOTA:1280 QSL F5IRO (d/B)
01/11-04/11 JD1BON: Chichi Shima WLOTA:2269 QSL JA1UII (d/B)
01/11-07/11 XR0YY: Isla de Pascua WLOTA:0319 QSL EB7DX (d)
01/11-28/2/14 YW0A: Isla Aves WLOTA:0216 QSL EB7DX (OQRS)


25/10-03/11 JD1BOI: Chichi-jima AS-031 Grid:QL17 6m SSB/CW QSL JI1LET (d)
26/10-27/10 ARRL EME Competition 50-1296MHz 26 0000z-27 2359z
27/10 Let's A1 Contest 6m CW class 0500z-1100z
29/10 RSGB 70MHz UKAC SO Fixed/Open 2000z-2230z
01/11-10/11 5J0R: San Andres NA-033 Grid:EK92 50.105CW 50.115SSB QSL EA5RM (d)
01/11-07/11 XR0YY: Easter Island SA-001 Grid:DG52 6m all mode QSL EB7DX (d)
01/11-11/11 YJ0AU: Iririki Island OC-035 Grid:RH42 6m all mode QSL JA2ATE (d)
01/11-11/11 YJ0CJ: Iririki Island OC-035 Grid:RH42 6m all mode QSL JA2ATE (d)
01/11-11/11 YJ0TE: Iririki Island OC-035 Grid:RH42 6m all mode QSL JA2ATE (d/B)
01/11-11/11 YJ0ZS: Iririki Island OC-035 Grid:RH42 6m all mode QSL JA2ZS (d/B)

Contest Calendars:

Information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make
More Miles on VHF" at:

SOTA (Summits On The Air) Watch Alerts at:


The following operation is approved for DXCC credit:

T6JR - Afghanistan
2013 Operation

73 es DX!
Bill Moore NC1L

QSLs via Bureau: CT8T, HK3R, IQ2X, K9QVB/9, KE9ET, NU1AW/KH6, OL9HQ, P41S,

QSLs via Direct: A41OO (NI5DX), EX2M (W3HNK), J69DS (, KP2/NP3D (W3HNK),
MJ0CFW (M0CFW), PQ5M [SA-027] (PP5BZ), T2YY (DH7WW), TT8/US3EZ (H/c) and UK8FF

TO7A, TX5K, VA3KA, VP9I, W6PZ, W6RFU and W6SX.


Press Release - October 21, 2013

A sea container filled with our equipment --- transceivers, amplifiers,
antennas, wire and cable, connectors, baluns, bandpass filters, camp supplies,
and other miscellaneous equipment -- is now on its way to New Zealand. There it
will be loaded aboard our ship, the MV Braveheart. The Braveheart crew and our
VK6 friends have our shopping lists for other needed materials and are procuring
these items for us. These materials will all come together in January when the
Braveheart and the FT5ZM team arrive in Fremantle, Australia.

Our network and logging team are in the last round of testing our system for the
seamless uploading of our logs. Currently we can export 400 QSO’s each hour
from each of 10 PC’s in approximately 500 msec. The log collection will be
automatic, so there is no interruption of operator time. A zipped log file with
100,000 QSO’s will be just over 600 Kb in size, saving time and money on
satellite uploads. The process has been tested end to end, including uploading
to ClubLog.

We are in the phase of the DXpedition where large expenses are coming at us
rapidly. We’ve completed one down payment on our ship, we’ve had to purchase
some equipment and shipping supplies, shipping and customs fees have been paid,
our anchorage and per diem costs at Amsterdam Island are coming due, we will be
seeing berthing and ship supply charges from Fremantle soon, and we have another
ship payment due on December 1.

We are staying within our budgeted expenses, but contributions have been
somewhat less than we had hoped. It now appears almost certain that the team
members will have to increase their personal contribution from $10,000 per
person to $12,500 per person as well as pay their own way to and from Fremantle,
Australia. If you’ve contributed to the DXpedition, we thank you. If you’ve
yet to help us, or if you can send some additional help our way, we can
certainly use any financial support that you can give us.

