DXER ham radio news
The low pressure system which thwarted attempts by the 3Y0I team to arrive at Bouvet was such a powerful storm that it has its own definition: BOMBOGENESIS. According to reports on Bouvetoya.org – “the captain analyzed the latest weather reports indicating a chance to break through the storm – as it hadn’t been that strong […]
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March 28, 2019 at 07:19AM
DXER ham radio news
Can our brains sense Geomagnetic Storms? Do we have an “internal radar” that tells us when the sun is active?
Brain waves respond to Magnetic Fields (Credit: Earth to Sky Calculus)
I ran across this article this morning posted at http://SpaceWeather.com
CAN HUMANS SENSE MAGNETIC STORMS? Close your eyes and relax. Daydream about something pleasant. In this state your brain is filled with “alpha waves,” a type of electrical brainwave associated with wakeful relaxation.
Now try it during a geomagnetic storm. It may not be so easy. A new study just published in the journal eNeuro by researchers at Caltech offers convincing evidence that changes in Earth’s magnetic field can suppress alpha waves in the human brain.
[Go to http://SpaceWeather.com to read the full article]
Guest Post by Troy Riedel
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March 28, 2019 at 07:19AM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
Southgate ARC - New research published by neuroscientists at Caltech shows that sudden changes in Earth’s magnetic field affect human brainwaves–specifically, depressing alpha waves associated with wakeful relaxation. This raises the possibility that humans can sense geomagnetic storms
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March 28, 2019 at 07:19AM
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DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
The Spring 2019 SPRAT showed up in the post yesterday and I’ve only had a chance to quickly peruse it. My ritual is to scan it about a dozen times quickly, making mental note of things of special interest to me, before devouring the entire thing before the next edition crosses the transom.
On first pass my eye was caught by A Balloon Supported Aerial written by Chris, G3XIZ. He describes a sort of stealthy arrangement where an inexpensive balloon is filled with generated hydrogen gas and used to “float” a wire vertically to heights not easily achieved with physical towers and masts.
In low wind (less than 5mph) conditions the balloon is released, and a hand crank feeds out lightweight antenna wire as the balloon ascends. After an operating session, the balloon and antenna wire are cranked back to Earth.
Part of my interest is that I proposed a similar idea a couple of decades ago. In my scheme, the balloon and winching mechanism would be installed in a fake dog house at the back of the yard. In low-wind conditions (and after dark), I imagined pulling back the roof on the dog house and releasing the filled balloon after a similar fashion.
The entire concept was based on a story told by my friend Don Pasley, K4KXL (SK) who was present at a Field Day operation that used a balloon to support a 160 meter vertical that worked marvelously until thunderstorms moved in quickly from the west and suddenly he could see arcs and sparks between the capacitor plates on the tuner and they quickly cut loose the balloon and ran for cover.
Now that’s real radio adventure!
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March 28, 2019 at 07:19AM
DXER ham radio news

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Kim Andrew Elliott, who shares the following article and writes:
USAGM (US International Broadcasting and Associated Media) reported a 24 percent increase in measured audience in 2018. Why the sudden increase? Did a major war break out? No, the measurement methodology changed …
by Kim Andrew Elliott
A February 2019 email newsletter from John Lansing, CEO of the U.S. Agency for Global Media (new name for the Broadcasting Board of Governors) proclaimed that “2018 was a banner year” for USAGM. He noted that “USAGM programming was consumed by 345 million adults weekly worldwide—including radio, television and internet—an unprecedented year-on-year increase of 67 million from 2017.” This refers to the USAGM’s Audience Impact Overview for 2018 issued November 2018.
That would be a 24 percent increase in one year. As an international broadcasting audience research analyst for 42 years (10 in academia and 32 for the Voice of America and its parent agencies), a 24 percent “year-on-year” increase gets my notice. Why there was such a dramatic increase? Did a major war break out, causing people to seek information from abroad? No, nothing beyond the ongoing simmering regional conflicts. Did one of the USAGM entities score a new television affiliate, with a prime-time slot in a populous country? If that had caused the increase, I am sure it would have been highlighted in the report.
