DXER ham radio news
for HF + 6m +4m
(12 Bands + General Coverage RX)
(Coming Soon*)

Aerial-51’s new ALT-512
An improved version of the SKY-SDR transceiver.
New features and changes include:
- Improved receiver pre-amplifier
- 2 transistors in the transmitter PA (was 1)
- Output Power up to 10 W. (band-dependant and voltage-dependant)
- Waterfall in addition to the Pan-Adapter Bandscope
- 4 additional front-panel buttons
- User friendly front-panel adjustment of often used parameters (formerly embedded within the software menu)
- FULL TS-2000 command set implementation
- Built-in Sound Card; Digi Modes run using only one USB-2 cable connected to the PC. No additional hardware reqired.
*AVAILABILITY: Tentatively around Easter 2019
May 29, 2015
MonoBeam Yagi MB7 The MB7 10-15-20-40 is a quad band antenna for 7 MHz, 14 MHz, 21 MHz and 28 MHz with loading coil and capacitive hat for 40m only. T… Read more
December 14, 2014
AH-521, is a halo antenna of small size but high performance. Supports an RF level between 140 and 210 W. Covers bands used between 12 and 30 M… Read more
January 30, 2015
A CDAA of which the Wullenweber is a type, consists of a group of omnidirectional antennas symmetrically spaced about the periphery of a circular ref… Read more
June 25, 2016
*sorry about quality image 1.244,0 Eur Weight: 21 kg Read more
December 09, 2015
This is an unboxing and first look at the Wouxun KG-UV9D Plus dual band Limited Edition radio available Read more
January 19, 2015
Base price (excluding tax): 36,800 yen ● reception frequency range: 0.100 ~ 252.895MHz / 255.100 ~ 261.895MHz 266.100 ~ 270.895MHz / 275.100 ~ 379.895… Read more
November 04, 2015
TYT TH9800 Take a look at the new version of the TH9800 which incorporates the 220MHz band. Read more
April 08, 2015
A brief over view of differences between the AnyTone NSTIG-8R versus the BaoFeng UV-5R. This video highlights primarily the feature differences… Read more
April 16, 2019
ARRL and the FCC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that paves the way to implement the new and enhanced Volunteer Monitor program. The m… Read more
April 16, 2019
Attention all hams. Be one of lucky the winners to receive a commemorative Icom Hamvention® 2019 Swag Kit. Sign up today to be entered into the drawin… Read more
April 16, 2019
ARRL is rolling back Outgoing QSL Bureau rates to 2011 levels. Effective May 15, 2019, the new rates will be: $2 for 10 or fewer cards in one envelope… Read more
April 15, 2019
Owen Garriott The US astronaut who pioneered the use of Amateur Radio to make contacts from space — Owen K. Garriott, W5LFL — died April 15 at his hom… Read more
April 11, 2019
“Listening Outside the Ham Bands” is the topic of the new (April 11) episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In“ podcast. Listen…and learn!… Read more
April 09, 2019
SOTABeams Features Fully adjustable audio band-pass filtering instantly adjustable for voice, data and CW (b/w 50 Hz to 5 kHz) VIDEO State-of-the-art… Read more
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April 17, 2019 at 08:43AM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
The original “Ham Radio Operator in Space” - Owen Garriot W5LFL has passed away at the age of 88.
Owen’s historic flight took place in 1983 on the Space Shuttle Columbia’s STS-9 mission. I can still remember sitting in my car, tuned to the appropriate frequency as the Shuttle flew over NJ, several times during the mission. As soon as Owen announced his call and mentioned that he would be listening for call signs, the frequency became maybe the worst pileup in history! Of course, I never made it through, but it was still a thrill to listen. When W5LFL came on the air with his uber line of sight signal, it was like he was sitting in a chair right next to me. Some of the more famous Hams of the age DID make contact with W5LFL, notably King Hussein of Jordan JY1 and Barry Goldwater K7UGA.
Interestingly enough, years later, his son Richard W5KWQ, became a private space traveler. Launched to the ISS via a Russian launch vehicle, he also made contacts from space, following in his father’s footsteps.
