DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mark Fahey, who writes:
[A] great aircraft hijacking story with a shortwave twist….
Read the full article from NK News on the link below–the shortwave twists are here in two interesting paragraphs…
“Two fight attendants from the YS-11
eventually emerged as announcers on the “Voice of the National
Salvation,” a North Korean propaganda radio station targeting South
Korean audiences.”
“The station claimed to be a voice of the
alleged South Korean underground Juche resistance, and thus it badly
needed broadcasters who were capable of speaking polished, Seoul-style
Take to the skies: North Korea’s role in the mysterious hijacking of KAL YS-11 | NK News – North Korea News
Thank you, Mark. I was not aware of this story. It was too bad for
those flight attendants that they had a skill the North Korea propaganda
machine needed.
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April 03, 2019 at 08:20AM
DXER ham radio news
Location of Ascension Island in the South Atlantic.
Many thanks to a number of SWLing Post contributors who share the following story from Radio World magazine (this summary via Southgate ARC):
Managing short wave broadcasts from Ascension Island
Radio World reports on the remote Atlantic Relay Station that
transmits critical radio broadcasts to millions in Africa and beyond
A six-mile stretch of volcanic rock in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean is home to the BBC’s Atlantic Relay Station.
Now managed and operated by Encompass Digital Media on behalf of the
BBC World Service, the stations’ six powerful shortwave transmitters on
Ascension Island beam program in a dozen or more languages to some 30
million listeners in north, west and central Africa.
The shortwave transmitters include two 250 kW Marconi BD272
transmitters originally installed in 1966 (and still in daily use) and
four 250 kW RIZ K01 transmitters, which are also capable of transmitting
in Digital Radio mode.
Read the Radio World story at
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April 03, 2019 at 08:20AM
DXER ham radio news

(Source: ARRL News via Eric WD8RIF)
The US Department of Defense (DOD) plans to start making use of a
provisional time slot on WWV and WWVH to announce upcoming HF military
communication exercises and how the Amateur Radio community can become
involved in them. The announcements will occur at 10 minutes past on WWV
and at 50 minutes past on WWVH. WWV and WWVH transmit on 2.5, 5, 10,
15, and 20 MHz.
“DOD’s use of the broadcast time slot on WWV/WWVH will benefit the
MARS program’s mission of outreach to the Amateur Radio community,” said
US Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) Program Manager Paul
English, WD8DBY. “The actual messages to be broadcast are coordinated by
the DOD Headquarters that the MARS program supports.”
The initial announcements are set for the period April 20 – May 3,
which coincides with the “Vital Connection” interoperability exercise to
be held in Wisconsin. Future time slots will coincide with the Vital
Connection exercise Ohio in June; DOD COMEX 19-3 in August, and the DOD
COMEX 19-4 in October. Following the proof of concept this year, DOD
anticipates making use of the WWV/WWVH broadcast time slot full time,
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April 03, 2019 at 08:20AM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
As it slowly turns to Spring and warmer weather in NJ, it
has become relatively comfortable once again, in the W2LJ basement
shack. I can go down there for extended periods of time without
freezing, as the ambient temps have returned to the 60s.
Last night, 40 Meters was positively jumping! And it turned out to he a
rich Fox hunting environment. I was able to work both Jim N0UR and Wayne
N4FP within the first 15 minutes of the hunt. The Propagation Princess
smiled on me last night, and THAT hasn’t happened in a very long time.
It felt good. There were so many missed pelts this past Winter season
that I was beginning to doubt my equipment, my antennas and my skills -
each at one time or another.
Rather than run upstairs, I put some more time into my DSO138
Oscilloscope kit. I started it on Sunday and I’ve been doing a little
bit every day. So far, I’ve gotten all the resistors, diodes, switches
and RF chokes in. If I get home early enough from tonight’s South
Plainfield Amateur Radio Club meeting, I’ll get the capacitors in.
After that, there’s not much more to it. I should be able to complete it
by the end of the weekend, if all goes well. After that, I think either
my 4 States Ozark Patrol receiver, or my 40 Meter QCX kit will be next.
Oh, and by the way, that Mustel G600 microscope came in mighty handy
last night. One of the components soldered into the DSO138 circuit board
last night was a mini USB connector jack. The pins on that thing are
entirely way too tiny and close together. I thought that there was no
way I was going to be able to get that thing soldered in without
creating one or more solder bridges. After I finished making the last
solder joint, I brought out the Mustel and gave the solder pads a good
look at ultra high magnification. No bridges!
You may be thinking that the kit building season is traditionally
Winter. Not for me. I try to limit my time down in the basement when
it’s uber cold. Not only is it uncomfortable; but it’s bad for the
arthritis I have in my hands and my ankles. When I want to operate in
the Winter, I either turn on a space heater down there; or I resort to
operating from the living room using my magloop. And that’s not a bad
alternative, actually. It’s definitely not as nice as using my outdoor
antennas. However, if someday Marianne and I decide to sell the house
when we retire, and we end up in some place that doesn’t allow outside
antennas - the magloop will provide a suitable, stealthy solution. It
would not be the death knell of Amateur Radio for me.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
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April 03, 2019 at 10:15AM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
Southgate Amateur Radio News:
This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on
our website. Learn more Got it! Wednesday, April 03, 2019 News for
Wednesday 3 April Tony’s 10m Band Report Saturday and especially Sunday
were good days compared to the rest of the week. In reality though, as
this was the weekend of a very popular contest, it wasn’t so good
Petition seeks to limit Digital Modes to open-source software ARRL
reports the FCC is asking for comments on a new Petition for Rule Making
RM-11831 which calls for ‘Amateur Digital Mode Transparency’ The Grid
and Prefix Award Program (GAPA) The Grid and Prefix Award Program (GAPA)
is proud to present the most detailed and comprehensive Digital Awards
Program available today Men on the Moon special event The 'Northern
Arizona DX Association’ will celebrate the 50th anniversary of landing
men on the moon with the special callsign K7M from various locations
including the the 'Meteor Crater National Natural Landmark’ where
astronaut training took place World explorers: WCS students travel
across radio waves The Globe reports the U.S., Canada, Central America
and Europe represent just a handful of global locations Worthington Ch
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April 03, 2019 at 03:18PM
DXER ham radio news
Ken, LA7GIA informs that on Thursday April 4th he will
travel to Jan Mayen and be QRV as JX7GIA for a very limited time
starting around 11:00UTC. This will be a CW only and single band trip.
Jan Mayen JX is ranked #20 on CW worldwide. Ken will use an Elecraft K3,
Juma 1 kW amplifier and […]
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April 03, 2019 at 06:33PM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
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