DXER ham radio
Olof, G0CKV + others will be active from Mauritius as 3B8MU during the CQWW
CW contest (November 23-24, 2019). QRV approx 18-29th Nov mostly low bands
outside contest. QSL via M0OXO. from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2FIxq3vvia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2CDGvqn January
23, 2019 at 08:50AM
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
Contest Dates
CW: 2200Z January 25 – 2200Z Januaary 27, 2019
SSB: 2200Z February 22 – 2200Z Febbruary 24,
The 2019 CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest
CW: 2200Z January 25 to 2200Z January 27
SSB: 2200Z February 22 to 2200Z February 24
For amateurs around the world to contact other amateurs in as many U.S.
states, Canadian provinces, and countries as possible utilizing the 160 meter
1810–2000 kHz in ITU Region 1. 1800–2000 kHz in ITU Regiegions 2 and 3. All
entrants are encouraged to spread out as much as possible, obeying frequency
restrictions and power limits for their own country. Any violations of the
ITU band use may result in disqualification.
For Single Operator Assisted Only:Â The use of one and only one remote
receiver located within 100 kilometers of the main transmitter site is
permitted, in addition to the receiver at the transmitter site. WebSDRs are OK,
but must be located within the 100-KM limit. The rule is designed to accommodate
new technology, and for those who experience high noise levels at the
transmitting site. Anyone found using a remote receiver outside the limit
will be subject to disqualification.
For all categories:Â The main site is defined as all transmitters,
receivers, and antennas must be located on the same contiguous property. If the
property is not contiguous, then all equipment must fall within a 1500-meter
radius. All antennas must be connected by wires to the main station. This rule
applies to all entrants.
The use of any so-called “Chat Rooms†via the internet or similar means
for communication between stations or operators during the contest period is
strictly prohibited. Do not arrange or confirm QSOs by any other means than the
use of the 160-meter band and the same mode as used in the contest. Any such use
may result in disqualification at the discretion of the committee. The use of
self-spotting is not allowed in any category.
Remote operation for categories other than Single Operator
Assisted is permitted under the following conditions:
- The use of any receiver located away from the main site is strictly
- The use of a separate receiver at the remote control location is prohibited.
- Any receiver linked via the Internet or RF not physically located at the
main site is strictly prohibited.
- If the remote station is located in another DXCC entity, it is required to
comply with all local country regulations.
Operating time: Each contest is 48 hours long and starts at
2200Z. Single operator stations may only operate 30 out of the 48 hours.
Multi-Operator stations may operate 40 hours. Off times must be a minimum of 30
minutes in length for all categories.
(A) Single Operator:Â One person performs all of the operating,
logging, and spotting functions. Maximum operating time is 30
hours. Passive spotting is NOT allowed. (See definition of
passive spotting functions below.) Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any
moment in time. Maximum power is 1500 watts total output.
(B) Single Operator/Low Power:Â Same as (A) with the exception that
the output power shall not exceed 150 watts. Stations in this category compete
with other Low Power stations only.
© QRP: Same as (A) with the exception that the output power shall
not exceed 5 watts. Stations in this category compete with other QRP stations
only. Note: There is no Assisted category for QRP entrants.
(D) Single Operator Assisted: HIGH POWER ONLY. Same as (A) with the
following exceptions: The use of passive spotting IS allowed (See
definition of passive spotting functions below); The use of one and only one
remote receiver within 100 kilometers of the transmitter site is allowed.
(E) Multi-Operator: HIGH POWER ONLY. All rules apply as in Single Op
Assisted ( except remote receivers ARE NOT allowed); however, more than
one operator (person) is involved in the operation. Maximum operating time is 40
hours. Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any moment in time. Maximum
power is 1500 watts total output or the output power allowed by your country,
whichever is less. The use of passive spotting is allowed.
Passive Spotting is defined as (but not limited to):
- DX spotting nets or QSO alerting assistance of any kind.
- Over-the-air nets or stations that provide frequency and station
- Any device or person that provides frequency and callsign information of any
station during the contest period. This includes band skimmers or similar
devices. Passive spotting does NOT include band scopes, SDR receivers, or the
like, which provide no information about the signal other than its presence,
which is allowed in all categories.
RS(T) and state for U.S., province for Canada, and CQ Zone for DX. Note:
Zones are location indicators only and do not count for multipliers.