I think this mission whetted the appetites of many Hams for making satellite QSOs. I know it did for me; and some years later, I was very active on RS-10/11 and RS-12/13. Back then you could make contacts on satellites using your “everyday” shack HF equipment. It was a thrill to hear your own signal come back from space on the downlink - especially for this “kid” who cut his teeth on the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs. I worked many states through those two LEOs - but alas, not all 50. I did, however, work across the pond into England on a rare mutually visible pass.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
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April 17, 2019 at 12:49PM
DXER ham radio news
ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Friday, April 19. There will be no W1AW bulletin or code practice transmissions on Friday, and no edition of the ARRL Audio News podcast this week. ARRL Headquarters will reopen on Monday, April 22, at 8 AM EDT. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.
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April 17, 2019 at 02:59PM
DXER ham radio news
ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Friday, April 19. There will be no W1AW bulletin or code practice transmissions on Friday, and no edition of the ARRL Audio News podcast this week. ARRL Headquarters will reopen on Monday, April 22, at 8 AM EDT. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2ZhlfRL
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April 17, 2019 at 02:59PM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
 With an eye toward helping new and inexperienced hams enjoy the full range of activities that Amateur Radio has to offer, Hamvention® and the ARRL 2019 National Convention will embrace the theme of “Mentoring the Next Generation.” Hamvention hosts the National Convention May 17 – 19 at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio. This will mark the third year for Hamvention at its new venue. A contingent of ARRL staff and member-volunteers will join forces to make available many ARRL exhibits and resources to Hamvention visitors. The centerpiece of ARRL’s participation will be ARRL EXPO in Building 2. An extensive roster of exhibits and activities will also educate and entertain.
Instructors from the ARRL Teachers Institute for Wireless Technology will be on hand to bring wireless and electronics theory to life in hands-on demonstrations and lessons. They’ll also touch on satellite communications, microcontrollers, and the fundamentals of robotics. At a Sunday morning forum (10:30 AM – 11:30 AM in Room 2) called “Discovering Radio Communications,” presenters for the Teachers Institute will highlight a variety of instructional experiences and ideas.
As part of its mentoring focus, ARRL has invited members of the Nashua (New Hampshire) Area Radio Society to Hamvention and ARRL EXPO to share the club’s effective and well-developed outreach program. The ARRL Special Service Club, which boasts more than 200 members and is being recognized as the 2019 Hamvention Club of the Year, caters to radio amateurs of all interests and experience levels. NARS will host an interactive exhibit that may serve as a model for other radio clubs to emulate as well as a Friday midday forum, “ARRL Spotlight on Radio Clubs and Mentoring” (11:50 AM – 1:05 PM) in Room 3. Club members will discuss their activities and approach to building membership and club participation.
ARRL-sponsored forums will include the always-entertaining ARRL Laboratory Manager Ed Hare, W1RFI, who will present “The ARRL Lab: Trials, Tribulations and (Tall?) Tales,” on Friday morning (9:15 AM – 10:30 AM) in Room 3. Hare has promised to share with Hamvention visitors the inside information about what goes on in the ARRL Lab, including a few tales you’ll never read about in the pages of QST.
ARRL Great Lakes Director Dale Williams, WA8EFK, will moderate the popular ARRL Forum on Saturday (12 PM – 1:15 PM) in Room 3.
On hand to discuss “ARRL’s New Volunteer Monitor Program and the FCC” will be Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, a familiar face to many Hamvention visitors from his days with the FCC. Hollingsworth is heading up the development of this new program using guidelines provided by the FCC and his years of experience working in the FCC Enforcement Bureau. Among other things, he’ll talk about the importance of helping each other to maintain high standards on the air, issuing “good operator” notices to recognize exemplary behavior, and of course, deterring poor operating practices. This forum is set for Sunday morning (9:15 AM – 10:15 PM) in Room 2.
On Saturday afternoon, ARRL’s new CEO Howard Michel, WB2ITX, will speak on “Engaging Today’s Radio Amateur” (1:30 PM – 2:30 PM) in Room 3. Michel says, “Ham radio shouldn’t abandon the old guardians of the hobby, but at the same time, it needs to have new things that appeal to people who have different interests and different passions.”
