IOTA News from OPDX
22 September, 2014
Island activities:
AF-019. (Ops Needed!) The IG9Y Lampedusa Contest Team still needs
2-3 experienced contest operators for the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(see OPDX.1179). The main team will be on Island between October
14th-December 3rd. If interested, contact them at:
All info can be found on the IG9Y-LCT Web site at:
AS-151. Operators Zhang/BA3AX, Wang/BA3CE and Lu/BD3AEO will be active
as BA3AX/2, BA3CE/2 and BD3AEO/2 from Juhua Island between
October 2-5th. Planned activity will be on 20-10 meters. QSL
via BA3AX, by the Bureau or direct. QSL information can be
found on
EU-028. Bob, OK2BOB, will be active as IA5/OK2BOB from Giglio Island
between September 21-28th. Activity will be holiday style,
mostly on the 30/17/12 meters on CW and SSB for 3-4 hours a
day. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
EU-038. Operators Nico/PA7PA and Harry/PA1H will be active from Ter-
schelling Island between September 27th and October 3rd. When
possible, some portable activation (few hours) of WWF references
numbers, PAFF-071 and PAFF-072 (for the World Flora & Fauna),
as homecall/p (ex. PA7PA/P) will be used. Activity will be on
160-10 meters SSB/PSK/RTTY, and especially PSK and RTTY modes
on 30m, as well as 2m via the satellite FO-29. QSL via their
home callsign, by the Bureau or direct (w/SAE and NO IRCs).
For updates, watch the URL medias:
FaceBook -
Twitter -
NA-043. Joe, K5KUA, will once again be active as K5KUA/5 from Galveston
Island (USI TX-001S, Galveston County, TX) between November
14-16th. Activity will be on CW only, as time permits. QSL
via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. An online log
search will be available on ClubLog.
OC-119/OC-188 Dindo, DV1UD, will be active as DX8DX next week from Pangutaran Island (OC-188, Pangutaran IOTA Group) and Tongkil (Tongquil)
Island (OC-119, Jolo IOTA Group). According to his QSL Manager
M0OXO, "Details are not exact at this stage, but it is believed
these activations will be around Thursday, 25th and Friday,
26th of September 2014. Dindo has upgraded equipment this time
around and will use Icom 706MKIIG (100w) and also K3 and KPA500
into Vertical antennas (SteppIR BigIR etc)." For more details
and updates, watch:
SA-055. Members of the Radio Club Argentino will activate the special
prefix/callsign, AY4E, from the Argentine exclave Martin Garcia
Island (ILLW AR 045, WW Loc. GF05VT) in Uruguayan waters (part of
the La Plata in Buenos Aires Province) between October 16-19th.
Operators mentioned are Juan/LU1EK, Walter/LU1XP, Eduardo/LU2HOD,
Hector/LU3CM, Sergio/LU4CBC, Roberto/LU4QQ, Julio/LU5MT and
Walter/LU8QBF. Activity will be on 160/80/40/20/17/15/12/10
meters, as well as 6m/2m/70cm, and using CW, SSB, and the
Digital modes (RTTY, Amtor and BPSK). QSL via LU4QQ direct or
LU4AA by the Bureau. For more details and update, see the Web
page (still under construction) at:
SA-086. The Chilean DXpedition Team will be active as XR2T from Damas
Island (WLOTA-0029, FG40fs) between October 8-12th. The main
aim of the DXpedition will be to work the greatest possible
number of unique callsigns, thus also offering a possibility
to Little Pistols and QRP stations. Activity will be on all
bands, 40-10 meters using mainly SSB, CW and the Digital modes.
Suggested frequencies are:
CW - 3513, 7023, 10103, 14023, 18079, 21023, 24894 and 28023 kHz
SSB - 3790, 7082, 14185, 18140, 21285, 24955 and 28485 kHz
RTTY - 3580, 7035, 10142, 14080, 18099, 21080, 24912 and 28080 kHz
Operators mentioned are:
CW - Nicolas/XQ1KZ, Dercel/CE3KHZ and Danilo/XQ4CW
SSB/RTTY - Julio/CE3OP (Team Leader), Domingo/CE1DY, Juan/
CE3RBJ, Marco/CE1TBN, Pablo/CE1UMY and Christian/CE3TAM
QSL via their manager CE3OP, direct or by the Bureau. For more
details and updates, see the following at:
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