U.S. States:Â (48 contiguous states); U.S. District of Columbia (DC)
Canadian Provinces:Â (14) VO1, VO2, NB, NS, PEI (VY2), VE2, VE3, VE4,
VE5, VE6, VE7, VE8 (NWT), VY1 (YUK), VY0. Note VO1 and VO2 are separate due to
DXCC plus WAE countries:Â WAE: GM/Shetland (Shetland Islands), IG9/IH9
(African Italy – Lampedusa and Pantelleria Islands), IT, JW (Bear Island), TA1
(European Turkey), 4U1VIC (Vienna International Center), Z6 (Kosovo).
Contacts with stations in own country: 2 points.
Contacts with other countries on same continent: 5 points.
Contacts with other continents: 10 points
Maritime mobile contacts count 5 points. There is no multiplier value for a
maritime mobile contact.
All stations—the final score is the result of the total QSO poinnts
multiplied by the sum of all multipliers (states, VE provinces, DX
Certificates will be awarded to the top scorers in each class (see provisions
under classes) by state, Canadian area, and DX country. Runners-up with high
scores over 100,000 points may also receive certificates. The trophies and
donors for all categories can be found on the official contest web site
CQ160.com. If you are interested in sponsoring a plaque, please contact us at:
< questions@CQ160.com>.
Any club that submits at least three logs may enter the Club Competition. The
name of the club must be clearly identified under club competition on the
summary sheet, or summary portion of the Cabrillo log. Please make sure all
entrants from your club use the same club name (spelled the same) in the
Cabrillo entry. Non-compliance with this request may result in your score not
being credited to your club’s entry.
The deadline for log submissions is 5 days from the end of the
For CW this is 2200z Feb 1, 2019.
For SSB this is 2200z Mar 1, 2019.
The submission of Cabrillo logs is required. Please submit CQ WW 160 Meter
Contest logs via the web upload tool found at:Â https://cq160.com/logcheck/
Paper/Disk logs: Paper logs or other formats than Cabrillo will be
considered for Check Logs only. *
Mail all paper logs to: CQ 160 Meter Contest, c/o N2NT, PO Box 25, Dayton, NJ
08810 USA. Indicate CW or SSB on the envelope.
For hardship cases that require more time for log submission, send an e-mail
to < director@CQ160.com>. We
will make every effort to accommodate you if you have a valid reason for
Cabrillo formatted logs are received by a log processing robot. If your log
has been submitted correctly, the robot will reply with a confirmation. If there
is a problem with your log, the robot will send you an error message containing
suggestions for how to fix your log. Read this e-mail carefully. Most log
submission problems are minor and can be corrected in one pass. Submit your log
as many times as needed. The last submitted log will be the version that counts
for your official entry. You can check the status of your log at our web page
Log Received tab. Other inquiries may be sent to <questions@CQ160.com>.
Be sure to send in paper and diskette based logs early to ensure receipt by
the deadlines. Unreadable paper logs will be classified as check logs.
Logs will be cross-checked and penalties will be applied at the committee’s
discretion for contacts determined to be bad or busted. The bad QSO is removed
and a penalty of two more equivalent QSOs is applied to the points only. No
penalty should be applied for unique QSOs unless they are deemed excessive. A
log may be disqualified for violation of amateur radio regulations,
unsportsmanlike conduct, or claiming excessive unverified contacts.
Report file outputs showing final score calculations will be available for
all entrants after the results are published. The decisions of the CQ WW 160
Contest Committee are final.
By submitting a CQ 160 Meter Contest log, and in consideration of the efforts
of the CQ WW 160 Contest Committee to review and evaluate that log, an entrant
unconditionally and irrevocably agrees that he/she has: 1) read and understood
the rules of the contest and agrees to be bound by them, 2) operated according
to all rules and regulations that pertain to amateur radio for the station
location, 3) agreed the log entry may be made open to the public, and 4)
accepted that the issuing of disqualifications and other decisions of the
Committee are official and final. If an entrant is unwilling or unable to agree
to all of the foregoing, the entrant should not submit the entry or submit the
entry as a Checklog only.
“If you feel a little left behind with all this new-fangled SDR stuff, this
video is for you! SDR School is presented in a non-technical fashion. Part one
covers SDR basics, Part two will cover SDR hardware, and part three, the softwa…
These directional antennas may look like Yagis, but they are quite different.
