IOTA News from OPDX
15 September, 2014
Island activities:
AS-099. Members of the Balkan Contest Group will be active as TC0A
from Bozcaada Island in Asiatic Turkey between November 23rd
and December 1st. Activity will also include the CQWW DX CW
Contest (November 29-30th) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via LoTW
or direct to LZ1NK: NIKOLAY ENCHEV, P.O. Box 176, 4300 Karlovo,
BULGARIA. Operators mentioned are Nick/LZ1NK, Christo/LZ3FN,
Plamen/LZ1DCW, Llian/LZ1CNN, Nick/LZ3ND, Nasko/LZ3YY, Yasar/TA3D, Mustafa/TA2TX, Miroslav/LZ1MBU and Krasi/LZ2UW. For more
detail, past operations and updates, see:
AS-073. Members of the North Of
Peninsular Malaysia ARA BOYS (Contesters & DXers) will be active as
9M2SM from Pulau Perhentian Besar
(WLOTA 2848) between September 26-28th. Activity will be on all
HF bands using CW and SSB. Their operations will include an
entry in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (September 27-28th). QSL via
9M2GET direct (see No LoTW, No eQSL and No Bureau.
Operators mentioned (10 brothers) Ahmad/9M2AGC, Zaki/9M2ZAK,
Rizal/9M2RDX, Han/9W2SBD, Mohamad/9W2SBL, Hafizi/9W2TZW,
Noh/9W2MNW, Syed/9M8SYA, Oja/9M2OUT and Hary/9M2GET.
AS-113. (Update/Reminder) By the time you read this, operators Yung/
BU2BV, Ted/BV2OO, Su/BX2AI, Wu/BX2AM and Lee/BX2AN should be
active as BO0D from TungYin Island, Matsu Islands, until
September 20th. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW,
SSB, the Digital modes and EME operations. QSL via the BV
Bureau or the OQRS on ClubLog. For more info and updates,
EU-038. Members of the German "DX Club Werratal" will be active as
PA/homecall from Texel Island (WLOTA 0043, WFF PAFF-012 and
WFF PAFF-074) between September 19-26th. Operators mentioned
are Dieter/DK1AW, Juergen/DL2AMT, Lutz/DL3ARK, Peter/DL4AMK
and mar/DL5SAE. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW,
SSB, RTTY and BPSK. QSL via their home callsigns. For more
details and updates, see:
EU-136. Ede, HA5BWW, and his friends Pista/HA5AUC and Karl/HA7PC will
be operating once again as 9A/homecall from Rab Island, Croatia,
between September 22-29th. They will be operating on CW mostly (99%), but some SSB activity expected as well (1 % hi). Their
rigs are 2x IC-756PRO transceivers and R7000, W80-10, and Windom
by HA5BT antennas. QSL via the HA Bureau or direct to their
home callsigns.
OC-294. (Update/Reminder) Operators Cezar/VE3LYC, Craig/VK5CE, Johan/PA3EXX and Bob/KD1CT will attempt to operate from Sandy Islet
between September 15-19th as VK6ISL. According to their Web
page, the team will "arrive at Sandy Islet in the mid-afternoon
of September 15th (local time). We will do our best to land,
setup camp, and start the operation before nightfall, so expect
us to be on the air by sometimes around 10-11 UTC."
They plan
to have two stations on around-the-clock, using CW and SSB, on
40-10 meters. For one of the two stations, the Team will employ
a solid state 400 watts amp, whereas the second station will
use 100 watts. They will bring vertical antennas for 15m, 20m,
and a multi-band antenna. The Pilot Station will be Bob, WB2YQH.
Their Web page states, "Sandy Islet represents the last IOTA
group of Australia still waiting to be brought on the air for
the first time! After multiple rounds of communication during
the last almost three years, we are extremely pleased to report
that the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia
have agreed to approve a landing and operating permit for the
Team. This permit is valid until September 30th, before the
start of the Giant Green Turtles hatching season."
QSL via
VE3LYC (see Web page), direct or by the Bureau. An OQRS will
be available at ClubLog. For more details and updates, watch:
Compiled by Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
RSGB IOTA website
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