Please continue to check our progress, our news updates, and photos on our
website: If, while you are there, you’d hit the "Donate"
tab, we’d really, really appreciate it.

Ralph - K0IR
DXpedition Team Leader

HK0 - SAN ANDRES DXPEDITION 2013 (1-10 November)
UPDATE: call to be used during the DXpedition will be 5J0R.

UPDATE: Heye DJ9RR and Luigi IV3YER recently joined the team.

October 23, 2013
A multinational group of Dietmar, DL3DXX; Wayne, N7NG; Hans, PB2T; Olli, OH0XX;
Martti, OH2BH; Pertti, OH2PM; Veijo, OH6KN and Tevfik, TA1HZ (team doctor) will
be in Juba, South Sudan from November 14 - 28, 2013 and will activate Z81X with
an emphasis on low bands, 160m and 80m. The period includes the CQWW CW contest
with some single-band entries and low-band SSB focus during the contest weekend.

Hosted by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the group led by Hans,
PB2T, President of IARU R1, will conduct a series of workshops and establish a
sound amateur radio spectrum management regime and related regulations. It will
also introduce Amateur Radio to the Ministry of Education. Also participating in
these efforts are two local amateurs; Massimo, Z81B (IZ0EGB) and Diya, Z81D
(YI1DZ). This part of the program is supported by Yasme Foundation Inc.

The plan is to activate three FTDx3000 stations with amps, low-band verticals
and beverage antennas. Two different radio locations may be used. The operation
will be generator based.

The Z81X team will use their pages for providing further updates and
recognizing their supporters, with Vlad, UA6JD as their webmaster.

Z81X Project Goodwill South Sudan is organized jointly by Radio Arcala, DX
University, IARU Region 1 and Rock City Investments Co., and the equipment
sponsor is Yaesu Musen Co. Ltd of Japan.

In support of the DX University, we will take note of specific relationships
between pileup behavior and operator technique. Additional information will be
available before the expedition begins.

The highest cost item is equipment transport, with courier service the only
reliable means of transportation. The group welcomes support from individuals,
clubs and foundations to offset some of the high equipment transport expenses.
You may contact any of the group members for your potential support or use
PayPal at Z81X
Z81X QSL via OH0XX [OH2BN]

ZS8C, Carson, updates readers with the following info:
I have managed to move my radio into my office, making HAM activities much
simpler (I used to have it installed in our emergency base which can get a bit
cold!). Recently I have started becoming more active on the air, and I am hoping
to make a lot more contacts in the coming weeks and months. My preferred method
of making contacts is to arrange a “private” sked between a couple of HAMs.
Please note that my signal is a bit weak due to my set-up, so you might have to
listen very closely. Due to island rules, I cannot upgrade my antenna, so I am
stuck with what I’ve got. If you would like to arrange a sked, please pop me an
email [zs8c(at)]. I look forward to meeting as many HAMs as I can.
Thank you to everyone who has made contact with me. It is always exciting
meeting different people from around the world, which is one of the things I
enjoy the most! [DX World]

The following stations have announced their participation in the CQWW DX SSB
Contest (26-27 October, 2013):