The Doctor explains!   Read
January 23, 2019
Contest Dates CW: 2200Z January 25 – 2200Z January 27, 2019 SSSB: 2200Z
February 22 – 2200Z February 24, 2019 The 2019 CQ World Wiide 160-Me… Read
January 22, 2019
The FCC says it will reactivate its Equipment Authorization System (EAS),
which had been unavailable since the FCC ran out of funds on January 3 becau… Read
January 22, 2019
Indonesia’s IARU member-society ORARI reports that the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology has allocated bands of 135.7 — kHz
(2200… Read
January 22, 2019
“If you feel a little left behind with all this new-fangled SDR stuff, this
video is for you! SDR School is presented in a non-technical fashion… Read
The post CQ WW160 – Meter Contest appeared first on QRZ Now - Amateur Radio News.
from DXER ham radio
news http://bit.ly/2UdB20Kvia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2CDGxP1 January
23, 2019 at 08:50AM
DXER ham radio
There appeared to be some FAKE NEWS being spread around the internet with
regards the 3Y0I (Bouvet) vessel. In the video above, Dom 3Z9DX clears up a few
things in the remarks below. from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2GElTUjvia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2RKak2X January
23, 2019 at 08:50AM
DXER ham radio
January 22, 2019
“If you feel a little left behind with all this new-fangled SDR stuff, this
video is for you! SDR School is presented in a non-technical fashion… Read
January 22, 2019
HRO has an exclusive new ZUMSpot with an LCD screen  The ZUMspot RPi is an
advanced radio module board. Paired with a Raspberry Pi and the MMDVM soft… Read
January 19, 2019
“Hello Operators Extreme weather and grid down disasters seem to be
happening more often, and with greater intensity. More often than not, when… Read
January 17, 2019
 “Life Above 50 MHz†is the topic of the new (January 17) episode of
the “ARRL The Doctor is In†podcast. Listen…and learn! Sponsored by DX Eng…
January 17, 2019
Audio Switch, Control Box, Independent Selection of Audio from One or Two
Transceivers to Two Headphones, Passive Device, Each DX Engineering RXSHARE… Read
January 16, 2019
Overview Introducing the SDS200, Uniden’s latest and most advanced
base/mobile digital trunking scanner. The SDS200 incorporates the latest True
I/Q r… Read
January 13, 2019
 IC-9700 manual “The Icom IC-9700 manual is now available in Japanese on
the Icom website. Here is a link to a “rough†English… Read
January 11, 2019
HAMlab is a fully functional SDR transceiver with 160-10m band coverage and
10W of output power built around the STEMlab platform. It gives you an out… Read
January 22, 2019
The FCC says it will reactivate its Equipment Authorization System (EAS),
which had been unavailable since the FCC ran out of funds on January 3 becau… Read
January 22, 2019
Indonesia’s IARU member-society ORARI reports that the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology has allocated bands of 135.7 — kHz
(2200… Read
January 22, 2019
The Caboolture Radio Club (VK4QD) in Queensland, Australia, is now
operating a beacon on 2200 meters on 137.444 kHz using the call sign VK4RBC.
Austra… Read
January 17, 2019
Ham Radio Deluxe “The version of Ham Radio Deluxe is now
available for download. Please download it from the Download pages on our web…
December 19, 2018
JTDX-2.0.1-rc115Â Â JTDX 2.0.1-rc115 FT8v2Â for evaluation and on air
tests 19th December, this rc has only basic FT8v2 decoding function currently
an… Read
The post 3Y0I – VIDEO Update ! BOUVET appeared first on QRZ Now - Amateur Radio News.
from DXER ham radio
news http://bit.ly/2FNnUfJvia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2CDGyT5 January
23, 2019 at 08:50AM
DXER ham radio

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Balázs Kovács, who shares
the following radio sightings and notes:
The Priest’s rig from the last episode of “The Walking
A Yaesu in “Jurassic World – Fallen

Some emergency/weather radios in the “The Darkest

The Last Ship S05E01 After a cyber attack a backup comm
solution for the US Navy.