According to the press release (apparently no longer at the USAGM website but available here), “The measured weekly audience grew to 345 million people in FY 2018, from 278 million people in FY 2017, an unprecedented increase of 67 million.” The reader could easily interpret this as a sudden one-year audience increase of 67 million, but it is actually a change in the “measured” audience.[…]
Click here to continue reading the full article at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy.
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March 28, 2019 at 07:19AM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
 Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) volunteers in Colorado stepped up as a mid-month “bomb cyclone” winter storm struck the state, with heavy rain shifting to heavy snowfall. The storm affected several states and led to significant flooding in Nebraska. Parts of Colorado recorded winds of nearly 100 MPH and record-low barometric pressure readings. ARES teams in Colorado began preparations a day ahead of the weather event.
Pikes Peak ARES alerted its personnel via email and a regularly scheduled Tuesday net and coordinated with the Special Communications Unit (SCU), a special cadre of radio amateurs in the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management (OEM). Most SCU members also belong to ARES, but when called up by the OEM, they wear their SCU hats. The SCU planned to deploy to the Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) on March 12 and be ready to operate first thing in the morning.

At the time, the Red Cross did not anticipate needing Pikes Peak ARES support, so the ARES district planned to undertake weather spotting for the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Pueblo and relaying status information to the ECC. By the morning of March 13, however, the storm’s timing had changed, and the Red Cross requested ARES operators in four shelters, creating a problem with recruiting and deploying sufficient volunteers in time. Three ARES volunteers were identified, but by then the weather was so severe that only one was able to get through, amid difficulties.
At the request of NWS Pueblo, a formal weather net was called up and ran for more than 10 hours, even though the primary and back-up net control stations lost power for several hours. Some 70 operators provided reports during the storm and its aftermath. An informal net continued for another 16 hours until the SCU operators were released from the ECC.
 “While the net started out as a weather net, it quickly became a common way for operators to report stranded motorists, requests for assistance, abandoned vehicles, Good Samaritan rescues — important so that the ECC could clear police, fire, rescue, and National Guard units from responding — shelter status, and requests about road conditions,” said John Bloodgood, KD0SFY, Pikes Peak ARES Emergency Coordinator and Public Information Officer (PIO). The storm stranded more than 1,000 motorists in El Paso County.
Neighboring Douglas and Elbert counties also took proactive measures on March 12, opening emergency operations centers (EOCs) in anticipation of the storm. Both counties count on ARES of Douglas and Elbert Counties (ARESDEC) radio to support communication in emergencies. Before the heavy rain turned to snow, the two counties had already begun to open shelters. The ARES team’s operations staff closely followed weather forecasts and knew this activation would be different.
“Our preferred procedure is to keep our operational periods to about 8 hours,” ARESDEC Operations Chief Denny Phillips, W0DDP, explained. “However, we knew that once our people were in place, especially on the eastern plains, that providing relief would not be possible. Our people would have ride out the storm in the shelters.”
As the storm progressed, it became clear to county officials that additional shelters would be needed. ARESDEC operators assisted the Red Cross in setting up shelters and organizing and managing food service.
“These were incredibly difficult circumstances for the people in the shelters,” said ARESDEC operator Dick Bush, WB0EVA. “I had a very good experience and would do this again in a minute.”
By the end of the storm, more than 1,100 people were hosted in eight shelters across the two counties. ARESDEC deployed 17 radio operators. Emergency Coordinator Jim Rooney, N4JJR, praised the volunteers’ performance, saying, “Our team performed well above expectations due to their commitment to training and willingness to serve.”
Colorado Section Emergency Coordinator Robert Wareham, N0ESQ, oversaw and took part in the overall response. — Thanks to Pikes Peak ARES EC and PIO John Bloodgood, KD0SFY, and ARESDEC PIO Ron Coffee, KD0TRY
Source: ARRL
Video introduction from Icom Inc. to the IC-SAT100 which is Icom’s first Satellite PTT handheld radio that uses the Iridium satellite communication network. Unlike satellite phones, the IC-SAT100 will provide radio service to users with a p… Read more
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March 28, 2019 at 11:35AM
DXER ham radio news
 Starting on April 1, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station ( ARISS) will accept applications from US schools, museums, science centers, and community youth organizations (working individually or together) interested in hosting contacts with orbiting crew members on the International Space Station (ISS). Contacts will be scheduled between January 1 and June 30, 2020.