Other ARRL-sponsored forum topics will include a panel discussion on ARRL public service communications, moderated by Rob Macedo, KD1CY, on Friday afternoon, (2:25 PM – 3:40 PM) in Room 3. The ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative ( CARI) forum, moderated by brothers Andy, KK4LWR, and Tony Milluzzi, KD8RTT, will cater to university students and those supporting campus radio clubs on Saturday afternoon (4 PM – 5 PM) in Room 3.
An ARRL Wouff Hong Ceremony will take place Saturday at 9 PM at the Marriott at the University of Dayton (Tradewinds Pavilion), sponsored by the ARRL Ohio Section. The traditional Wouff Hong ceremony is steeped in mystery and represents a tradition that goes back to the early days of ARRL history. Register online. A limited number of remaining seats may be available from the ARRL Field Organization Volunteers booth during the convention (ARRL EXPO in Building 2).
The Wouff Hong is a fictional tool used to “punish” Amateur Radio operators who demonstrate poor operating practices. According to legend, ARRL Co-Founder Hiram Percy Maxim, 1AW, under the pseudonym “The Old Man,” unveiled the Wouff Hong just as radio amateurs were getting back on the air after World War I, early in 1919. The “specimen of a real live Wouff Hong” he wrote about in QST was presented to the ARRL Board, which voted that it be framed and hung in the office of the Secretary of the League. The artifact remains on display at ARRL Headquarters today, a constant reminder to radio amateurs to be mindful of operating etiquette.
For more information, see the 2019 ARRL National Convention: Exhibit & Activities Guide.
Source; ARRL
September 28, 2016
Icom are introducing a new external speaker for its revolutionary IC-7300 Software Designed Radio. The new SP-38 complements the appearance of the IC-… Read more
November 25, 2014
SO-239 connection on top of the ball mount for the antenna and for the PL-259 connection on the inside of the vehicle. The plates are 3 inches in… Read more
December 03, 2016
The PowerGenius XL is a 100% duty cycle, legal limit (1500W ICAS) 1.8-54 MHz RF amplifier intended for both amateur and government use. It incorporat… Read more
November 18, 2018
Yaesu FTDX-101D /MP Announced features for incredible Yaesu FTdx-101D include: * Elite-Level 160 to 6 Meters 100 Watt Transceiver * Superb and astonis… Read more
July 23, 2017
Terry M0VRL reports that on 14 July 2017 he completed a QSO of 2,662km, from IO70PO to IL28FC, with Pedro EA8AVI in the Canary Islands that breaks the… Read more
April 13, 2015
Compare All BaoFeng Radios Web Based Comparison Chart See More: Read more
February 28, 2015
The MOTOTRBO XPR 7000 Series is a communications powerhouse for demanding users. Offering a full set of features and rich functionality in one… Read more
September 22, 2015
HF Antenna AX-330, is an antenna that covers the spectrum of HF of 3.4 Mhz. 30.5 MHz continuously. Two loops tuned remotely by two servo motors, fed s… Read more
August 01, 2018
The deadline to submit a design for the 2018 QST Antenna Design Competition is just ahead — September 1! The competition challenge is to design the be… Read more
April 15, 2015
Comet is the 19th Kansai first exhibition was of the amateur radio festival venue, fin-type mobile antenna · ASF-430 of 430MHz band. Adopted wa… Read more
April 11, 2019
“Listening Outside the Ham Bands” is the topic of the new (April 11) episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In“ podcast. Listen…and learn!… Read more
April 09, 2019
SOTABeams Features Fully adjustable audio band-pass filtering instantly adjustable for voice, data and CW (b/w 50 Hz to 5 kHz) VIDEO State-of-the-art… Read more
The post “Mentoring the Next Generation” is Hamvention and ARRL 2019 National Convention Theme appeared first on QRZ Now - Amateur Radio News.
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April 17, 2019 at 07:28PM
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DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
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