Night of the Living Dead (1968/1990) In the original a
radio broadcast was the first information source, in the remake only a small one
was used at the end.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) In a remote

+1: The “Ãlmodozások
kora†(Age of Illusions (US) / The Age of Daydreaming (Int)) was the first
(Hungarian) feature film of the director István
Szabó (winner of an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1981
(Mephisto), English language films: Meeting Venus (1991), Sunshine (1999),
Taking Sides (2001), the Oscar nominated Being Julia (2004) and The Door (2012))
in 1965 about a group of young electrical engineers. Two scenes from it about
the radios, unfortunately I found the hungarian speaking version only online,
but I think maybe it can be still interesting: https://ok.ru/video/228250552961
- 33:58-35: A custom rig receiving 4 european stations (Paris, London, Rome,
Prague) on different speakers at the same time
- 1:05:43-1:07:20: “How radio works†animation
- (and there was a short scene also where they talk about the The Pioneer
Railway and how they learned the morse code there)
I found another (splited) version of the movie now with english subtitles,
the new links and timings:
https://ok.ru/video/904027376280 33:58-35:28:
A custom rig receiving 4 European stations (Paris, London, Rome, Prague) on
different speakers at the same time
https://ok.ru/video/904028097176 20:00-21:39
“How radio works†animation
The same actor (András Bálint) 13 years later have a short ham radio scene
(new year greetings in english) in another movie (BUÉK, 1978). I checked the
callsign from the wall (HA5FA) and probably it was already a real one, belongs
to Jen? Matzon, active member of the radio amateur community (DXCC Honor Roll,
etc.) now a Silent Key.

Wow! Many thanks for sharing all of these radio spots, Balazs! Funny thing is
I remember so well those shots from Night of the Living Dead even
though I likely watched it 40 years ago! I guess I never forget a Zenith!
Of course, I’ll add this post to our ever growing archive of radios in
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2FTlECC via
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2RNvcGr January
23, 2019 at 08:50AM
DXER ham radio
VY0ERC will again be QRV from February 3 to March 29, 2019 from Eureka
(NA-008). Activity on 40 and 20m and possibly 80m in SSB, Digital and CW when
time and weather permits. Also activity via FM satellites from ER60, EQ79 and
close grids is also scheduled. from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2mOidCdvia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2B0QyG6 January
23, 2019 at 11:06AM
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
and the basement shack was a balmy 60 F (15 C), but I decided to give the 40
Meter QRP Fox Hunt a whirl with the magloop, anyway. I was able to locate Wayne
N4FP in Florida rather easily and worked him without a problem. Physically
rotating the loop to where I could hear him the loudest, helped
tremendously. Drew K9CW in Illinois was a different story. He was weak,
VERY weak, no matter which way I oriented the loop. But since I had discovered
where he was hiding, I decided to run to the basement shack to see if I could
hear him any better there. Using the Butternut HF9V, almost as soon as I
sat down, I caught him on a QSB peak and completed the exchange for the second
pelt. After that, he faded away and I was able to hear him no better than on the
loop. So I cannot conclusively say that the HF9V outperformed the magloop in
this case. I just may have been fortunate to have caught him at just the right
time with the HF9V. For all I know, he might have come up just as loudly on the
loop. There was no way I was able to make a direct A to B comparison. One
thing I will say, though ……. the loop is much easier to to tune now. I took one
of the sidereal drive “extenders†from my telescope and fit it onto the
shaft of the tuning capacitor of the loop. Before I just had a plain ol’
vanilla knob. The “extender†is long enough to remove any hand capacitance
effect that my body previously presented, throwing off the setting once I
removed my hand. Now I can tune for loudest background noise, and lowest SWR and
nothing changes when I remove myself from the equation.
I was pleasantly surprised at what a
difference this extension proved to make. 72 de Larry W2LJ QRP - When
you care to send the very least! from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2B1EWT9via
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2B02zvv January
23, 2019 at 11:06AM
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
NEWS UPDATE – The next 3D2AG/p Rotuma Dxpediition will likely take place
around March/April 2019. Focus will be on low bands, with QRO when required.