02 VE2IM Canada SOABHP QSL VE3DZ (d/B), LoTW
04 CJ3T Canada SOABHP QSL VA3RVK (d), LoTW
04 VC3R Canada TBD QSL VE7VR (d), LoTW
05 VP9I Bermuda SOABLP QSL WW3S (d), LoTW
07 HR2WW Honduras M/S QSL KD4POJ (d/B), LoTW
07 TG0AA Guatemala M/? QSL
07 TI8M Costa Rica M/2 QSL Buro
07 YN2AA Nicaragua SOABHP QSL NN3W (d), LoTW
07 YN5Z Nicaragua SOAB QSL K7ZO (d), LoTW
08 8P2K Barbados SOSB10m QSL KU9C (d), LoTW
08 8P5A Barbados SOAB QSL NN1N (d), LoTW
08 AG2AA/VP9 Bermuda SO QSL H/c (d/B), LoTW
08 C6ARW Bahama Islands (Grand Bahama) SOABLP QSL N0HJZ (d)
08 C6AZZ Bahama Islands (Grand Bahama) SOSB15m-LP QSL KQ8Z (d)
08 FS/N1SNB Saint Martin SOAB QSL AA4VK (d)
08 HI3/NP3J Dominican Republic SOSB10m-LP QSL EA5GL (d), LoTW, eQSL
08 J3A Grenada M/2 QSL WA1S (d), LoTW
08 J79WTA Dominica M/? QSL HB9MFM (d/B), LoTW
08 KH2RU/KP4 Puerto Rico SOSB(?)LP QSL NP3O (d), LoTW
08 KP4BD Puerto Rico M/S QSL NP3O (d), LoTW
08 NP2P U.S.V.I. SOAB QSL LoTW / N2TTA (d)
08 NP4G Puerto Rico SOSB20m QSL NP3O (d), LoTW
08 PJ6A Saba M/? QSL N4NX (d), LoTW
08 PJ7PL Sint Maarten SO QSL WA1ZAM (d)
08 T48K Cuba M/S or M/2 QSL DK1WI (d), LoTW
08 TO5A Martinique SOABHP QSL F5VHJ (d/B), LoTW
08 V49J St. Kitts & Nevis SOAB QSL W5JON (d), LoTW
08 VP5T Turks & Caicos SOAB QSL WA3RHW (d/B), LoTW
09 8R1A Guyana SO QSL W1CDC (d/B)
09 9Y4D Trinidad & Tobago SOSB20m-Assisted/LP QSL
09 FY5FY French Guiana SOSB20m-QRP QSL LoTW
09 FY5KE French Guiana SOSB15m QSL LoTW
09 HK1NA Colombia M/M QSL K6IPM (d), LoTW
09 P40F Aruba SO QSL UA3DX (d)
09 P40P Aruba TBD QSL LoTW
09 P49Y Aruba SOABHP QSL AE6Y (d), LoTW
09 PJ4X Bonaire MO QSL W1MD (d), LoTW, eQSL
09 TO1A French Guiana SOSB10m QSL LoTW
11 PR0F Fernando de Noronha SOSB40m-HP QSL PP5VB (d)
11 PR5C Mel Island, Brazil MO QSL PU5SVE (d), LoTW, eQSL
11 PS2T Brazil M/2 QSL K3IRV (d), LoTW
11 PT2CM Brazil M/? QSL PP2JP (d)
11 PT5J Brazil M/S QSL PP5VB (d)
11 PX2W Brazil M/? QSL LoTW
11 ZP8T Paraguay SOLP QSL K2DER (d), LoTW
11 ZP9MCE Paraguay SOABLP QSL EA5ZD (d)
11 ZW5B Brazil M/S QSL K3IRV (d), LoTW
12 3G1B Chile M/? QSL HA1AG (d), LoTW
12 3G3W Chile M/2 QSL XQ4CW (d)
12 XQ7UP/7 Chile SO QSL H/c (d/B), LoTW
12 XR6T Chile M/2 QSL CE3FED (B)
13 LP1H Argentina M/M QSL LoTW
13 LR3M Argentina M/2 QSL LU3MAM (d)
13 LU8YE Argentina M/2 QSL IK2DUW (d)
14 C37NL Andorra Entry category TBD QSL C37URA (d -
