DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
Southgate ARC - CQ magazine has just announced the induction of three new members to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame, which honors those contesters who not only excel in personal performance but who also ‘give back’ to the hobby in outstanding ways
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2JOkiuN
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May 19, 2019 at 07:56AM
DXER ham radio news
Southgate ARC - Exploration of the edge of space, first by astronaut Jordan Kittinger in Project Highman, began Bill Brown’s, WB8ELK’s, fascination with, adaptation of amateur radio to high altitude weather balloons and later to smaller pico balloons
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2JrggcB
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May 19, 2019 at 07:56AM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
The DX-Radio Amateur Club of Karditsa on 19-05-2019 from 05:00 to 16:00 UTC at Lake Nikolaos Plastiras, Karditsa (botanical garden), Grid Square KM09UG, is going to raise a meteorological type balloon with ham antenna at a height of 80m. Look for SZ4KRD/P on HF (SSB). Focus on 80 & 160m.
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2JljHBs
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May 19, 2019 at 10:06AM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
Southgate ARC - NXP is hosting an RF power amplifier design contest. Applicants will record a video or create an article describing their power amplifier/demo using NXP’s new 50 V, 100 W MRF101AN or 300 W MRF300AN RF power LDMOS transistor
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2JsrDRn
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May 19, 2019 at 12:06PM
DXER ham radio news
Southgate ARC - CQ magazine has announced the induction of one individual and one group to the CQ DX Hall of Fame, which honors those DXers who not only excel in personal performance but who also “give back” to the hobby in outstanding ways
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2JOefGE
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May 19, 2019 at 12:06PM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
Tad Cook, K7RA, in Seattle, reports: Sunspot activity continues, and this reporting week, the average daily sunspot number rose from 16.1 to 22.7, while average daily solar flux went from 73.5 to 75.7. The two sunspot groups that appeared on May 3 and May 6 are fading fast and rotating off the visible solar disc. Two geomagnetically active days occurred on May 11 and 14, when the planetary A in…
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2VIr6Bo
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May 19, 2019 at 12:06PM
DXER ham radio news
Tad Cook, K7RA, in Seattle, reports: Sunspot activity continues, and this reporting week, the average daily sunspot number rose from 16.1 to 22.7, while average daily solar flux went from 73.5 to 75.7. The two sunspot groups that appeared on May 3 and May 6 are fading fast and rotating off the visible solar disc. Two geomagnetically active days occurred on May 11 and 14, when the planetary A in…
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2VIr6Bo
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May 19, 2019 at 12:06PM
DXER ham radio news
Saturday at Dayton Hamvention was very sunny with a comfortable breeze, and visitors settled into what shade they could find at covered picnic tables or stretched out in grassy areas under a tree throughout the day. Many attendees took advantage of the beautiful weather to continue their hobby as they wove through vendors and food trucks. Chad Greene, KC3CQZ, carried solar panels connected on h…
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2HqtLqz
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May 19, 2019 at 12:11PM
DXER ham radio news
Saturday at Dayton Hamvention was very sunny with a comfortable breeze, and visitors settled into what shade they could find at covered picnic tables or stretched out in grassy areas under a tree throughout the day. Many attendees took advantage of the beautiful weather to continue their hobby as they wove through vendors and food trucks. Chad Greene, KC3CQZ, carried solar panels connected on h…
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2HqtLqz
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May 19, 2019 at 12:11PM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
ICQ Podcast -
In this special edition of the ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast, we interview the breaking hardware announcements from Dayton Hamvention, Yaesu’s FT-3DR Handheld, FlexRadio Multiplex Software and Elecraft K4.