Each year, ARISS provides tens of thousands of students with opportunities to learn about space technologies and communications through Amateur Radio. The program provides learning opportunities by connecting students to astronauts aboard the ISS through a partnership between ARRL, AMSAT, and NASA, as well as other Amateur Radio organizations and worldwide space agencies. The program’s goal is to inspire students to pursue interests and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and Amateur Radio.
“Educators overwhelmingly report that student participation in the ARISS program stimulates interest in STEM subjects and in STEM careers,” ARISS said in announcing the contact opportunities. “One educator wrote, ‘Many of the middle school students who took part in and attended the ARISS contact have selected science courses in high school as a result of that contact.’” ARISS says enthusiasm sparked by a school contact has led to an interest in ham radio among students and to the creation of ham radio clubs in schools. Some educators have even become radio amateurs after experiencing a contact with an ISS crew member.
ARISS is looking for organizations capable of attracting large numbers of participants and integrating the contact into a well-developed, exciting education plan. Students can learn about satellite communications, wireless technology, science research conducted on the ISS, radio science, and any related STEM subject. Students learn to use Amateur Radio to talk directly to an astronaut and ask their STEM-related questions. ARISS will help educational organizations locate Amateur Radio groups who can assist with equipment for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students.
The deadline to submit proposals is May 15. Proposal webinars for guidance and questions will be offered on April 11 at 7 PM EDT (2300 UTC) and on April 16 at 9 PM EDT (0100 UTC on Wednesday, April 17). Advance registration is required. More details, such as expectations, proposal guidelines, and the proposal form, are on the ARISS website.
Source: ARRL
September 26, 2016
by Bob K0NR “Some exciting news wandered into my inbox this past week concerning a handheld radio driven by the Android operating system. The RF… Read more
December 04, 2014
Icom proudly announces the debut of the new VHF/UHF dual band transceiver, IC-2730A/2730E. It is the successor of the long selling IC-2720H ser… Read more
September 03, 2015
A popular landing spot for most new amateur radio operators is the two meter band. With the popularity of inexpensive handheld radios like this one, a… Read more
March 02, 2017
PRESS RELEASE Qixiang Electron Science & Technology Co., Ltd was founded in January 1993, and is locate in Quanzhou in China. Qixiang is a high-te… Read more
March 28, 2019
Are you curious about the mysteries of signal propagation, or maybe wondering how well your antenna is working? The answer may be just a “WSPR… Read more
March 26, 2019
“This will be a multi-part video that was recorded at Flex Radio HQ in Austin Texas, March of 2019. SmartLink version 3, featuring MultiFlex, is… Read more
March 25, 2019
“” “The SteppIR CrankIR is portable a vertical HF and 2 meter antenna, it’s lightweight, high performance, extremely portable… Read more
March 22, 2019
“SDRuno, the “house brand” software for the SDRplay family of “radio spectrum processors” has been updated with scanning… Read more
March 21, 2019
A look at the types of equipment that new hams need to get started on their amateur radio journey, and the importance of doing your research. Read more
January 26, 2017
This revolutionary antenna consists of 6 trapless monoband logs on a single 30’ boom and 13 full size elements. Computer optimization gives full monob… Read more
June 07, 2018
The Doctor offers advice about antenna options for the upcoming ARRL Field Day. Read more
December 18, 2014
XR4 is what you get when you add 6 meter coverage to the great XR3 antenna (see above) with the same single feedline and a scarcely longer 11.5… Read more
February 16, 2015
“I’ve always been a bit bothered by balunst since I was never sure what they are supposed to dot let alone hotv they might go about… Read more
March 30, 2015
A multi-band wire antenna that performs exceptionally well even though it confounds antenna modeling software Article by W5GI ( SK ) The design… Read more
February 24, 2016
decoder translates and displays the tones of a telegraph or teletype signal on a display of alphanumeric characters. Only required to run a connection… Read more
September 15, 2015
The Barrett 2050 HF transceiver In addition to providing all common modes of HF transmission, most currently used selective call formats and MIL STD 1… Read more
December 27, 2016
This high ruggedness device, MRF1K50H, is designed for use in high VSWR industrial, scientific and medical applications, as well as radio and VHF TV b… Read more
January 26, 2017
Like the original Splinter…only better! Here’s what you get: 1. 40 meter DC receiver with improved audio. 2. Sidetone volume is now variable. 3… Read more
December 07, 2018
The RS-BA1 remote control software gained popularity by allowing Amateur radio operators to operate selected Icom radios from a PC via IP. The RS-BA1… Read more
The post ARISS Seeks Hosts for Ham Radio Contacts with Space Station Crew Members appeared first on QRZ Now - Amateur Radio News.
