DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
Southgate ARC - George completes the 2019 Echolink Pi/SVXlink project. Tommy discovers an interesting new online SDR. Mike, VE3MIC joins us with a really cool BlueDV-AMBE server project. Plus another Foreign Food taste test, courtesy of Kevin Mitchell, ZL1KFM
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May 15, 2019 at 12:12PM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
 The Board of Directors of an antenna-restricted community in Arizona voted overwhelmingly in April to allow radio amateurs to erect certain outdoor antennas on their properties. Some 75 hams live in the 10,000-home Sun City Grand, a self-contained residential community for older adults. An article in the Grand Ham Newsletter by Gordon Bousman, NW7D, called it “a big win” and said the Sun City Grand community homeowners’ association (HOA) is believed to be the largest in the US to permit Amateur Radio antennas. The HOA board includes one radio amateur. The new antenna guidelines went into effect on May 9.
“The road to success took nearly a year of meetings, negotiations, and occasional setbacks driven by a team of dedicated amateurs who were persistent in reaching our goals,” Bousman said in his article. “While our initial discussion points focused on the possibility of passage of the [Amateur Radio] Parity Act, we later shifted our focus to the value that Amateur Radio operators can bring to the community in the event of an emergency or crisis.”
Bousman told ARRL the group “somewhat” modeled its antenna proposal after that of the Sun City Texas Ham Radio group in Georgetown, Texas, which permitted several years ago. “In our research, we learned that Sun City Hilton Head, South Carolina, and Sun City Henderson, Nevada, also allow certain Amateur Radio antennas,” he added. “There may be other communities with similar antenna permissions, but we did not uncover any in our research.”
The types of antennas permitted are modest. The list includes flagpole antennas that do not exceed 16 feet, verticals that do not rise more than 5 feet above the peak of a home, and wire antennas no higher than 5 feet above the roof peak. No traps in wire antennas are allowed and towers of any type remain prohibited.
“[These] antennas should provide amateurs very adequate capabilities to work long distances on the HF bands and to be able to adequately communicate across our community on the VHF/UHF bands — as well as being able to reach most repeaters in the Phoenix area valley including several emergency repeaters,” the newsletter article opined.
Radio amateurs will need to apply to the HOA’s Architectural Review Committee Standards Office to obtain approval and may only erect two outdoor antennas.
Bousman said more than a dozen antenna applications were submitted in the first week and other hams are working on designs. “We have encouraged all of our ham club members to get VHF/UHF antennas installed as soon as possible so that we can begin our [emergency communication] exercises,” he told ARRL.
The newsletter included technical information on various antenna configurations and resources on where to obtain commercial antennas that would meet the HOA requirements. As suggested reading, the newsletter recommended four ARRL antenna books, including The ARRL Antenna Book and Antennas for Small Spaces.
April 27, 2016
RFinder now includes the ability to make jamming reports. This is already available in RFinder Android and should be available on iOS devices by Dayto… Read more
May 25, 2017
HamSphere 4.0 Mobile is a virtual portable Ham Radio transceiver for Shortwave, VHF and UHF bands. Talk with thousands of Ham Radio operators around t… Read more
February 01, 2016
The Australian Radio & Electronics School (RES) has made available a free 2-3 day amateur radio Foundation licence course App for Apple and Androi… Read more
March 30, 2015
In this video we run through setting up a bluetooth CAT control for the Yaesu FT-817, using an Android Tablet, bluetooth interface, and Yaesus… Read more
April 30, 2015
The Light Beam Multi-band Antenna has been developed for Hams who want one antenna which enables them to operate on multiple amateur bands. Bas… Read more
December 17, 2014
Radiowavz has made a time lapse video of setting up their new line of hex beam See more: Read more
February 10, 2015
The support structure of the Light Beam Plus Antenna series is very different from that of any other antenna that is currently on the market. M… Read more
February 16, 2015