ICQ AMATEUR/HAM RADIO PODCAST DONORS We would like to thank our monthly and annual subscription donors for keeping the podcast advert free. To donate, please visit - http://www.icqpodcast.com/donate
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2YGad7F
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May 19, 2019 at 12:11PM
DXER ham radio news
Southgate ARC - CQ magazine has just announced the induction of three new members to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame, which honors those contesters who not only excel in personal performance but who also ‘give back’ to the hobby in outstanding ways
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2JOkiuN
via Tumblr http://bit.ly/2HpMX86
May 19, 2019 at 12:11PM
DXER ham radio news
Southgate ARC - Exploration of the edge of space, first by astronaut Jordan Kittinger in Project Highman, began Bill Brown’s, WB8ELK’s, fascination with, adaptation of amateur radio to high altitude weather balloons and later to smaller pico balloons
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2JrggcB
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May 19, 2019 at 12:11PM
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
DXER ham radio news
May 17, 2019
Just days ahead of the 2019 Hurricane Season, dozens of hams along the US East Coast will demonstrate Amateur Radio’s ability to deliver messages with… Read more
May 16, 2019
A working prototype of OSCAR 1, Amateur Radio’s first satellite, will be on display at AMSAT’s Dayton Hamvention® booth. AMSAT’s exhibit will be in Bu… Read more
May 16, 2019
An erroneous report this week suggested that the FCC planned to again impose an Amateur Radio vanity call sign application (regulatory) fee of $70 for… Read more
May 15, 2019
The Board of Directors of an antenna-restricted community in Arizona voted overwhelmingly in April to allow radio amateurs to erect certain outdoor an… Read more
October 21, 2015
Operational Bands 80 meters 40 meters 20 meters 15 meters 10 meters 6 meters 2 meters 70 centimeters Maldol HVU-8 Vertical Base Station Antenna… Read more
December 15, 2018
Cushcraft A3S Three Element Beam – 10, 15 & 20 Meters A3 World Ranger, our top selling tribander, has become the A3S with all stainless ste… Read more
December 30, 2014
Resonant frequency [Resonance frequency]: 28, 21, 14 MHz Frequency [Frequency]: 24, 18 MHz Logoperiodic Number of elements [Number of elements]… Read more
February 01, 2015
Description If it is GAIN you want from a small boom, this is the antenna for you! Wow, Super compact boom!! Massive 13.6dBi from this antenna!… Read more
February 08, 2016
by Richard, N4PBQ “I’ve been working a lot of SKCC CW stations during the holidays and adjacent stations really interfere with my ability… Read more
December 27, 2014
The Return of the Legend. N2DAN’s legacy lives on in this beautiful dual paddle crafted from the finest materials– massive brass base with… Read more
February 08, 2016
The LANDSEC  MTR2005 is a 30 MHz to 88 MHz, up to 10 W VHF transceiver for man portable applications FEATURES Automatic own position reporting using… Read more
May 01, 2019
The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting by K1JT Read more
April 29, 2019
Source: LINK WSJTX 2.1.0RC5 Release! – The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting The FT4 Protocol for Digital Contesting by K1J… Read more
April 24, 2019
See More about New FT4 Here “At about 20 minutes into the presentation, Joe describes FT4 as being asynchronous, meaning that you can start tran… Read more
April 23, 2019
A new, speedier, more contest-friendly digital mode is just days away in beta version. WSJT-X Developers say serious work on the new FT4 protocol bega… Read more
The post Elecraft Announce K4 SDR at Hamvention 2019 [ VIDEO ] appeared first on QRZ NOW - Amateur Radio News.
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2VCpNPI
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May 19, 2019 at 12:11PM
DXER ham radio news

HFClock Internet Based Clock System – 9″ Tiger Maple Frame
The HFClockTM represents the industry’s first highly integrated clock designed for use by amateur radio operators. The clocks feature Wi-Fi-based Internet connectivity, a full-color WVGA Liquid Crystal Display with a touchscreen, and the real-time display of numerous data expressly for the amateur radio operator.
The clocks utilize the Network Time Protocol (NTP) which is intended to synchronize all participating computers to within a few milliseconds of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The protocol utilizes an algorithm to select accurate time servers and is designed to mitigate the effects of variable network latency. NTP can usually maintain time to within tens of milliseconds over the public Internet and can achieve better than one-millisecond accuracy in local area networks under ideal conditions.
Users simply configure the clock to connect to their Wi-Fi router, enter their call sign/name and a home position (DE), and select how they prefer units to be displayed, Imperial or Metric. Additionally, the user may optionally select a satellite to track in real-time. Once configured, the user may further customize colors to be used for their call sign or name. New firmware updates may be installed via Wi-Fi at the discretion of the user.
The clocks are available with 7” and 9” LCD’s and users may select from furniture-grade hand-finished Walnut, Cherry, and Tiger Maple wooden frames. The HFClocks have been designed by amateur radio operators for radio operators. They are robust in construction and designed for many years of continuous service. The clocks may be hung on a wall, placed on the desktop, or otherwise displayed at your station, home, or office. Start your journey by exploring our hand-finished timepieces made right here in the USA
Purchase your HFClock from GigaParts Today!
