DXER ham radio news
MARCH 30 – Long update from Cezar found here [Video above taken by Georg, DK7LX at his QTH showing VE3LYC/KL7 signals using a 16m high rotary dipole] MARCH 21 by VE3LYC – The internet service was restored around 10 UTC. This morning I had a very interesting propagation on 30 m, with the path to VK/ZL […]
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March 30, 2019 at 09:10AM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Balázs Kovács, who writes:
Hi Thomas,
Some radio fixing and a plan to create a radio connection between the survivor settlements in the latest (shocking) episode of The Walking Dead (S09E15):

Very cool, Balázs–thanks for sharing!
So can anyone name the model of the Hallicrafters rig on the table? Please comment!
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March 30, 2019 at 09:10AM
DXER ham radio news
My best friend since high school, Donald Jakubowski, posted the following photo on my Facebook timeline yesterday. It must have been from one of the many times when he came over to my parent’s house to visit.
The lighting is what we would call in the photographic world as “low key”. Usually a single light source and a lot of deep shadow and drama. The light source here is the desk lamp.
This was taken, in what I would guess to be 1980. It must have been in the late fall or winter, because if it’s dark enough at 2222 UTC to have a desk light on, it must have been pretty dark outside at 5:22 PM local time. . I was working at the North Brunswick Camera Center at the time. I was wearing one our store’s signature “Keep on Clickin”“ t-shirts. I can make out that, at this point, I was beyond my initial Novice station. That’s definitely my Heathkit HR-1680 receiver, but to the right of it would appear to be my Kenwood T599D, which had replaced my Drake 2NT as my transmitter. The R599D would come very shortly thereafter. I did not acquire them both at the same time. When you’re a young kid, working at your first "real job”, you’re not exactly rolling in dough. Stations got built, a piece at a time.
To the left of the Heathkit was my MFJ VersaTuner with a speaker on top of it, and a clock on top of that. On the bottom shelf was my Realistic DX160, which was my SWL receiver. To the left was its speaker. To the right of that was open space for whichever Morse Code key I was happening too use at the time.
On the wall you can see some meager wallpaper. My RCC - Rag Chewers Club certificate, and my W1AW code proficiency certificate. Only 13 wpm at this point, but that’s what is leading me to believe that I had upgraded to General by the time this photo was taken. I think that’s a copy of a Gil cartoon the the left of the RCC Certificate, behind the clock. Phil Gildersleeve, always was and always will be my favorite. Attached to the dormer, over my left shoulder, was an ARRL world map. Above and to the left of the RCC Certificate was probably my ARRL Membership Certificate, then something in between, and then my license to the right of that.
I was so surprised to see this! As much as I was into photography at the time, I never thought of taking photos of myself, or of my pursuits. I was always taking photos of other things, and thus, I lack any documented personal history.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
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March 30, 2019 at 11:25AM
DXER ham radio news
Multi-tasking |
Good afternoon everyone the weather up this way is raining, the MFJ loop is on the balcony and there is nothing to be had on 20 and 40m CW it seems everyone is participating in the CQ World wide WPX SSB contest this weekend. So why am I not jumping into the fray you ask…….well this is the topic for part 5 of ham radio and the condo life. In this post I am going to look at the radio modes I found work best for me. In a condo it’s very obvious your neighbors are very close and now a days each home is FULL of electronic gizmos! In condo living it’s accepted practice to respect your fellow neighbors by keeping the TV and music to an acceptable level as well as any noise overall. For the ham it should also be an expectation to be RF mindful as well. One of the ways I found to be a good RF neighbor is to in my case to make sure I “mind my mode”.
Years ago when I was in a townhouse and decided to spend more time with my radio hobby. It just so happens the upcoming weekend was the Canada day SSB contest. I had a nice Yaesu FT 1000 MP radio and I was all set to dive right in. My antenna was out on my car a far distance way with coax running out to it. The first day of the contest ended and I was having a blast until my fellow neighbor asked me “did you hear "CQ contest CQ contest” from my speakers! I said no (which was the true I didn’t) but knowing full well what was going on the Canada day contest came to an end and the thinking cap went on.
I could go and see them and explain it could be the poor electronics they have that is picking up my signal…………not a good idea I thought as this can just open a HUGE can of worms! The plan I came up with to keep me on the air was to become a QRP (low power) operator. I very much looked forward to this and as I looked into things I also came to the understanding that you get more bang for your watt with CW than you do with SSB. My first but not only mode for ham radio in a condo is CW. Now there may be readers who are thinking “nice idea but I am morseless” funny thing so was I. Some time ago did have a basic understand but far from proficient. I set out to learn CW and it did take time and remember I did say earlier I really liked contesting so the goal was to get my CW up to contest speed in around 25-35 WPM.
Years ago I was introduced to the digital modes but found it very frustrating to get the PC to play nice with the radio and digital program. It would seem all was working fine until I turned the the rig and the PC on and for some reason something else was wrong. I found it took more time to hunt the issue down than I was operating digital. So for some time I just stuck with CW and put the digital modes off to the side.
The next radio for me was the Elecraft K3 and the Elecraft reflector was booming with posts about getting your K3 up and running on the digital modes. Back then the popular modes were PSK31 and WSPR. I did still have some issues with the PC and rig talking to each other and did get frustrated at times. At present my condo modes are CW and FT8 and at the present time FT8 is very popular. While writing this post I had FT8 running in the background and was able to make 12 contacts. Having said that I do find CW more interactive but today with the SSB contest going on CW contacts were far and few to be had. The rig I have now is the Icom 7610 and it is a breeze to get working with digital.
Do give me your feedback with modes you are using in your condo. The next topic for ham radio and the condo life is dealing with close neighbors and most likely being in a city or built up urban areas is electronics causing you grief with there noise.
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March 30, 2019 at 03:26PM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
ICQ Podcast -
In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Leslie Butterfield G0CIB, Edmund Spicer M0MNG and Ed Durrant DD5LP to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s feature is an interview with Howard Michel, WB2ITX, CEO of the ARRL, discusses his vision for the organisation.
We would like to thank Andy Cowley and our monthly and annual subscription donors for keeping the podcast advert free. To donate, please visit - http://www.icqpodcast.com/donate
- FCC Invites Comments on ARRL Technician Enhancement Proposal
- New 47 GHz and 122 GHz Records Set
- Modified Digital QST App Now Available for Apple iOS Users
- Ham Radio Geostationary Satellite Transponders
- AMSAT’s 50th Anniversary
- Czech Amateur Radio Team to Activate Jersey
- Greece Makes 60m Available to Amateur Radio
ICQPodcast Event : Work ARRL CEO Howard Michel - https://www.icqpodcast.com/news/2019/3/18/icqpodcast-event-work-arrl-ceo-howard-michel
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March 31, 2019 at 06:10AM
DXER ham radio news
Southgate ARC - OPDX report: SAD NEWS. Excerpts from a very long press release dated March 26th, the 3Y0I team was just 70 nautical miles off Bouvet Island when the ship was hit by a series of 11+ meters (36+ ft) tall waves + wind exceeding 83 knots/h (approx. 160 km/h)
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March 31, 2019 at 06:10AM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
Southgate ARC - The first leg of the SARL 80 m QSO Party will take place from 17:00 to 20:00 UTC on Thursday 4 April 2019 with phone activity between 3 603 to 3 650 and 3 700 to 3 800 kHz. Please note that the segment 3 651 to 3 699.99 kHz is contest free
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March 31, 2019 at 06:10AM
If Any new post on your blog, then Add to daily digest sent to mtw@charter.net at 7AM
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