Building the Moxon Antenna is fairly easy and lends itself to imagination. No two Moxon’s are identical save the dimensions of the elements… Read more
August 29, 2015
MFJ-868B World`s largest SWR/Wattmeter has giant 6½” meter World`s largest HF+6M SWR/Wattmeter measures a giant 6½ inches diagonally across meter scal… Read more
June 14, 2015
MFJ-939 Plug&Play IntelliTuner Automatic Antenna Tuner Plug & Play Auto TunerPlug & Play! You won’t even know it’s there … MFJ-… Read more
March 17, 2015
DU3500AL Automatic Tuner by HA8DU Frequency range : 1,8-30MHz Matching range : max power 5:1 SWR 1,8MHz 35 ohm – 150 ohm 3,5MHz … Read more
October 31, 2015
Yaesu FT-950 HF+6 TRANSCEIVER The FT-950, the newest radio in the direct lineage of the FTDX-9000 and FT-2000 series radios, has been developed to fi… Read more
May 15, 2019
The Board of Directors of an antenna-restricted community in Arizona voted overwhelmingly in April to allow radio amateurs to erect certain outdoor an… Read more
May 14, 2019
This year’s second Kidsday will be held on Saturday 15th of June. This event is especially created to promote Amateur Radio to youth. This is a moment… Read more
May 14, 2019
ARRL is now accepting applications from individuals interested in becoming part of the new Volunteer Monitor program, a joint undertaking of ARRL and… Read more
May 12, 2019
The 2019 GNU Radio Conference (GRCon19), September 16 – 20 in Huntsville, Alabama, is seeking papers and presentations for the event. Submissions are… Read more
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May 15, 2019 at 12:12PM
DXER ham radio news
Amateur Radio Roundtable and host Tom Medlin, W5KUB, will be back at Dayton Hamvention to livestream the activity and action before, during, and after the May 17 – 19 event. Amateur Radio Roundtable’s show coverage will go live on Thursday, May 16 and continue through the weekend. “This is a big event and we have viewers in about 150 countries,” Medlin said. “Astronaut Doug Wheelock, KF5BOC, will join us again for the 7th year as cohost. Join in the live chat room. More information is on the W5KUB Facebook group.
May 01, 2019
The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting by K1JT Read more
April 29, 2019
Source: LINK WSJTX 2.1.0RC5 Release! – The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting by K1J… Read more
April 24, 2019
See More about New FT4 Here “At about 20 minutes into the presentation, Joe describes FT4 as being asynchronous, meaning that you can start tran… Read more
May 14, 2019
“Jarrad VK3BL reviews Palstar’s AT2KD and talks about the advantages of having a large, high powered tuner even if you only run barefoot…. Read more
May 13, 2019
George and Tommy from AmateurLogic review the IC-9100 with Ray Novak, N9JA from Icom. In this classic smackdown episode, the IC-9700 goes up against t… Read more
May 13, 2019
FTM-400XDR C4FM FDMA / FM 144/430 MHz DUAL BAND TRANSCEIVER The new FTM-400XDR includes an improved GPS receiver that employs the latest in GPS techno… Read more
April 25, 2015
” This page contains information and reception reports for the IRTS 144MHz two-way Trans-Atlantic Beacon operated on behalf of the Irish… Read more
July 09, 2015
Icom UK are pleased to provide this introduction to its RMS-Net Radio Management System which integrates desktop PCs, Icom hand portables, base statio… Read more
November 07, 2018
VHF 144MHZ PREAMPLIFIER VHF 144MHz preamplifier ( 2 meters ) with VOX circuit. You can use it with 100W. Coaxial relè on board. Perfect for EME, SAT,… Read more
December 18, 2014
Stealth 2 Meter Copper J-Pole for your HOA – AF5DN 0 Read more
December 23, 2015
Construction and Analysis of a Low Cost Omnidirectional Horizontally Polarized Antenna for 144 MHz by Dr. Carol F. Milazzo, KP4MD (posted 23 May 2012)… Read more
April 12, 2018
“There was a time, back in the 1930s and 1940s, when the rhombic antenna was the king. A remarkable antenna that had phenomenal directivity and… Read more
November 18, 2018
Yaesu FTDX-101D /MP Announced features for incredible Yaesu FTdx-101D include: * Elite-Level 160 to 6 Meters 100 Watt Transceiver * Superb and astonis… Read more
May 07, 2016
As an easy introductory solar project I purchased Harbor Freight’s 45 watt solar kit for my ham radio use. Read more
October 31, 2015
The CD-45II handles 8.5 sq. feet mounted inside a tower, or 5 sq. ft. with mast adapter. Low temperature grease good to -30 F degrees. Bell rotator de… Read more
The post Amateur Radio Roundtable to Livestream 50 Hours of Dayton Hamvention® appeared first on QRZ NOW - Amateur Radio News.