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March 28, 2019 at 11:35AM
DXER ham radio news

Are you curious about the mysteries of signal propagation, or maybe wondering how well your antenna is working? The answer may be just a “WSPR” away.
November 10, 2015
SAMCOM Mini Mobile Radio 218 Key Specifications Frequency Range V:136.000MHz-174.000MHz V:220.000MHz-248.000MHz U:400.000MHz-470.000MHz System F3E(FM)… Read more
August 05, 2015
Baofeng Watch in HD! Today I show you how I use my HAM radios to listen in to local police, fire and EMS. Also handy for receiving weather radio and t… Read more
April 24, 2015
Icom UK together with TX Films have produced a video providing an introduction to D-STAR and the Icom RS-MS1A Android D-STAR application softwa… Read more
April 16, 2018
“This will be the 4th or 5th video I have done on or about an RFinder device. This Android DMR and phone device has been my daily carry for abou… Read more
September 05, 2018
This week, AMSAT News Service (ANS) cited an August 27 report from AMSAT Vice President-Operations Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, saying that a digital mobi… Read more
November 03, 2015
The updated KT31WARC offers flexibility in size and frequencies. It is truly unique in many ways. The KT31WARC covers 12,17 and 20 or 30 meters. 20 or… Read more
December 15, 2014
A Poor Man Antenna Analyzer by André Saunders, GM3VLB – Read .pdf File in adobe reader Link 1 or Link 2 Also Visit: http://www.gm3vlb.com/… Read more
July 06, 2015
The “Big Wheel” is a horizontal polarized omni directional antenna. Usually highly directional antennas are used on VHF and UHF, which hav… Read more
February 05, 2015
“KIO Broadband Hexagonal Beam Antenna This two element, five band, directional antenna installation was accomplished in the following phases: 1… Read more
August 25, 2015
The M2 KT36XA is the result of many hours spent on perfecting the original KLM KT-34XA through computer optimization confirmed by range and actual on-… Read more
March 27, 2019
Starting on April 1, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) will accept applications from US schools, museums, science centers, and… Read more
March 27, 2019
Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) volunteers in Colorado stepped up as a mid-month “bomb cyclone” winter storm struck the state, with heavy rai… Read more
March 26, 2019
Des Moines (Iowa) Water Works (DMWW) uses secure radiotelemetry to monitor various remote-site parameters to alert staff to problems. Earlier this yea… Read more
March 26, 2019
ISS SSTV transmissions April 1-2 Dmitry R4UAB reports cosmonauts on the International Space Station will be transmitting SSTV images on 145.800 MHz FM… Read more
March 23, 2019
On Monday, December 3, 2018, the 50 kg ESA Education Office satellite ESEO was launched by Space-X on the Spaceflight SSO-A SmallSat Express mission…. Read more
March 18, 2019
Ailunce HS1 Description: Spectrum Dynamic Waterfall Display Multiple Working Modes:Receive Mode, Transmit Mode, TUNE Mode, VFO Mode, SPLIT Mode DSP Di… Read more
March 09, 2019
The splitter or combiner is a very useful device. It can provide equal voltages, equal current, or equal power to matched or unmatched loads. Like all… Read more
March 09, 2019
The K44 is the Swiss Army knife of CW keyers. A CW keyboard interface, CW reader, iambic paddle keyer, backlit LCD display, and optically isolated key… Read more
March 06, 2019
Ailunce HS1 Specification: Frequency Range: 0.5-30MHz Operating Mode – SSB(J3E),CW,AM(RX Only), FM, FREE-DV TX Power: Max to 15w Product Dimensi… Read more
February 28, 2019
TM2 (the ultimate SDR control console) TM2 is the most awaited accessory by many users of SDR radio that can not or will not stay without usual knobs… Read more
The post The WSPR Heard ‘Round the World appeared first on QRZ Now - Amateur Radio News.