November 11, 2015
Your latest requests have been for an antenna that’s easy to setup, needs no radials, covers 10m-80m in addition to all the WARC bands and uses the sa… Read more
June 16, 2015
HF Omniangles Our HF line of horizontal omnis are a bit different than the VHF and UHF models in that they aren’t as excellent from an omnidirec… Read more
January 11, 2015
OWL G/T Yagis Beam Antenna are specialized, ‘hot rod’ versions of the already high-performance OWL – Optimised Wideband Low impedan… Read more
November 19, 2018
Hy-Gain AV-680 9 Band Vertical Hy-Gain Multi-Band PATRIOT Vertical Antennas 9-band vertical covers 80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6 Meters • No radials • No… Read more
February 26, 2015
CR-1A COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER MW-HF: General Coverage: 500 kHz – 30.000 MHz User Configurable Band Key: Amateur Band Selections: … Read more
October 21, 2015
The PowerMaster II from the Labs of Array Solutions A Wattmeter that is Outstanding in Functionality with NIST Traceable Accuracy Some of the… Read more
May 12, 2016
Enjoy the world of QRP CW operation with one of our single band transceiver kits. Available for 80 meters. 3 watts power output. Easy to build and sim… Read more
September 21, 2016
ICOM IC-DPR30 Smallest and lightest ever ※ 1 , built-in antenna, Bluetooth ® support. New release of the transceiver IC-DPR30 that can be used to styl… Read more
September 12, 2016
Features The RK-3xx series of switches uses vacuum relays. It is designed to switch coaxial lines in RF systems operating up to 5 kW continuous… Read more
November 13, 2015
A tool all-in-one for the radio amateur in Portugal and Spain created for personal use but at the last JOTA / JOTI, was released at the request of som… Read more
June 22, 2016
Imagine being able to download an app…without the internet. Well, it’s finally happened, thanks to shortwave radio. Broadcasting Board of Governors (B… Read more
May 07, 2018
EchoLink for iOS version 2.10.18 is now available in the App Store. This is a 64-bit build that is fully compatible with iOS 10 and modern iOS devices… Read more
September 15, 2016
This Dual Band Amateur radio is packed with convenient features and the advantage of a digital transceiver with D-STAR, APRS support. Featuring colour… Read more
December 01, 2016
The IC-A220T, Icom’s next generation 8.33kHz* air band panel mount transceiver, is now TSO / ETSO approved** and available for sale. The long awaited… Read more
December 16, 2016
“Recently, the old VHF Ericsson handheld used for the digipeater on the ISS died and it was replaced with an equivalent UHF one. This is my firs… Read more
March 19, 2016
Tytera shook the world of digital radio in 2015 with the introduction of the MD-380, a portable handheld capable of both DMR and analog operation at a… Read more
The post HF Clock / Satellite Tracker /Solar Index Touchscreen Terminal appeared first on QRZ NOW - Amateur Radio News.
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2w44LPy
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May 19, 2019 at 02:21PM
DXER ham radio news
Although the last and shortest day of Dayton Hamvention is usually the least crowded, the ARRL Expo had early visitors making their rounds, particularly for books.
In the morning, Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, presented a forum on ARRL’s new Volunteer Monitor Program. A well-known former FCC employee, Hollingsworth explained how the program came to be at request from the FCC and stressed the impo…
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2waEwH2
via Tumblr http://bit.ly/2YEkyRn
May 19, 2019 at 04:16PM
DXER ham radio news
Although the last and shortest day of Dayton Hamvention is usually the least crowded, the ARRL Expo had early visitors making their rounds, particularly for books.