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May 15, 2019 at 12:12PM
DXER ham radio news
The DX-Radio Amateur Club of Karditsa on 19-05-2019 from 05:00 to 16:00 UTC at Lake Nikolaos Plastiras, Karditsa (botanical garden), Grid Square KM09UG, is going to raise a meteorological type balloon with ham antenna at a height of 80m. Look for SZ4KRD/P on HF (SSB). Focus on 80 & 160m.
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May 15, 2019 at 12:12PM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news

“The Sun gets crazy busy this week with multiple solar storms that are inbound to earth! We should feel the first of the direct hits sometime May 15 and storing should continue into May 16 and possibly through the 17th before things begin to calm down. All this rukus is due to regions 2740 and 2741 that have been firing non-sotp solar storms ever since before they even came into Earth view. Lucky for aurora photographers, they have already given us G1 and G3 level storms with aurora dipping down as far south as Wyoming and Colorado in the USA. Learn more about these regions, how they are boosting emergency and amateur radio propagation back into the marginal range, and why they could mess with your GPS reception this week!”
November 08, 2016
RFinder has worked with the DMR network Brandmeister to create new usability enhancements. The new dashboard just released includes coverage maps gene… Read more
September 11, 2016
Ham Radio App If you’re a member of ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio, install this app and have QST, the ARRL membership journal… Read more
September 08, 2015
Features:i) Send Morse to, and receive Morse from, other users of the app. Restrict usage to your WiFi network, or allow full Internet connecti… Read more
July 31, 2015
“RFinder has been the ‘Social Repeater Directory’ for a while now with its support of repeater check-in postings to APRS and… Read more
February 06, 2016
DESCRIPTION The LANDSEC  VTR1100 is a 1.6 MHz to 30 MHz, 125 W or 25 W selectable HF transceiver for co-located communications in vehicle installatio… Read more
December 18, 2014
Begali The Adventure dual-lever key, like its single-lever sibling, the Adventure Mono, was created to give you the finest possible keying experience… Read more
July 20, 2015
The HobbyPCB RS-UV3 radio module is a 144/220/450 MHz FM transceiver board. The RS-UV3 is a low cost transceiver solution for Packet Radio, repeaters,… Read more
February 15, 2015
The Elecraft K2 is a full-featured HF transceiver with the options you have come to expect from radios costing over twice as much. Two VFOs wit… Read more
May 14, 2019
“Jarrad VK3BL reviews Palstar’s AT2KD and talks about the advantages of having a large, high powered tuner even if you only run barefoot…. Read more
May 13, 2019
George and Tommy from AmateurLogic review the IC-9100 with Ray Novak, N9JA from Icom. In this classic smackdown episode, the IC-9700 goes up against t… Read more
May 13, 2019
FTM-400XDR C4FM FDMA / FM 144/430 MHz DUAL BAND TRANSCEIVER The new FTM-400XDR includes an improved GPS receiver that employs the latest in GPS techno… Read more
May 10, 2019
Sherwood Report “ANNOUNCEMENT – Friday May 10th, 2019: Sherwood Report on the FTDX101D We know that some have been waiting for the Sherwoo… Read more
May 15, 2019
The Board of Directors of an antenna-restricted community in Arizona voted overwhelmingly in April to allow radio amateurs to erect certain outdoor an… Read more
May 14, 2019
This year’s second Kidsday will be held on Saturday 15th of June. This event is especially created to promote Amateur Radio to youth. This is a moment… Read more
May 14, 2019
ARRL is now accepting applications from individuals interested in becoming part of the new Volunteer Monitor program, a joint undertaking of ARRL and… Read more
May 12, 2019
The 2019 GNU Radio Conference (GRCon19), September 16 – 20 in Huntsville, Alabama, is seeking papers and presentations for the event. Submissions are… Read more
The post Solar Storm Slam Dance | Space Weather News 05.15.2019 appeared first on QRZ NOW - Amateur Radio News.