MARCH 31, 2018 — Due to QRL, the nextt 3D2AG/p Rotuma Dxpedition has been
postponed to around December this year. Focus will be on low bands. MAY 3, 2017
— 3D2AG reports [……] from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2Wbbt20via
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2FT01T3 January
23, 2019 at 07:30PM
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
The FCC says it will reactivate its Equipment Authorization System
( EAS), which had been unavailable since the FCC ran out of
funds on January 3 because of the partial government shutdown that began a month
ago. RF devices, including most Amateur Radio equipment, must be properly
authorized before being marketed or imported into the US. The FCC Office of
Engineering and Technology (OET) adminis…
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2FHbvtovia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2S6JnG6 January
24, 2019 at 12:30AM
DXER ham radio
The FCC says it will reactivate its Equipment Authorization System
( EAS), which had been unavailable since the FCC ran out of
funds on January 3 because of the partial government shutdown that began a month
ago. RF devices, including most Amateur Radio equipment, must be properly
authorized before being marketed or imported into the US. The FCC Office of
Engineering and Technology (OET) adminis…
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2FHbvtovia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2HDNZiG January
24, 2019 at 12:30AM
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
Southgate ARC - Ali, EP3CQ, who works for United Nations in African Union
Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), in Mogadishu, will once again be active as 6O1OO
between January 21st and February 6th from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2S0nicavia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2HCgHAS January
24, 2019 at 12:30AM
DXER ham radio
Southgate ARC - Book now for the 2019 AMSATSA Space Symposium. It will be
held at the Accolade Conference Centre in Midrand just off the Ben Schoeman
Highway from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2Htp3utvia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2RZwaij January
24, 2019 at 12:30AM
DXER ham radio
Southgate ARC - Rick, NE8Z/HC1MD/SP9E is active until February 7th from
Ecuador. He may also operate /portable from other HC prefix areas during this
trip from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2HsP5Oovia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2HqS21S January
24, 2019 at 12:30AM
DXER ham radio
Southgate ARC - A sailing news article suggests some sailors in the Golden
Globe Race have been operating in the amateur radio bands using made-up
callsigns from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2S3Tnjlvia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2RXpb9F January
24, 2019 at 12:30AM
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
Southgate ARC - Thursday and Saturday were not too bad but it was a bit of a
struggle on the other days. Most popular was 9LY1JM (Sierra Leone), HG8W
(Hungary), VK8HW (Alice Springs, Australia) and ZY6C (Brazil). from DXER
ham radio news http://bit.ly/2HuJ047via
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2HtCJ8B January
24, 2019 at 06:45AM
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
Southgate ARC - On November 1, 2018 Sweden’s regulator PTS reduced the
licence-exempt amateur radio power limit to just 200 watts, higher powers are
only available by special permits costing £24 from DXER ham radio news
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2HvvKMn January
24, 2019 at 06:45AM
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
Southgate ARC - The Inter-MAI amateur radio Slow Scan Television experiment
on the International Space Station is scheduled to be activated Jan 30 - Feb 1
on 145.800 MHz FM from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2S1WpVovia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2S5it1b January
24, 2019 at 06:45AM
DXER ham radio
Southgate ARC - n honor to POPE FRANCISCO and the organization JMJ, (Jornada
Mundial de la Juventud), we organize this amateur radio activity to be held from
January 24 to January 30, 2019 from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2HuIWRVvia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2Hs4ej6 January
24, 2019 at 06:45AM
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio
DXER ham radio

Volunteer Examiner Coordinators across the US are continuing to receive
paperwork from Amateur Radio exam sessions held during the partial government
shutdown. While it’s still possible to access the Universal Licensing System
( ULS) and file applications, the
FCC is not processing individual, club, and exam session — new and upgrade —
Amateur Ra Radio applications. The FCC closed most operations on January 3, when
available funding ran out. According to the FCC public notice, aside from a few
emergency and auction-filing systems, all other Commission electronic filing
systems will be unavailable to the public until normal agency operations
“Nothing’s moving until the FCC reopens,†said ARRL VEC Manager Maria
Somma, AB1FM. “ARRL VEC continues to enter exam session, individual, and club
license data into the system while we wait for the FCC to reopen and normal
agency operations to resume. We have approximately 1,600 applications and 125
exam sessions waiting in the queue to be processed. Everything’s in there
ready to go.â€
Somma stressed that, although license upgrade applications are still on hold,
current FCC Amateur Radio licensees who have successfully upgraded and hold a
Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) may operate
temporarily using the privileges of their new license class, until their new
licenses are granted.
Even though it’s not possible for the FCC to grant a new license, a license
upgrade, a change of address or other modification, or a vanity call sign
application, the Commission Registration System ( CORES) remains functional to
allow critical radio services to obtain FRNs and file applications during the
shutdown. Registering a user name and logging into CORES is required to apply
for and receive an FCC Registration Number (FRN). An FRN is a unique 10-digit
identifier necessary to conduct business with the FCC and to manage existing
FRNs. The FCC said that starting in March, users who already have an FRN from
the legacy Commission Registration System will need to create a user name to
continue managing their FRNs.
If an Amateur Radio license recently has expired or is about to expire, the
licensee can apply for license renewal via the ULS and continue to operate while
the FCC is closed. The filed application will remain in limbo until the FCC is
back to work. Licensee who wait until the FCC reopens to apply then will have 2
days to submit a renewal application before the license is considered to have
expired in the FCC database.