14 CR2X Azores (Sao Miguel island) SOABHP QSL OH2BH (d/B), LoTW
14 CR6P Portugal M/S QSL LoTW
14 CS2P Portugal M/S QSL Direct/Buro
14 EA6/G4MKP Balearic Islands (Mallorca) SOABHP QSL M0URX (OQRS)
14 EA6BF Balearic Islands (Ibiza) SOAB QSL S53R (d), LoTW
14 ED1WW Spain M/S QSL EA1FCR (d/B), LoTW
14 ED5T Spain M/S QSL EA5ELT (d), LoTW
14 ED6A Balearic Islands (Mallorca) M/M QSL DJ2MX (d/B)
14 EE1W Spain M/M QSL EA1AZ (d), LoTW
14 EE5T Spain M/2 QSL EA5URT (d/B), LoTW
14 EF7K Spain M/2 QSL EA7URA (d/B), LoTW
14 EI1A Ireland SO QSL PA3249 (d/B) (see EI8GQB at
14 GJ2A Isle of Jersey M/S QSL GJ3DVC (d), LoTW
14 GM0B Scotland M/M QSL MM0BHX (d), LoTW
14 GM6NX Scotland M/M QSL LoTW
14 GM7A Scotland M/S QSL GM7AAJ (d), LoTW
14 HB0/HA7JTR Liechtenstein SOABLP QSL H/c (d)
14 LA7H Norway M/S QSL Buro
14 OZ5E Denmark M/S QSL Direct/Buro/LoTW
14 SI9AM Sweden M/S QSL SM3CVM (d), LoTW
14 SJ2W Sweden M/S QSL SM2LIY (d), LoTW
14 TM1A France M/M QSL F6KOP REF Bureau
14 TM7X France SOAB QSL F5BSB (d/B), LoTW
15 9A1P Croatia M/S QSL 9A2RD (d)
15 ES9C Estonia M/M QSL LoTW
15 IF9A Italy (Favignana island) M/S QSL IT9ATF (d/B)
15 II9K Sicily M/S QSL IT9HBT (d/B), LoTW
15 IO1T Italy M/S QSL LoTW
15 IO5O Italy M/S QSL LoTW
15 IQ9UI Italy (Sicily island) M/M QSL IT9CHU (d), LoTW
15 IR5A Italy M/S QSL IK5AFJ (d)
15 LY7A Lithuania M/M QSL LoTW
15 OH0JFP Aland Islands SOSB10m QSL Direct, Buro
15 OH0Z Aland Islands SOABHP QSL W0MM (d/B), LoTW
15 OH5Z Finland M/S QSL LoTW
15 OM4C Slovakia M/S QSL OM6CI (d/B)
15 SP8R Poland M/2 QSL SP8YB (d)
15 TK/SP7VC Corsica SOABHP QSL H/c (d), LoTW
15 Z68BH Republic of Kosovo SOAB QSL OH2BH (d), LoTW
20 5B4ALB Cyprus SO QSL RT9T (d)
20 P3N Cyprus M/S QSL RW3RN (d)
20 P40F Cyprus SOAB QSL UA3DX (d)
20 SW5CC Dodecanese (Rhodes island) SOSB(?)HP QSL M0OXO
20 SW8YY Greece (Zakynthos island) MO QSL DH7WW (d/B), LoTW
20 SX2I Greece M/? QSL SV2JAO (d/B)
20 TC90A Turkey MOST QSL TA1HZ (d/B)
20 TC90TC Turkey M/? QSL TA1HZ (d/B)
21 4K6FO Azerbaijan SO(?)LP QSL Direct, LoTW
21 4L8A Georgia SOSB15m QSL LoTW, K1BV (d)
21 7Z1CQ Saudi Arabia SOAB QSL LoTW
21 A71BX Qatar M/? QSL EA7FTR (d)
21 A73A Qatar M/M QSL A71A (d), LoTW
23 BY0AA China M/2 QSL BA4EG (d/B)
23 BY9GA/9 China M/? QSL BA1DU (d/B)
24 BV55D Taiwan M/S QSL Direct, LoTW
24 VR2PX Hong Kong M/S QSL IV3TAN (d), LoTW
26 E20PFE Thailand SOABLP QSL Direct, LoTW
26 E21YDP Thailand SOSB15m-LP QSL Direct, LoTW, NO eQSL