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May 15, 2019 at 02:19PM
DXER ham radio news

Yaesu FT-3DR
Yaesu FT-3DR 5W C4FM/FM 144/430MHz Dual Band Digital Transceiver Reservation
The new FT3DR provides reliable 5W RF power output in compact design and light weight from factor – W2.44” x H3.94” x D1.28”/ 9.95oz (282g). Battery power-saving settings are available for each frequency band with TX output power level (5W/ 2.5W/ 1W/ 0.3W) individually selectable. Even in a compact body, the user can enjoy loud and clear C4FM voice quality from 700mW of audio power. Real Dual Band Operations (V+V, U+U, V+U, U+V) are available with two independent receivers, and the FT3DR supports simultaneous C4FM digital monitoring for both the A and B bands (C4FM/C4FM standby).
The new FT3DR is designed with a high-resolution 320 x 240 dot matrix full color TFT LCD display – which clearly highlights the frequency of the operational bands. Utilizing the Touch Sensitive Screen function of the display, three one- touch-panel keys at the bottom of the display are used for changing the mode, direct frequency entry and various setting from the function menu display with ease of use in mind. With its highly visible full color display, the new High-Resolution Band Scope function is available as one of the new advanced features which enables users to monitor up to 79 channels centered around the current VFO frequency in real time. Number of channels scanned is selectable from from19ch/ 39ch/ 79ch.
The features of the C4FM digital communication which are already popular in the market such as Automatic Mode Select (AMS), Digital Group ID (DG-ID) operation, and Smart Navigation function are available with the new FT3DR. The new FT3DR supports the WiRES-X Portable Digital Node Function as well. In the same way as some other current C4FM transceivers, users can easily set up a portable digital node with the new FT3DR and the optional SCU-39 cable kit and enjoy the WiRES-X internet communication.
CAM (Club Channel Activity Monitor) function is one of the new and advanced features of the FT3DR. Up to 10 groups with 5 channels per group each, of frequency used memory channels can be registered, and whist receiving on the current channel, the signal strength of this channel and past peaks of the other channels in the group can be displayed and monitored. With a single touch of a channel bar graph, it becomes the active operating channel and the FT3DR users may immediately start communicating with other club members on that channel.

A built-in Bluetooth unit is installed in the new FT3DR. Users can enjoy the Hands-Free Operation using the optional YAESU Bluetooth headset SSM-BT10 or a commercially available product. SSM-BT10 is equipped with the PTT button and supports the voice activated transmission (VOX) function.