The FCC has said it would not automatically extend deadlines in cases where
the license has expired and the 2-year grace period has expired, but said it
would “consider whether it is appropriate to do so once normal operations
Source: ARRL
April 02, 2015
 MFJ VNA Antenna Analyzer covers 1 to 230 MHz, 1Hz resolution. •Frequency
sweep plots: SWR, Impedance, Resistance, Reactance,Phasee Angle, Comple… Read
May 30, 2015
   VA3NCD had the luxury of being able to install 2 50MHz 7el Yagis for
testing one against the other. One an M2 7el JHV, the other… Read
July 30, 2015
Building Buddipole Yagis – A practical demonstration by ZL4PLMM using
standard Buddipole parts. Read
December 03, 2016
This aerial covers the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metre bands and is made from a
single 3 metre length of 22 mm copper tube cut into 4 pieces of equal leng… Read
September 30, 2015
 2E Yagi Specs 2E 20m-6m 2E with 30/40m loop element Boom Length 57 in /
1.44 m 57 in / 1.44 m Boom 1.75 in / 4.45 cm 1.75 in / 4.45 cm Longest… Read
January 22, 2019
“If you feel a little left behind with all this new-fangled SDR stuff, this
video is for you! SDR School is presented in a non-technical fashion… Read
January 22, 2019
HRO has an exclusive new ZUMSpot with an LCD screen  The ZUMspot RPi is an
advanced radio module board. Paired with a Raspberry Pi and the MMDVM soft… Read
January 19, 2019
“Hello Operators Extreme weather and grid down disasters seem to be
happening more often, and with greater intensity. More often than not, when… Read
January 17, 2019
 “Life Above 50 MHz†is the topic of the new (January 17) episode of
the “ARRL The Doctor is In†podcast. Listen…and learn! Sponsored by DX Eng…
January 16, 2019
“A new dual band DMR HT is on the market from Retevis, with a model number
of RT84. In this video, we try to load an RT82 codeplug into the radi… Read
November 20, 2018
 This is a view from NASA of the sun today, October 9, 2018, and I am
making 10m DX contacts one after another.  Zero sunspots but working DX on…
November 16, 2018
“Hi Folks, Thanks for staying patient with me on this one. Build servers
were being weird today! Happy to bring you release with simple features… Read
November 13, 2018
MFJ-1204 Includes radio interface cable (8-PIN DIN) Sign up for the digital
revolution and explore a whole new world of amateur radio excitement using… Read
November 02, 2018
JS8Call Download “Hi folks! Happy to announce 0.8 of JS8Call. This is a
backwards incompatible release (which is the primary reason for it being… Read
October 07, 2018
J8Call “Howdy Folks, We’ve sure come a long way in the past few weeks.
Thanks for sticking with me and enjoying the ride! This release is… Read
The post Amateur Radio Applications Piling Up as Partial Government Shutdown
Continues appeared first on QRZ Now - Amateur Radio News.
from DXER ham radio
news http://bit.ly/2Rarx0mvia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2S5iv9j January
24, 2019 at 06:45AM
DXER ham radio
19, 2019 – Look for world traveller, Vlad UA4WHX, too soon be active from La
Digue Island, Seychelles as S70VB. QRV on CW & SSB. from DXER ham
radio news http://bit.ly/2Cyle1dvia
Tumblr http://bit.ly/2Hvj8Vw January
24, 2019 at 06:45AM
DXER ham radio
Ham radio SSTV from the Space Station
The Inter-MAI amateur radio Slow Scan Television experiment on the
International Space Station is scheduled to be activated Jan 30 – Feb 1 on
145.800 MHz FMÂ
Received information that the Moscow Aviation Institute will be conducting
their SSTV experiment from January 30 – February 1.Â
It appears from the scheduling that the experiment will only be active during
a couple of orbits that overfly Moscow instead of a continuous operation. Rough
time periods of activation appear to fall between the hours of 13:00 – 19:00
UTC. Activity should occur on the traditional 145.800 MHz downlink.Â
Source: ARISS SSTV Blog https://ariss-sstv.blogspot.com/
You can receive the pictures from the ISS by using the MMSSTV software and an
Online Radio (WebSDR). Select a Frequency of 145800.0 kHz and Mode FM: •
Farnham WebSDR when ISS in range of London http://farnham-sdr.com/• R4UAB WebSDR when
ISSS is over Russia http://websdr.r4uab.ru/
Check the N2YO site to see when the ISS is in range https://n2yo.com/?s=25544&df=1
ISS Slow Scan TV (SSTV) hints and links https://amsat-uk.org/beginners/iss-sstv/
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