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March 28, 2019 at 11:35AM
DXER ham radio news
 Video introduction from Icom Inc. to the IC-SAT100 which is Icom’s first Satellite PTT handheld radio that uses the Iridium satellite communication network. Unlike satellite phones, the IC-SAT100 will provide radio service to users with a push of the transmit (PTT) button. It can be used as a communication tool in remote, isolated areas where there are no mobile phones or landline network infrastructure, such as mountainous areas, remote islands and desert areas. Even if terrestrial network infrastructure is rendered unusable by human or natural disasters, satellite communication can provide a stable backup.
October 09, 2014
4 big monobanders on 1 boom, no traps !!! 3el on 40m / 4el on 20m / 4el wide spaced on 15m / 6el on 10m OptiBeam OB17-4 17 Element, 4… Read more
June 18, 2016
Directional antennas do have their strengths such as power over distance but sometimes you may need to use a good omnidirectional antenna to produce 3… Read more
January 08, 2016
A long time has passed since we have to accept the negative aspects of matching Yagi antennas. With modern software, knowledge and optimisation techni… Read more
August 20, 2018
“Are you looking for a fun and easy antenna project? The ¼ ground plane might be just the ticket. This particular ground plane is constructed… Read more
March 28, 2019
Are you curious about the mysteries of signal propagation, or maybe wondering how well your antenna is working? The answer may be just a “WSPR… Read more
March 26, 2019
“This will be a multi-part video that was recorded at Flex Radio HQ in Austin Texas, March of 2019. SmartLink version 3, featuring MultiFlex, is… Read more
March 25, 2019
“” “The SteppIR CrankIR is portable a vertical HF and 2 meter antenna, it’s lightweight, high performance, extremely portable… Read more
March 22, 2019
“SDRuno, the “house brand” software for the SDRplay family of “radio spectrum processors” has been updated with scanning… Read more
March 25, 2019
Apple has released a new app for digital QST (version 5.1) readers that use that platform. A long-standing problem involved the inability of some Appl… Read more
October 16, 2018
WSPR WSPR implements a protocol designed for probing potential propagation paths with low-power transmissions. Normal transmissions carry a station’s… Read more
August 19, 2018
Thomas Lindner, DL2RUM, is happy to announce the availability of version 3.5.2 of his RUMlogNG2Go logger for the iPhone and iPad. RUMlogNG2Go can be … Read more
March 18, 2019
Ailunce HS1 Description: Spectrum Dynamic Waterfall Display Multiple Working Modes:Receive Mode, Transmit Mode, TUNE Mode, VFO Mode, SPLIT Mode DSP Di… Read more
March 09, 2019
The splitter or combiner is a very useful device. It can provide equal voltages, equal current, or equal power to matched or unmatched loads. Like all… Read more
March 09, 2019
The K44 is the Swiss Army knife of CW keyers. A CW keyboard interface, CW reader, iambic paddle keyer, backlit LCD display, and optically isolated key… Read more
March 06, 2019
Ailunce HS1 Specification: Frequency Range: 0.5-30MHz Operating Mode – SSB(J3E),CW,AM(RX Only), FM, FREE-DV TX Power: Max to 15w Product Dimensi… Read more
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March 28, 2019 at 11:35AM
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DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news

As a follow-up to our previous post featuring Kim Elliott’s commentary, check out the following article by Dan Robinson in BBG Watch:
Former Analyst Challenges USAGM Audience Measurement Methods, Claims of Sharp Increases
By Dan Robinson
A former analyst for the U.S. Agency for Global Media, which oversees taxpayer-funded broadcast and online media directed at overseas audiences, has publicly challenged the methods used by the agency in making audience size claims.
An audience research analyst for the U.S. Agency for Global Media (formerly the Broadcasting Board of Governors) for many years, Kim Elliott, Ph.D., is the first former official to raise questions about USAGM figures.
His views, published online by the University of Southern California Center for Public Diplomacy blog, also appeared first in a small circulation subscription journal published by NASWA (North American Shortwave Association). This article is based on both pieces.[…]
Dan also points out the following BBG Watch article which focuses on Twitter polls:
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March 28, 2019 at 09:50PM
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