Other remarkable features of the new FT3DR include:
- Wide-range RX coverage with continuous reception from 0.5MHz – 999.99MHz (A Band)/ 108MHz – 580MHz (B Band)
- Built-in high-sensitivity 66 channel GPS receiver
- 1200/ 9600bps APRS Data modem
- 2,200mAh High-Capacity Li-ion Battery Pack (SBR-14LI) as standard
- Voice Recording Function for the received and transmitting voice and audio data which can be saved as an audio file on the micro SD card
- Simultaneous AM/FM broadcast Reception while monitoring two frequency channels
- Micro SD Card Slot
May 13, 2019
In all the years I’ve been playing radio, I’ve never built a folded dipole. Boy have I been missing out! These are amazing performers. Lin… Read more
May 08, 2019
Why choose the 6BS-270 antenna versus a traditional Yagui? · Elements of full wavelength, reaching maximum efficiency in TX / RX. · Optimized design…. Read more
May 06, 2019
CHAMELEON ANTENNA EMCOMM-III Portable HF Antenna is specially designed for short to long range portable and man-pack HF communications. The EMCOMM III… Read more
April 19, 2019
Model Frequency (MHz) Gain (dBi) Length Feedline VT-14 144-148 2.6 36 in. 3 ft. RG-58 VT-22 222-225 2.6 25 in. 3 ft. RG-58 VT-44 440-450 2.6 16… Read more
May 14, 2019
“Jarrad VK3BL reviews Palstar’s AT2KD and talks about the advantages of having a large, high powered tuner even if you only run barefoot…. Read more
May 13, 2019
George and Tommy from AmateurLogic review the IC-9100 with Ray Novak, N9JA from Icom. In this classic smackdown episode, the IC-9700 goes up against t… Read more
May 13, 2019
FTM-400XDR C4FM FDMA / FM 144/430 MHz DUAL BAND TRANSCEIVER The new FTM-400XDR includes an improved GPS receiver that employs the latest in GPS techno… Read more
May 10, 2019
Sherwood Report “ANNOUNCEMENT – Friday May 10th, 2019: Sherwood Report on the FTDX101D We know that some have been waiting for the Sherwoo… Read more
May 01, 2019
The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting by K1JT Read more
April 29, 2019
Source: LINK WSJTX 2.1.0RC5 Release! – The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting by K1J… Read more
April 24, 2019
See More about New FT4 Here “At about 20 minutes into the presentation, Joe describes FT4 as being asynchronous, meaning that you can start tran… Read more
April 23, 2019
A new, speedier, more contest-friendly digital mode is just days away in beta version. WSJT-X Developers say serious work on the new FT4 protocol bega… Read more
September 21, 2016
Baofeng DM-5R DMR Digital Radio VHF/UHF 136-174/400-480Mhz 2000mAH High Capacity Battery High Power/Low power 21CM Dual Band Antenna 8-Level Stepped F… Read more
August 25, 2018
IC-9700 As well as have three working demonstration units of the forthcoming IC-9700 VHF/UHF/1.2GHz transceiver, Icom Inc. will be unveiling other pro… Read more
March 12, 2016
Yaesu FTM-3200DR FTM-3200DR 144MHz 65W C4FM/FM Single Band Digital Mobile Transceiver Rugged & Compact 2m Digital Mobile with Front Speaker Radio… Read more
January 10, 2015
23CM High Gain Antenna allows Baofeng GT-3 Mark II to transmit in 8KM. Optimal SQL Setting Frequecy Range: 65-108 Mhz(Only commercial FM radio recepti… Read more
The post Yaesu FT-3DR C4FM/FM Dual Band Transceiver appeared first on QRZ NOW - Amateur Radio News.
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May 15, 2019 at 02:19PM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news

For the tenth year in a row, fellow volunteers and I will be representing the charity Ears To Our World (ETOW), at the Hamvention now in Xenia, Ohio.
You can find us at booth 6510. ( Click here for a map.)
I always enjoy meeting SWLing Post readers who stop by our booth to introduce themselves!
 If you’re not familiar with Ears To Our World and our mission to empower children and teachers in the third word through radio and other technologies, check out our website.
Note that this year we will also give away our HumanaLight kits to those who donate $10 or more to ETOW (while supplies last).
Look forward to meeting you in Xenia!
-Thomas (K4SWL)
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May 15, 2019 at 05:26PM
DXER ham radio news
 Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ed, who shares this update regarding RM Broadcasting:
(Source: Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs)
Monday, May 13, 2019
Court Finds RM Broadcasting Must Register as a Foreign Agent
U.S. District Court Judge Robin L. Rosenberg has ruled that a Florida-based company, RM Broadcasting LLC (RM Broadcasting), was acting as an agent of a foreign principal and must register as such under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA).
The Department of Justice contended in a civil counterclaim that RM Broadcasting has been acting as an agent of the the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency (Rossiya Segodnya), a Russian state-owned media enterprise created by Vladimir Putin to advance Russian interests abroad. The litigation marked the first FARA civil enforcement action since 1991. Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers and U.S. Attorney Ariana Fajardo Orshan for the Southern District of Florida made the announcement.