26 E2E Thailand M/S-HP QSL HS0ZFZ (d/B), LoTW
26 HS4DDQ Thailand SOABLP QSL Direct, LoTW
26 HS4SSP Thailand M/S-LP QSL HS4RAY (d), LoTW
26 HS5AC Thailand M/S QSL Direct, LoTW
26 XV4MN Vietnam (Phu Quoc island) SO QSL N0ODK (d/B)
27 AH0BT Mariana Islands (Saipan island) M/2 QSL 7L1FPU (d/B), LoTW
27 AH0K Mariana Islands (Saipan island) M/2 QSL OH6GDX (d), LoTW
27 AH2R Guam M/S QSL LoTW
27 JD1BOI Ogasawara (Chichi-jima) SO QSL JI1LET (d)
27 NH2DX Guam SOSB15m-HP QSL
27 NH2T Guam SOABHP QSL W2YC (d)
27 T88AZ Palau SOAB QSL JN2AMD (d/B), LoTW
28 9M2SM Malaysia M/2 QSL 9M2GET (d/B), LoTW
28 H44MS Solomon Islands SO QSL DL2GAC (d/B)
28 YB0AI/7 Indonesia (Sebatik island) SO QSL H/c (d)
28 YE2C Indonesia (Java island) M/S QSL LoTW
28 YF1AR/7 Indonesia (Sebatik island) SO QSL N2OO (d)
31 NH7A Hawaii M/2 QSL F5VHJ (d), LoTW
32 3D2QQ Fiji SOAB QSL N7CQQ (
32 E51AAR South Cook Isl (Rarotonga) SOHP QSL K7AR (d/B)
32 ZL1DK New Zealand SOSB20m QSL
32 ZL3X New Zealand M/2 QSL ZL3PAH (d), LoTW
32 ZM4T New Zealand M/2-HP QSL ZL2AL (d), LoTW
33 3V7A Tunisia M/S QSL LX1NO (d), LotW
33 CN2AA Morocco M/S QSL UA2FM (d), LotW
33 CN2R Morocco SOABHP QSL W7EJ (d), LotW
33 CN3A Morocco M/2 QSL IV3ZXQ (d)
33 CR3A Madeira Island M/? QSL EA5GL (d), LotW
33 EA8RM Canary Islands (Gran Canaria) SOAB QSL LoTW
33 ED8P Canary Islands (Tenerife) SOSB15m-LP QSL NP3O (d)
33 ED8W Canary Islands (La Palma) SOSB20m-HP QSL EA8DO (d), LoTW
33 ED9Z Ceuta & Melilla SOSB15m QSL EA5KB (d)
33 EF8U Canary Islands (Gran Canaria) SOAB QSL LoTW
33 IG9P African Italy (Lampedusa island) SOSB10m QSL I2ADN (d), LoTW
33 IG9R African Italy (Lampedusa island) TBD QSL IK8HCG (d)
33 IG9Y African Italy (Lampedusa island) M/2 QSL ON4LG (d), OQRS
33 IH9B African Italy (Pantelleria island) SOSB80m QSL IV3NVN (d), LoTW
33 IH9YMC African Italy (Pantelleria island) SOSB(?) QSL eQSL
35 6V7S Senegal SOABHP QSL RK4FF (d)
35 D4C Cape Verde (Sao Vicente island) M/M QSL IZ4DPV (d/B)
36 ZD8O Ascension Island SOAB QSL OH0XX (d/B)
39 3B8/UU5WW Mauritius SOAB QSL K2PF (d)

(d) = Direct; (B) = Bureau; (d/B) = Direct or Bureau.

Be sure to check Bill's (NG3K) website for updated CQWW DX SSB Contest
information at: ....... Good luck to all participants
& have fun!

73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
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