In the morning, Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, presented a forum on ARRL’s new Volunteer Monitor Program. A well-known former FCC employee, Hollingsworth explained how the program came to be at request from the FCC and stressed the impor…
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2waEwH2
via Tumblr http://bit.ly/2Hrs3VS
May 19, 2019 at 04:16PM
DXER ham radio news
A Russian Robinson team, led by R7AL, will be active as R205NEW from Bogoslova Island, AS-205NEW during June 14-18, 2019. QRV on HF bands, CW/SSB. QSL via Club Log OQRS. Website here. Note: RI0ZK activity from Komandorskie island AS-039 also planned on the way back to Petropavlovsk. Length of stay: from few hours only to 2 […]
from DXER ham radio news http://bit.ly/2YEgLTY
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May 19, 2019 at 06:21PM
DXER ham radio news
 General Features:
- Output Power 1.8 – 30 MHz 2K+, 6m 1K+
- Device: 2x BLF189XR
- Auto Band Selection
- ICOM®; YAESU® Band data Interface
- CAT Connectivity
- LAN Connectivity (for local or/and internet use)
- Wi-Fi Connectivity
- Quiet Internal PSU 110-260V AC / 3KW
- up to 1K at 110V AC; full power at 230V AC
- internal Automatic Antenna Tuner
- 1x TRX IN and 4x Antenna OUT
- Precise power meter from 100 mW through 3 KW
- Measuring output 0dB (Predistortion)
- 7 inch Touchscreen
- Software Update through Internet
- Remote Internet operation via PC; Tablet or cell phone supporting all platforms like Apple IOS, Android, Linux and Windows
- Different user selectable display
- H 7,5 x B 12 x D 17 inch ( H 19cm x B 31cm x T 42cm )
- Weight app. 33 pounds ( 15Kg )
B26-RF 2K+ KIT 2018
Since the demand for assemblies has increased, it is unfortunate that we no longer have an option to package and send all of the individual parts. To make it easier for everyone, the B26-RF 2K+.amplifier will only be offered as a more complete kit.
What are the primary differences in the individual kit parts and assemblies that were sold previously to allow the user to build a fully functional amplifier versus the PA KIT that is now offered and sold by RF-KIT?
The PA kit now comes fully assembled (ie all mechanical assembly is complete with drilling and thread cutting professionally implemented). The PA kit is also already pre-wired with most of the components mounted and only minor HF cabling that is needed for completion by the user.
August 05, 2015
by John Huggins “Small Loop HF antennas, often called magnetic antennas, seem to be all the rage these days. I suppose this old concept offers h… Read more
December 15, 2018
Cushcraft A3S Three Element Beam – 10, 15 & 20 Meters A3 World Ranger, our top selling tribander, has become the A3S with all stainless ste… Read more
March 17, 2015
The W8AMZ 40m Vertical Wire Monopole antenna uses just three elements, a vertical driven element and two counterpoise radials, to deliver outst… Read more
December 06, 2016
DELTA LOOP: THE ANTENNA WITH THE BEST GAIN/BOOM LENGHT RATIO SPECIFICATIONS ► Gain: 19.1 dBi 30.4 dB Boom 2.90 m ► F/B: 30.4 dB F/R ► Frequency… Read more
May 15, 2019
Yaesu FT-3DR Yaesu FT-3DR 5W C4FM/FM 144/430MHz Dual Band Digital Transceiver Reservation The new FT3DR provides reliable 5W RF power output in compac… Read more
May 15, 2019
Amateur Radio Roundtable and host Tom Medlin, W5KUB, will be back at Dayton Hamvention to livestream the activity and action before, during, and after… Read more
June 09, 2016
Icom IC-7700 110dB dynamic range and +40dBm 3rd order Intercept Point (IP3) The IP3 performance of a radio can be improved by sacrificing sensitivity,… Read more
December 30, 2014
The Yaesu FT DX 3000 – Building on the YAESU FT DX Heritage The FT DX 3000 is member of the long line of top performing YAESU FT DX Series of tr… Read more
November 24, 2015
The Sunair RT-9000E is a proven solution in communications applications requiring rugged, reliable, and flexible equipment. This next generation trans… Read more
July 30, 2018
Icom’s new PoC (Push-to-Talk Over Cellular) radio system allows you to communicate with your two-way radio system over a 4G / LTE closed network. Now… Read more
May 18, 2019
CAA-500MARKII SWR/Impedance Analyzer Highly accurate analog cross needles display SWR and impedance simultaneously. Full color TFT LCD display screen… Read more
May 17, 2019
RigPi MFJ-1234 “Our first look at the brand new RigPI Remote station server called the MFJ-1234. This little beauty allows you to connect and co… Read more
The post RF-KIT RF2K-S Amplifier – Legal Limit Solid State PA appeared first on QRZ NOW - Amateur Radio News.
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May 19, 2019 at 10:46PM
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