“The American people have a right to know if a foreign flag waves behind speech broadcast in the United States,” said Assistant Attorney General Demers. “Our concern is not the content of the speech but providing transparency about the true identity of the speaker. This case shows that the Department can and will utilize all of its tools to bring transparency to efforts by foreign entities to influence the American public and our government, and demonstrates our renewed effort to enforce FARA rigorously.”
“While the right to free speech remains paramount to our democracy,” U.S. Attorney Ariana Fajardo Orshan said. “FARA ensures that the American public is fully cognizant of the true source of the messages broadcast in the United States. Armed with full information, Americans may properly evaluate the value of the speech they hear. As such, FARA is a fundamental tool in our continuing efforts to defend our democracy.”
In November 2017, RM Broadcasting and Rossiya Segodnya entered into a services agreement pursuant to which RM Broadcasting would provide for the broadcast of Rossiya Segodnya’s “Sputnik” radio programs on AM radio channel 1390 WZHF in the Washington, D.C. region. Under this agreement, RM Broadcasting could not alter Rossiya Segodnya’s radio programs in any way. As the services agreement established Rossiya Segodnya’s direction and control over RM Broadcasting, the FARA Unit of the National Security Division informed RM Broadcasting that it was acting as a publicity agent and an information-service employee of Rossiya Segodnya and was required to register as an agent of a foreign principal.
RM Broadcasting initiated the proceeding in the Southern District of Florida seeking a declaratory judgment that it did not have to register as an agent of a foreign principal. The Department responded by filing a counterclaim seeking an injunction to require RM Broadcasting to register. Earlier this week, the court granted the Department’s motion for judgment on the pleadings. A final judgment directing RM Broadcasting to register under FARA is expected.
This case was handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew J. Feeley and Trial Attorney Nicholas Hunter of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section.
About FARA
The purpose of FARA is to protect the national defense, internal security, and foreign relations of the United States by requiring public disclosure by persons engaging in political activities and other activities for or on behalf of foreign governments, foreign political parties and other foreign principals so that the Government and the people of the United States may be informed of the identity of such persons and may apprise their statements and actions in the light of their associations and activities.
National Security Division (NSD)
USAO – Florida, Southern
Press Release Number:
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May 15, 2019 at 05:26PM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news

(Source: European DX Council)
A reminder that this year’s EDXC Conference takes place in Andorra, starting on Friday 6th September, with a visit that morning to Radio Valira.
Please can you let EDXC Secretary General Chrissy Brand ( chrissylb@hotmail.co.uk) or EDXC Assistant Secretary General Christian Ghibaudo ( chr.ghibaudo@gmail.com) know if you are planning to attend the conference?
If there is enough demand, we will run a coach from Toulouse in the evening of Thursday 5th September, probably leaving by about 1700 latest. This will travel the four hours to the hotel in Andorra.
Please contact Chrissy at chrissylb@hotmail.co.uk or Christian if you wish to book a seat on the coach.
The conference will start on the Friday evening and run through Saturday and Sunday. Trips to Radio Andorra and Radio Valira have been arranged.
Then, in the afternoon of Sunday 8th September, a coach will return to Toulouse, where we will be able to have a local sightseeing tour on Monday 9 September. We will send out suggestions for a hotel in Toulouse.
Please, if at all possible, can you book your accommodation at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Andorra before June 1st. See this previous blog post for details.
Best wishes,
Chrissy and Christian
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May 15, 2019 at 09:51PM
DXER ham radio news
Henry, NL0H, will travel on business to St. Lawrence Island, NA-040 (Alaska) during May 16 to 20. He will bring a rig and wire antennas. Unfortunately, there is a CME expected to produce some serious geomagnetic disturbances between May 16-18. He will attempt to be on 20m & 30m SSB and FT8 as much as […]
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2Q9O4eW
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May 16, 2019 at 04:36AM
If Any new post on your blog, then Add to daily digest sent to mtw@charter.net at 7AM
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